Source code for dask.array.percentile

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from import Iterator
from functools import wraps
from numbers import Number

import numpy as np
from tlz import merge

from dask.array.core import Array
from dask.array.numpy_compat import NUMPY_GE_122
from dask.array.numpy_compat import percentile as np_percentile
from dask.base import tokenize
from dask.highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph

def _percentile(a, q, method="linear"):
    n = len(a)
    if not len(a):
        return None, n
    if isinstance(q, Iterator):
        q = list(q)
    if == "category":
        result = np_percentile(, q, method=method)
        import pandas as pd

        return pd.Categorical.from_codes(result, a.dtype.categories, a.dtype.ordered), n
    if type(a.dtype).__name__ == "DatetimeTZDtype":
        import pandas as pd

        if isinstance(a, (pd.Series, pd.Index)):
            a = a.values

    if np.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.datetime64):
        values = a
        if type(a).__name__ in ("Series", "Index"):
            from dask.dataframe._compat import PANDAS_GE_200

            if PANDAS_GE_200:
                a2 = values.astype("i8")
                a2 = values.view("i8")
            a2 = values.view("i8")
        result = np_percentile(a2, q, method=method).astype(values.dtype)
        if q[0] == 0:
            result[0] = min(result[0], values.min())
        return result, n
    if not np.issubdtype(a.dtype, np.number):
        method = "nearest"
    return np_percentile(a, q, method=method), n

def _tdigest_chunk(a):
    from crick import TDigest

    t = TDigest()

    return t

def _percentiles_from_tdigest(qs, digests):
    from crick import TDigest

    t = TDigest()

    return np.array(t.quantile(qs / 100.0))

[docs]def percentile(a, q, method="linear", internal_method="default", **kwargs): """Approximate percentile of 1-D array Parameters ---------- a : Array q : array_like of float Percentile or sequence of percentiles to compute, which must be between 0 and 100 inclusive. method : {'linear', 'lower', 'higher', 'midpoint', 'nearest'}, optional The interpolation method to use when the desired percentile lies between two data points ``i < j``. Only valid for ``internal_method='dask'``. - 'linear': ``i + (j - i) * fraction``, where ``fraction`` is the fractional part of the index surrounded by ``i`` and ``j``. - 'lower': ``i``. - 'higher': ``j``. - 'nearest': ``i`` or ``j``, whichever is nearest. - 'midpoint': ``(i + j) / 2``. .. versionchanged:: 2022.1.0 This argument was previously called "interpolation" internal_method : {'default', 'dask', 'tdigest'}, optional What internal method to use. By default will use dask's internal custom algorithm (``'dask'``). If set to ``'tdigest'`` will use tdigest for floats and ints and fallback to the ``'dask'`` otherwise. .. versionchanged:: 2022.1.0 This argument was previously called “method”. interpolation : str, optional Deprecated name for the method keyword argument. .. deprecated:: 2022.1.0 See Also -------- numpy.percentile : Numpy's equivalent Percentile function """ from dask.array.dispatch import percentile_lookup as _percentile from dask.array.utils import array_safe, meta_from_array allowed_internal_methods = ["default", "dask", "tdigest"] if method in allowed_internal_methods: warnings.warn( "In Dask 2022.1.0, the `method=` argument was renamed to `internal_method=`", FutureWarning, ) internal_method = method if "interpolation" in kwargs: if NUMPY_GE_122: warnings.warn( "In Dask 2022.1.0, the `interpolation=` argument to percentile was renamed to " "`method= ` ", FutureWarning, ) method = kwargs.pop("interpolation") if kwargs: raise TypeError( f"percentile() got an unexpected keyword argument {kwargs.keys()}" ) if not a.ndim == 1: raise NotImplementedError("Percentiles only implemented for 1-d arrays") if isinstance(q, Number): q = [q] q = array_safe(q, like=meta_from_array(a)) token = tokenize(a, q, method) dtype = a.dtype if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer): dtype = (array_safe([], dtype=dtype, like=meta_from_array(a)) / 0.5).dtype meta = meta_from_array(a, dtype=dtype) if internal_method not in allowed_internal_methods: raise ValueError( f"`internal_method=` must be one of {allowed_internal_methods}" ) # Allow using t-digest if method is allowed and dtype is of floating or integer type if ( internal_method == "tdigest" and method == "linear" and (np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating) or np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer)) ): from dask.utils import import_required import_required( "crick", "crick is a required dependency for using the t-digest method." ) name = "percentile_tdigest_chunk-" + token dsk = { (name, i): (_tdigest_chunk, key) for i, key in enumerate(a.__dask_keys__()) } name2 = "percentile_tdigest-" + token dsk2 = {(name2, 0): (_percentiles_from_tdigest, q, sorted(dsk))} # Otherwise use the custom percentile algorithm else: # Add 0 and 100 during calculation for more robust behavior (hopefully) calc_q = np.pad(q, 1, mode="constant") calc_q[-1] = 100 name = "percentile_chunk-" + token dsk = { (name, i): (_percentile, key, calc_q, method) for i, key in enumerate(a.__dask_keys__()) } name2 = "percentile-" + token dsk2 = { (name2, 0): ( merge_percentiles, q, [calc_q] * len(a.chunks[0]), sorted(dsk), method, ) } dsk = merge(dsk, dsk2) graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name2, dsk, dependencies=[a]) return Array(graph, name2, chunks=((len(q),),), meta=meta)
def merge_percentiles(finalq, qs, vals, method="lower", Ns=None, raise_on_nan=True): """Combine several percentile calculations of different data. Parameters ---------- finalq : numpy.array Percentiles to compute (must use same scale as ``qs``). qs : sequence of :class:`numpy.array`s Percentiles calculated on different sets of data. vals : sequence of :class:`numpy.array`s Resulting values associated with percentiles ``qs``. Ns : sequence of integers The number of data elements associated with each data set. method : {'linear', 'lower', 'higher', 'midpoint', 'nearest'} Specify the interpolation method to use to calculate final percentiles. For more information, see :func:`numpy.percentile`. Examples -------- >>> finalq = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80] >>> qs = [[20, 40, 60, 80], [20, 40, 60, 80]] >>> vals = [np.array([1, 2, 3, 4]), np.array([10, 11, 12, 13])] >>> Ns = [100, 100] # Both original arrays had 100 elements >>> merge_percentiles(finalq, qs, vals, Ns=Ns) array([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13]) """ from dask.array.utils import array_safe if isinstance(finalq, Iterator): finalq = list(finalq) finalq = array_safe(finalq, like=finalq) qs = list(map(list, qs)) vals = list(vals) if Ns is None: vals, Ns = zip(*vals) Ns = list(Ns) L = list(zip(*[(q, val, N) for q, val, N in zip(qs, vals, Ns) if N])) if not L: if raise_on_nan: raise ValueError("No non-trivial arrays found") return np.full(len(qs[0]) - 2, np.nan) qs, vals, Ns = L # TODO: Perform this check above in percentile once dtype checking is easy # Here we silently change meaning if vals[0] == "category": result = merge_percentiles( finalq, qs, [ for v in vals], method, Ns, raise_on_nan ) import pandas as pd return pd.Categorical.from_codes(result, vals[0].categories, vals[0].ordered) if not np.issubdtype(vals[0].dtype, np.number): method = "nearest" if len(vals) != len(qs) or len(Ns) != len(qs): raise ValueError("qs, vals, and Ns parameters must be the same length") # transform qs and Ns into number of observations between percentiles counts = [] for q, N in zip(qs, Ns): count = np.empty_like(finalq, shape=len(q)) count[1:] = np.diff(array_safe(q, like=q[0])) count[0] = q[0] count *= N counts.append(count) # Sort by calculated percentile values, then number of observations. combined_vals = np.concatenate(vals) combined_counts = array_safe(np.concatenate(counts), like=combined_vals) sort_order = np.argsort(combined_vals) combined_vals = np.take(combined_vals, sort_order) combined_counts = np.take(combined_counts, sort_order) # percentile-like, but scaled by total number of observations combined_q = np.cumsum(combined_counts) # rescale finalq percentiles to match combined_q finalq = array_safe(finalq, like=combined_vals) desired_q = finalq * sum(Ns) # the behavior of different interpolation methods should be # investigated further. if method == "linear": rv = np.interp(desired_q, combined_q, combined_vals) else: left = np.searchsorted(combined_q, desired_q, side="left") right = np.searchsorted(combined_q, desired_q, side="right") - 1 np.minimum(left, len(combined_vals) - 1, left) # don't exceed max index lower = np.minimum(left, right) upper = np.maximum(left, right) if method == "lower": rv = combined_vals[lower] elif method == "higher": rv = combined_vals[upper] elif method == "midpoint": rv = 0.5 * (combined_vals[lower] + combined_vals[upper]) elif method == "nearest": lower_residual = np.abs(combined_q[lower] - desired_q) upper_residual = np.abs(combined_q[upper] - desired_q) mask = lower_residual > upper_residual index = lower # alias; we no longer need lower index[mask] = upper[mask] rv = combined_vals[index] else: raise ValueError( "interpolation method can only be 'linear', 'lower', " "'higher', 'midpoint', or 'nearest'" ) return rv