Dask Dataframe and SQL

SQL is a method for executing tabular computation on database servers. Similar operations can be done on Dask Dataframes. Users commonly wish to link the two together.

This document describes the connection between Dask and SQL-databases and serves to clarify several of the questions that we commonly receive from users.

Does Dask implement SQL?

The short answer is “no”. Dask has no parser or query planner for SQL queries. However, the Pandas API, which is largely identical for Dask Dataframes, has many analogues to SQL operations. A good description for mapping SQL onto Pandas syntax can be found in the pandas docs.

The following packages may be of interest:

  • dask-sql adds a SQL query engine on top of Dask. In addition to working on CPU, it offers experimental support for CUDA-enabled GPUs through RAPIDS libraries such as cuDF.

  • FugueSQL provides a unified interface to run SQL code on a variety of different computing frameworks. Specifying DaskExecutionEngine or DaskSQLExecutionEngine as the execution engine for queries allows them to be computed using Dask or dask-sql, respectively.

Database or Dask?

A database server is able to process tabular data and produce results just like Dask Dataframe. Why would you choose to use one over the other?

These days a database server can be a sharded/distributed system, capable of handling tables with millions of rows. Most database implementations are geared towards row-wise retrieval and (atomic) updates of small subset of a table. Configuring a database to be fast for a particular sort of query can be challenging, but assuming all your data is already in the database, it may well be the best solution - particularly if you understand something about SQL query plan optimisation. A SQL implementation can very efficiently analyse a query to only extract a small part of a table for consideration, when the rest is excluded by conditionals.

Dask is much more flexible than a database, and designed explicitly to work with larger-than-memory datasets, in parallel, and potentially distributed across a cluster. If your workflow is not well suited to SQL, use dask. If your database server struggles with volume, dask may do better. It would be best to profile your queries (and keep in mind other users of the resources!). If you need to combine data from different sources, dask may be your best option.

You may find the dask API easier to use than writing SQL (if you are already used to Pandas), and the diagnostic feedback more useful. These points can debatably be in Dask’s favour.

Loading from SQL with read_sql_table or read_sql_query

Dask allows you to build dataframes from SQL tables and queries using the function dask.dataframe.read_sql_table() and dask.dataframe.read_sql_query(), based on the Pandas version, sharing most arguments, and using SQLAlchemy for the actual handling of the queries. You may need to install additional driver packages for your chosen database server.

Since Dask is designed to work with larger-than-memory datasets, or be distributed on a cluster, the following are the main differences versus Pandas to watch out for

  • Dask does not support arbitrary text queries, only whole tables and SQLAlchemy sql expressions

  • the con argument must be a URI string, not an SQLAlchemy engine/connection

  • partitioning information is required, which can be as simple as providing an index column argument, or can be more explicit (see below)

  • the chunksize argument is not used, since the partitioning must be via an index column

If you need something more flexible than this, or the method fails for you (e.g., on type inference), then skip to the next section.

Why the differences

Dask is intended to make processing large volumes of data possible, including potentially distributing that processing across a cluster. For the retrieval of data from SQL servers, this means that the query must be partitionable: that each partition can be fetched independently of others and not dependent on some global state, and that the definitions of the tasks must be serialisable, i.e., can be represented as a stream of bytes communicated to workers.

The constraints mean that we cannot directly accept SQLAlchemy engines or connection objects, since they have internal state (buffers, etc.) that cannot be serialised. A URI string must be used, which can be recreated into a fresh engine on the workers. Similarly, we cannot accommodate chunked queries which rely on the internal state of a database cursor; nor LIMIT/OFFSET queries, which are not guaranteed to be repeatable, and involve scanning the whole query on th server (which is very inefficient).

If your data is small enough not to require Dask’s out-of-core and/or distributed capabilities, then you are probably better to use Pandas or SQLAlchemy directly.

Index Column

We need a way to turn a single main query into sub-queries for each partition. For most reasonable database tables, there should be an obvious column which can be used for partitioning - it is probably numeric, and should certainly be indexed in the database. The latter condition is important, since many simultaneous queries will hit your server once Dask starts to compute.

By providing just a column name for the index argument, you imply that the column is numeric, and Dask guesses a reasonable partitioning by evenly splitting the space between minimum and maximum values into npartitions intervals. You can also provide the max/min that you would like to consider so that Dask doesn’t need to query for these. Alternatively, you can have Dask fetch the first few row (5 by default) and use them to guess the typical bytes/row, and base the partitioning size on this. Needless to say, the results will vary a lot for tables that are not uncommonly homogeneous.

Specific partitioning

In some cases, you may have a very good idea of how to partition the data, for example based on a column that has a finite number of unique values or categories. This enables using string columns, or anything with a natural ordering, for the index column, not only numerical types.

In this case, you would provide a specific set of divisions, the start/end values of the index column for each partition. For example, if a column happened to contain a random ID in hex string format, then you could specify 16 partitions with

df = read_sql_table("mytable", divisions=list("0123456789abcdefh"),

so the first partition would have IDs with values "0" <= hexID < "1", i.e., leading character “0”.

SQLAlchemy expressions

Since we only send the database connection URI and not the engine object, we cannot rely on SQLAlchemy’s table class inference and ORM to conduct queries. However, we can use the “select” sql expressions, which only get formatted into a text query at the point of execution.

from sqlalchemy import sql
number = sql.column("number")
name = sql.column("name")
s1 = sql.select([
        number, name, sql.func.length(name).label("lenname")
data = read_sql_query(
    s1, db, npartitions=2, index_col=number

Here we have also demonstrated the use of the function length to perform an operation server-side. Note that it is necessary to label such operations, but you can use them for the index column, so long as it is also in the set of selected columns. If using for the index/partitioning, the column should still be indexed in the database, for performance. One of the most important functions to consider is cast to specify the output data type or conversion in the database, if pandas is having trouble inferring the data type.

You should be warned, that SQLAlchemy expressions take some time to get used to, and you can practice with Pandas first, reading only the first small chunk of a query, until things look right. You can find a more complete object-oriented example in this gist

Load from SQL, manual approaches

If read_sql_table is not sufficient for your needs, you can try one of the following methods.

From Map functions

Often you know more about your data and server than the generic approach above allows. Indeed, some database-like servers may simply not be supported by SQLAlchemy, or provide an alternate API which is better optimised.

If you already have a way to fetch data from the database in partitions, then you can use dask.dataframe.from_map() and construct a dataframe this way. It might look something like.

import dask.dataframe as dd

def fetch_partition(part):
    conn = establish_connection()
    df = fetch_query(base_query.format(part))
    return df.astype(known_types)

ddf = dd.from_map(fetch_partition,

Where you must provide your own functions for setting up a connection to the server, your own query, and a way to format that query to be specific to each partition. For example, you might have ranges or specific unique values with a WHERE clause. The known_types here is used to transform the dataframe partition and provide a meta, to help for consistency and avoid Dask having to analyse one partition up front to guess the columns/types; you may also want to explicitly set the index.

Stream via client

In some cases, the workers may not have access to data, but the client does; or the initial loading time of the data is not important, so long as the dataset is then held in cluster memory and available for dask-dataframe queries. It is possible to construct the dataframe by uploading chunks of data from the client:

See a complete example of how to do this here

Access data files directly

Some database systems such as Apache Hive store their data in a location and format that may be directly accessible to Dask, such as parquet files on S3 or HDFS. In cases where your SQL query would read whole datasets and pass them to Dask, the streaming of data from the database is very likely the bottleneck, and it’s probably faster to read the source data files directly.

Query pushdown?

If you define a query based on a database table, then only use some columns of the output, you may expect that Dask is able to tell the database server to only send some of the table’s data. Dask is not currently able to do this “pushdown” optimisation, and you would need to change your query using the SQL expression syntax. We may be able to resolve this in the future (dask#6388).

If the divisions on your dataframe are well defined, then selections on the index may successfully avoid reading irrelevant partitions.