Futures ======= .. meta:: :description: Dask futures reimplements the Python futures API so you can scale your Python futures workflow across a Dask cluster. Dask supports a real-time task framework that extends Python's `concurrent.futures `_ interface. Dask futures allow you to scale generic Python workflows across a Dask cluster with minimal code changes. .. raw:: html .. currentmodule:: distributed This interface is good for arbitrary task scheduling like :doc:`dask.delayed `, but is immediate rather than lazy, which provides some more flexibility in situations where the computations may evolve over time. These features depend on the second generation task scheduler found in `dask.distributed `_ (which, despite its name, runs very well on a single machine). Examples -------- Visit https://examples.dask.org/futures.html to see and run examples using futures with Dask. Start Dask Client ----------------- You must start a ``Client`` to use the futures interface. This tracks state among the various worker processes or threads: .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import Client client = Client() # start local workers as processes # or client = Client(processes=False) # start local workers as threads If you have `Bokeh `_ installed, then this starts up a diagnostic dashboard at ``http://localhost:8787`` . Submit Tasks ------------ .. autosummary:: Client.submit Client.map Future.result You can submit individual tasks using the ``submit`` method: .. code-block:: python def inc(x): return x + 1 def add(x, y): return x + y a = client.submit(inc, 10) # calls inc(10) in background thread or process b = client.submit(inc, 20) # calls inc(20) in background thread or process The ``submit`` function returns a ``Future``, which refers to a remote result. This result may not yet be completed: .. code-block:: python >>> a Eventually it will complete. The result stays in the remote thread/process/worker until you ask for it back explicitly: .. code-block:: python >>> a >>> a.result() # blocks until task completes and data arrives 11 You can pass futures as inputs to submit. Dask automatically handles dependency tracking; once all input futures have completed, they will be moved onto a single worker (if necessary), and then the computation that depends on them will be started. You do not need to wait for inputs to finish before submitting a new task; Dask will handle this automatically: .. code-block:: python c = client.submit(add, a, b) # calls add on the results of a and b Similar to Python's ``map``, you can use ``Client.map`` to call the same function and many inputs: .. code-block:: python futures = client.map(inc, range(1000)) However, note that each task comes with about 1ms of overhead. If you want to map a function over a large number of inputs, then you might consider :doc:`dask.bag ` or :doc:`dask.dataframe ` instead. .. note: See `this page `_ for restrictions on what functions you use with Dask. Move Data --------- .. autosummary:: Future.result Client.gather Client.scatter Given any future, you can call the ``.result`` method to gather the result. This will block until the future is done computing and then transfer the result back to your local process if necessary: .. code-block:: python >>> c.result() 32 You can gather many results concurrently using the ``Client.gather`` method. This can be more efficient than calling ``.result()`` on each future sequentially: .. code-block:: python >>> # results = [future.result() for future in futures] >>> results = client.gather(futures) # this can be faster If you have important local data that you want to include in your computation, you can either include it as a normal input to a submit or map call: .. code-block:: python >>> df = pd.read_csv('training-data.csv') >>> future = client.submit(my_function, df) Or you can ``scatter`` it explicitly. Scattering moves your data to a worker and returns a future pointing to that data: .. code-block:: python >>> remote_df = client.scatter(df) >>> remote_df >>> future = client.submit(my_function, remote_df) Both of these accomplish the same result, but using scatter can sometimes be faster. This is especially true if you use processes or distributed workers (where data transfer is necessary) and you want to use ``df`` in many computations. Scattering the data beforehand avoids excessive data movement. Calling scatter on a list scatters all elements individually. Dask will spread these elements evenly throughout workers in a round-robin fashion: .. code-block:: python >>> client.scatter([1, 2, 3]) [, , ] References, Cancellation, and Exceptions ---------------------------------------- .. autosummary:: Future.cancel Future.exception Future.traceback Client.cancel Dask will only compute and hold onto results for which there are active futures. In this way, your local variables define what is active in Dask. When a future is garbage collected by your local Python session, Dask will feel free to delete that data or stop ongoing computations that were trying to produce it: .. code-block:: python >>> del future # deletes remote data once future is garbage collected You can also explicitly cancel a task using the ``Future.cancel`` or ``Client.cancel`` methods: .. code-block:: python >>> future.cancel() # deletes data even if other futures point to it If a future fails, then Dask will raise the remote exceptions and tracebacks if you try to get the result: .. code-block:: python def div(x, y): return x / y >>> a = client.submit(div, 1, 0) # 1 / 0 raises a ZeroDivisionError >>> a >>> a.result() 1 def div(x, y): ----> 2 return x / y ZeroDivisionError: division by zero All futures that depend on an erred future also err with the same exception: .. code-block:: python >>> b = client.submit(inc, a) >>> b You can collect the exception or traceback explicitly with the ``Future.exception`` or ``Future.traceback`` methods. Waiting on Futures ------------------ .. autosummary:: as_completed wait You can wait on a future or collection of futures using the ``wait`` function: .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import wait >>> wait(futures) This blocks until all futures are finished or have erred. You can also iterate over the futures as they complete using the ``as_completed`` function: .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import as_completed futures = client.map(score, x_values) best = -1 for future in as_completed(futures): y = future.result() if y > best: best = y For greater efficiency, you can also ask ``as_completed`` to gather the results in the background: .. code-block:: python for future, result in as_completed(futures, with_results=True): # y = future.result() # don't need this ... Or collect all futures in batches that had arrived since the last iteration: .. code-block:: python for batch in as_completed(futures, with_results=True).batches(): for future, result in batch: ... Additionally, for iterative algorithms, you can add more futures into the ``as_completed`` iterator *during* iteration: .. code-block:: python seq = as_completed(futures) for future in seq: y = future.result() if condition(y): new_future = client.submit(...) seq.add(new_future) # add back into the loop or use ``seq.update(futures)`` to add multiple futures at once. Fire and Forget --------------- .. autosummary:: fire_and_forget Sometimes we don't care about gathering the result of a task, and only care about side effects that it might have like writing a result to a file: .. code-block:: python >>> a = client.submit(load, filename) >>> b = client.submit(process, a) >>> c = client.submit(write, b, out_filename) As noted above, Dask will stop work that doesn't have any active futures. It thinks that because no one has a pointer to this data that no one cares. You can tell Dask to compute a task anyway, even if there are no active futures, using the ``fire_and_forget`` function: .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import fire_and_forget >>> fire_and_forget(c) This is particularly useful when a future may go out of scope, for example, as part of a function: .. code-block:: python def process(filename): out_filename = 'out-' + filename a = client.submit(load, filename) b = client.submit(process, a) c = client.submit(write, b, out_filename) fire_and_forget(c) return # here we lose the reference to c, but that's now ok for filename in filenames: process(filename) Submit task and retrieve results from a different process --------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes we care about retrieving a result but not necessarily from the same process. .. code-block:: python from distributed import Variable var = Variable("my-result") fut = client.submit(...) var.set(fut) Using a ``Variable`` instructs dask to remember the result of this task under the given name so that it can be retrieved later without having to keep the Client alive in the meantime. .. code-block:: python var = Variable("my-result") fut = var.get() result = fut.result() Submit Tasks from Tasks ----------------------- .. autosummary:: get_client rejoin secede *This is an advanced feature and is rarely necessary in the common case.* Tasks can launch other tasks by getting their own client. This enables complex and highly dynamic workloads: .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import get_client def my_function(x): ... # Get locally created client client = get_client() # Do normal client operations, asking cluster for computation a = client.submit(...) b = client.submit(...) a, b = client.gather([a, b]) return a + b It also allows you to set up long running tasks that watch other resources like sockets or physical sensors: .. code-block:: python def monitor(device): client = get_client() while True: data = device.read_data() future = client.submit(process, data) fire_and_forget(future) for device in devices: fire_and_forget(client.submit(monitor)) However, each running task takes up a single thread, and so if you launch many tasks that launch other tasks, then it is possible to deadlock the system if you are not careful. You can call the ``secede`` function from within a task to have it remove itself from the dedicated thread pool into an administrative thread that does not take up a slot within the Dask worker: .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import get_client, secede def monitor(device): client = get_client() secede() # remove this task from the thread pool while True: data = device.read_data() future = client.submit(process, data) fire_and_forget(future) If you intend to do more work in the same thread after waiting on client work, you may want to explicitly block until the thread is able to *rejoin* the thread pool. This allows some control over the number of threads that are created and stops too many threads from being active at once, over-saturating your hardware: .. code-block:: python def f(n): # assume that this runs as a task client = get_client() secede() # secede while we wait for results to come back futures = client.map(func, range(n)) results = client.gather(futures) rejoin() # block until a slot is open in the thread pool result = analyze(results) return result Alternatively, you can just use the normal ``compute`` function *within* a task. This will automatically call ``secede`` and ``rejoin`` appropriately: .. code-block:: python def f(name, fn): df = dd.read_csv(fn) # note that this is a dask collection result = df[df.name == name].count() # This calls secede # Then runs the computation on the cluster (including this worker) # Then blocks on rejoin, and finally delivers the answer result = result.compute() return result Coordination Primitives ----------------------- .. autosummary:: Queue Variable Lock Event Semaphore Pub Sub .. note: These are advanced features and are rarely necessary in the common case. Sometimes situations arise where tasks, workers, or clients need to coordinate with each other in ways beyond normal task scheduling with futures. In these cases Dask provides additional primitives to help in complex situations. Dask provides distributed versions of coordination primitives like locks, events, queues, global variables, and pub-sub systems that, where appropriate, match their in-memory counterparts. These can be used to control access to external resources, track progress of ongoing computations, or share data in side-channels between many workers, clients, and tasks sensibly. .. raw:: html These features are rarely necessary for common use of Dask. We recommend that beginning users stick with using the simpler futures found above (like ``Client.submit`` and ``Client.gather``) rather than embracing needlessly complex techniques. Queues ~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: Queue Dask queues follow the API for the standard Python Queue, but now move futures or small messages between clients. Queues serialize sensibly and reconnect themselves on remote clients if necessary: .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import Queue def load_and_submit(filename): data = load(filename) client = get_client() future = client.submit(process, data) queue.put(future) client = Client() queue = Queue() for filename in filenames: future = client.submit(load_and_submit, filename) fire_and_forget(future) while True: future = queue.get() print(future.result()) Queues can also send small pieces of information, anything that is msgpack encodable (ints, strings, bools, lists, dicts, etc.). This can be useful to send back small scores or administrative messages: .. code-block:: python def func(x): try: ... except Exception as e: error_queue.put(str(e)) error_queue = Queue() Queues are mediated by the central scheduler, and so they are not ideal for sending large amounts of data (everything you send will be routed through a central point). They are well suited to move around small bits of metadata, or futures. These futures may point to much larger pieces of data safely: .. code-block:: python >>> x = ... # my large numpy array # Don't do this! >>> q.put(x) # Do this instead >>> future = client.scatter(x) >>> q.put(future) # Or use futures for metadata >>> q.put({'status': 'OK', 'stage=': 1234}) If you're looking to move large amounts of data between workers, then you might also want to consider the Pub/Sub system described a few sections below. Global Variables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: Variable Variables are like Queues in that they communicate futures and small data between clients. However, variables hold only a single value. You can get or set that value at any time: .. code-block:: python >>> var = Variable('stopping-criterion') >>> var.set(False) >>> var.get() False This is often used to signal stopping criteria or current parameters between clients. If you want to share large pieces of information, then scatter the data first: .. code-block:: python >>> parameters = np.array(...) >>> future = client.scatter(parameters) >>> var.set(future) Locks ~~~~~ .. autosummary:: Lock You can also hold onto cluster-wide locks using the ``Lock`` object. Dask Locks have the same API as normal ``threading.Lock`` objects, except that they work across the cluster: .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import Lock lock = Lock() with lock: # access protected resource You can manage several locks at the same time. Lock can either be given a consistent name or you can pass the lock object around itself. Using a consistent name is convenient when you want to lock some known named resource: .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import Lock def load(fn): with Lock('the-production-database'): # read data from filename using some sensitive source return ... futures = client.map(load, filenames) Passing around a lock works as well and is easier when you want to create short-term locks for a particular situation: .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import Lock lock = Lock() def load(fn, lock=None): with lock: # read data from filename using some sensitive source return ... futures = client.map(load, filenames, lock=lock) This can be useful if you want to control concurrent access to some external resource like a database or un-thread-safe library. Events ~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: Event Dask Events mimic ``asyncio.Event`` objects, but on a cluster scope. They hold a single flag which can be set or cleared. Clients can wait until the event flag is set. Different from a ``Lock``, every client can set or clear the flag and there is no "ownership" of an event. You can use events to e.g. synchronize multiple clients: .. code-block:: python # One one client from dask.distributed import Event event = Event("my-event-1") event.wait() The call to wait will block until the event is set, e.g. in another client .. code-block:: python # In another client from dask.distributed import Event event = Event("my-event-1") # do some work event.set() Events can be set, cleared and waited on multiple times. Every waiter referencing the same event name will be notified on event set (and not only the first one as in the case of a lock): .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import Event def wait_for_event(x): event = Event("my-event") event.wait() # at this point, all function calls # are in sync once the event is set futures = client.map(wait_for_event, range(10)) Event("my-event").set() client.gather(futures) Semaphore ~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: Semaphore Similar to the single-valued ``Lock`` it is also possible to use a cluster-wide semaphore to coordinate and limit access to a sensitive resource like a database. .. code-block:: python from dask.distributed import Semaphore sem = Semaphore(max_leases=2, name="database") def access_limited(val, sem): with sem: # Interact with the DB return futures = client.map(access_limited, range(10), sem=sem) client.gather(futures) sem.close() Publish-Subscribe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autosummary:: Pub Sub Dask implements the `Publish Subscribe pattern `_, providing an additional channel of communication between ongoing tasks. Actors ------ Actors allow workers to manage rapidly changing state without coordinating with the central scheduler. This has the advantage of reducing latency (worker-to-worker roundtrip latency is around 1ms), reducing pressure on the centralized scheduler (workers can coordinate actors entirely among each other), and also enabling workflows that require stateful or in-place memory manipulation. However, these benefits come at a cost. The scheduler is unaware of actors and so they don't benefit from diagnostics, load balancing, or resilience. Once an actor is running on a worker it is forever tied to that worker. If that worker becomes overburdened or dies, then there is no opportunity to recover the workload. *Because Actors avoid the central scheduler they can be high-performing, but not resilient.* Example: Counter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An actor is a class containing both state and methods that is submitted to a worker: .. code-block:: python class Counter: n = 0 def __init__(self): self.n = 0 def increment(self): self.n += 1 return self.n from dask.distributed import Client if __name__ == '__main__': client = Client() future = client.submit(Counter, actor=True) counter = future.result() >>> counter Method calls on this object produce ``ActorFutures``, which are similar to normal Futures, but interact only with the worker holding the Actor: .. code-block:: python >>> future = counter.increment() >>> future >>> future.result() 1 Attribute access is synchronous and blocking: .. code-block:: python >>> counter.n 1 Example: Parameter Server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This example will perform the following minimization with a parameter server: .. math:: \min_{p\in\mathbb{R}^{1000}} \sum_{i=1}^{1000} (p_i - 1)^2 This is a simple minimization that will serve as an illustrative example. The Dask Actor will serve as the parameter server that will hold the model. The client will calculate the gradient of the loss function above. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np from dask.distributed import Client client = Client(processes=False) class ParameterServer: def __init__(self): self.data = dict() def put(self, key, value): self.data[key] = value def get(self, key): return self.data[key] def train(params, lr=0.1): grad = 2 * (params - 1) # gradient of (params - 1)**2 new_params = params - lr * grad return new_params ps_future = client.submit(ParameterServer, actor=True) ps = ps_future.result() ps.put('parameters', np.random.default_rng().random(1000)) for k in range(20): params = ps.get('parameters').result() new_params = train(params) ps.put('parameters', new_params) print(new_params.mean()) # k=0: "0.5988202981316124" # k=10: "0.9569236575164062" This example works, and the loss function is minimized. The (simple) equation above is minimize, so each :math:`p_i` converges to 1. If desired, this example could be adapted to machine learning with a more complex function to minimize. Asynchronous Operation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All operations that require talking to the remote worker are awaitable: .. code-block:: python async def f(): future = client.submit(Counter, actor=True) counter = await future # gather actor object locally counter.increment() # send off a request asynchronously await counter.increment() # or wait until it was received n = await counter.n # attribute access also must be awaited Generally, all I/O operations that trigger computations (e.g. ``to_parquet``) should be done using the ``compute=False`` parameter to avoid asynchronous blocking: .. code-block:: python await client.compute(ddf.to_parquet('/tmp/some.parquet', compute=False)) API --- **Client** .. autosummary:: Client Client.cancel Client.compute Client.gather Client.get Client.get_dataset Client.get_executor Client.has_what Client.list_datasets Client.map Client.ncores Client.persist Client.profile Client.publish_dataset Client.rebalance Client.replicate Client.restart Client.run Client.run_on_scheduler Client.scatter Client.shutdown Client.scheduler_info Client.submit Client.unpublish_dataset Client.upload_file Client.who_has **Future** .. autosummary:: Future Future.add_done_callback Future.cancel Future.cancelled Future.done Future.exception Future.result Future.traceback **Functions** .. autosummary:: as_completed fire_and_forget get_client secede rejoin wait print warn .. autofunction:: as_completed .. autofunction:: fire_and_forget .. autofunction:: get_client .. autofunction:: secede .. autofunction:: rejoin .. autofunction:: wait .. autofunction:: print .. autofunction:: warn .. autoclass:: Client :members: .. autoclass:: Future :members: .. autoclass:: Queue :members: .. autoclass:: Variable :members: .. autoclass:: Lock :members: .. autoclass:: Event :members: .. autoclass:: Semaphore :members: .. autoclass:: Pub :members: .. autoclass:: Sub :members: