Source code for dask.array.creation

from __future__ import annotations

import itertools
from import Sequence
from functools import partial
from itertools import product
from numbers import Integral, Number

import numpy as np
from tlz import sliding_window

from dask._task_spec import Task, TaskRef
from dask.array import chunk
from dask.array.backends import array_creation_dispatch
from dask.array.core import (
from dask.array.numpy_compat import NUMPY_GE_200, AxisError
from dask.array.ufunc import greater_equal, rint
from dask.array.utils import meta_from_array
from dask.array.wrap import empty, full, ones, zeros
from dask.base import tokenize
from dask.highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph
from dask.utils import cached_cumsum, derived_from, is_cupy_type

def to_backend(x: Array, backend: str | None = None, **kwargs):
    """Move an Array collection to a new backend

    x : Array
        The input Array collection.
    backend : str, Optional
        The name of the new backend to move to. The default
        is the current "array.backend" configuration.

        A new Array collection with the backend specified
        by ``backend``.
    # Get desired backend
    backend = backend or array_creation_dispatch.backend
    # Check that "backend" has a registered entrypoint
    backend_entrypoint = array_creation_dispatch.dispatch(backend)
    # Call `ArrayBackendEntrypoint.to_backend`
    return backend_entrypoint.to_backend(x, **kwargs)

[docs]def empty_like(a, dtype=None, order="C", chunks=None, name=None, shape=None): """ Return a new array with the same shape and type as a given array. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The shape and data-type of `a` define these same attributes of the returned array. dtype : data-type, optional Overrides the data type of the result. order : {'C', 'F'}, optional Whether to store multidimensional data in C- or Fortran-contiguous (row- or column-wise) order in memory. chunks : sequence of ints The number of samples on each block. Note that the last block will have fewer samples if ``len(array) % chunks != 0``. name : str, optional An optional keyname for the array. Defaults to hashing the input keyword arguments. shape : int or sequence of ints, optional. Overrides the shape of the result. Returns ------- out : ndarray Array of uninitialized (arbitrary) data with the same shape and type as `a`. See Also -------- ones_like : Return an array of ones with shape and type of input. zeros_like : Return an array of zeros with shape and type of input. empty : Return a new uninitialized array. ones : Return a new array setting values to one. zeros : Return a new array setting values to zero. Notes ----- This function does *not* initialize the returned array; to do that use `zeros_like` or `ones_like` instead. It may be marginally faster than the functions that do set the array values. """ a = asarray(a, name=False) shape, chunks = _get_like_function_shapes_chunks(a, chunks, shape) # if shape is nan we cannot rely on regular empty function, we use # generic map_blocks. if np.isnan(shape).any(): return a.map_blocks(partial(np.empty_like, dtype=(dtype or a.dtype))) return empty( shape, dtype=(dtype or a.dtype), order=order, chunks=chunks, name=name, meta=a._meta, )
[docs]def ones_like(a, dtype=None, order="C", chunks=None, name=None, shape=None): """ Return an array of ones with the same shape and type as a given array. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The shape and data-type of `a` define these same attributes of the returned array. dtype : data-type, optional Overrides the data type of the result. order : {'C', 'F'}, optional Whether to store multidimensional data in C- or Fortran-contiguous (row- or column-wise) order in memory. chunks : sequence of ints The number of samples on each block. Note that the last block will have fewer samples if ``len(array) % chunks != 0``. name : str, optional An optional keyname for the array. Defaults to hashing the input keyword arguments. shape : int or sequence of ints, optional. Overrides the shape of the result. Returns ------- out : ndarray Array of ones with the same shape and type as `a`. See Also -------- zeros_like : Return an array of zeros with shape and type of input. empty_like : Return an empty array with shape and type of input. zeros : Return a new array setting values to zero. ones : Return a new array setting values to one. empty : Return a new uninitialized array. """ a = asarray(a, name=False) shape, chunks = _get_like_function_shapes_chunks(a, chunks, shape) # if shape is nan we cannot rely on regular ones function, we use # generic map_blocks. if np.isnan(shape).any(): return a.map_blocks(partial(np.ones_like, dtype=(dtype or a.dtype))) return ones( shape, dtype=(dtype or a.dtype), order=order, chunks=chunks, name=name, meta=a._meta, )
[docs]def zeros_like(a, dtype=None, order="C", chunks=None, name=None, shape=None): """ Return an array of zeros with the same shape and type as a given array. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The shape and data-type of `a` define these same attributes of the returned array. dtype : data-type, optional Overrides the data type of the result. order : {'C', 'F'}, optional Whether to store multidimensional data in C- or Fortran-contiguous (row- or column-wise) order in memory. chunks : sequence of ints The number of samples on each block. Note that the last block will have fewer samples if ``len(array) % chunks != 0``. name : str, optional An optional keyname for the array. Defaults to hashing the input keyword arguments. shape : int or sequence of ints, optional. Overrides the shape of the result. Returns ------- out : ndarray Array of zeros with the same shape and type as `a`. See Also -------- ones_like : Return an array of ones with shape and type of input. empty_like : Return an empty array with shape and type of input. zeros : Return a new array setting values to zero. ones : Return a new array setting values to one. empty : Return a new uninitialized array. """ a = asarray(a, name=False) shape, chunks = _get_like_function_shapes_chunks(a, chunks, shape) # if shape is nan we cannot rely on regular zeros function, we use # generic map_blocks. if np.isnan(shape).any(): return a.map_blocks(partial(np.zeros_like, dtype=(dtype or a.dtype))) return zeros( shape, dtype=(dtype or a.dtype), order=order, chunks=chunks, name=name, meta=a._meta, )
[docs]def full_like(a, fill_value, order="C", dtype=None, chunks=None, name=None, shape=None): """ Return a full array with the same shape and type as a given array. Parameters ---------- a : array_like The shape and data-type of `a` define these same attributes of the returned array. fill_value : scalar Fill value. dtype : data-type, optional Overrides the data type of the result. order : {'C', 'F'}, optional Whether to store multidimensional data in C- or Fortran-contiguous (row- or column-wise) order in memory. chunks : sequence of ints The number of samples on each block. Note that the last block will have fewer samples if ``len(array) % chunks != 0``. name : str, optional An optional keyname for the array. Defaults to hashing the input keyword arguments. shape : int or sequence of ints, optional. Overrides the shape of the result. Returns ------- out : ndarray Array of `fill_value` with the same shape and type as `a`. See Also -------- zeros_like : Return an array of zeros with shape and type of input. ones_like : Return an array of ones with shape and type of input. empty_like : Return an empty array with shape and type of input. zeros : Return a new array setting values to zero. ones : Return a new array setting values to one. empty : Return a new uninitialized array. full : Fill a new array. """ a = asarray(a, name=False) shape, chunks = _get_like_function_shapes_chunks(a, chunks, shape) # if shape is nan we cannot rely on regular full function, we use # generic map_blocks. if np.isnan(shape).any(): return a.map_blocks(partial(np.full_like, dtype=(dtype or a.dtype)), fill_value) return full( shape, fill_value, dtype=(dtype or a.dtype), order=order, chunks=chunks, name=name, meta=a._meta, )
def _get_like_function_shapes_chunks(a, chunks, shape): """ Helper function for finding shapes and chunks for *_like() array creation functions. """ if shape is None: shape = a.shape if chunks is None: chunks = a.chunks elif chunks is None: chunks = "auto" return shape, chunks
[docs]def linspace( start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, retstep=False, chunks="auto", dtype=None ): """ Return `num` evenly spaced values over the closed interval [`start`, `stop`]. Parameters ---------- start : scalar The starting value of the sequence. stop : scalar The last value of the sequence. num : int, optional Number of samples to include in the returned dask array, including the endpoints. Default is 50. endpoint : bool, optional If True, ``stop`` is the last sample. Otherwise, it is not included. Default is True. retstep : bool, optional If True, return (samples, step), where step is the spacing between samples. Default is False. chunks : int The number of samples on each block. Note that the last block will have fewer samples if `num % blocksize != 0` dtype : dtype, optional The type of the output array. Returns ------- samples : dask array step : float, optional Only returned if ``retstep`` is True. Size of spacing between samples. See Also -------- dask.array.arange """ num = int(num) if dtype is None: dtype = np.linspace(0, 1, 1).dtype chunks = normalize_chunks(chunks, (num,), dtype=dtype) range_ = stop - start div = (num - 1) if endpoint else num if div == 0: div = 1 step = float(range_) / div name = "linspace-" + tokenize((start, stop, num, endpoint, chunks, dtype)) dsk = {} blockstart = start for i, bs in enumerate(chunks[0]): bs_space = bs - 1 if endpoint else bs blockstop = blockstart + (bs_space * step) task = Task( (name, i), partial(chunk.linspace, endpoint=endpoint, dtype=dtype), blockstart, blockstop, bs, ) blockstart = blockstart + (step * bs) dsk[task.key] = task if retstep: return Array(dsk, name, chunks, dtype=dtype), step else: return Array(dsk, name, chunks, dtype=dtype)
[docs]@array_creation_dispatch.register_inplace("numpy") def arange(*args, chunks="auto", like=None, dtype=None, **kwargs): """ Return evenly spaced values from `start` to `stop` with step size `step`. The values are half-open [start, stop), so including start and excluding stop. This is basically the same as python's range function but for dask arrays. When using a non-integer step, such as 0.1, the results will often not be consistent. It is better to use linspace for these cases. Parameters ---------- start : int, optional The starting value of the sequence. The default is 0. stop : int The end of the interval, this value is excluded from the interval. step : int, optional The spacing between the values. The default is 1 when not specified. The last value of the sequence. chunks : int The number of samples on each block. Note that the last block will have fewer samples if ``len(array) % chunks != 0``. Defaults to "auto" which will automatically determine chunk sizes. dtype : numpy.dtype Output dtype. Omit to infer it from start, stop, step Defaults to ``None``. like : array type or ``None`` Array to extract meta from. Defaults to ``None``. Returns ------- samples : dask array See Also -------- dask.array.linspace """ if len(args) == 1: start = 0 stop = args[0] step = 1 elif len(args) == 2: start = args[0] stop = args[1] step = 1 elif len(args) == 3: start, stop, step = args else: raise TypeError( """ arange takes 3 positional arguments: arange([start], stop, [step]) """ ) num = int(max(np.ceil((stop - start) / step), 0)) meta = meta_from_array(like) if like is not None else None if dtype is None: dtype = np.arange(start, stop, step * num if num else step).dtype chunks = normalize_chunks(chunks, (num,), dtype=dtype) if kwargs: raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword argument(s): %s" % ",".join(kwargs.keys())) name = "arange-" + tokenize((start, stop, step, chunks, dtype)) dsk = {} elem_count = 0 for i, bs in enumerate(chunks[0]): blockstart = start + (elem_count * step) blockstop = start + ((elem_count + bs) * step) task = Task( (name, i), partial(chunk.arange, like=like), blockstart, blockstop, step, bs, dtype, ) dsk[task.key] = task elem_count += bs return Array(dsk, name, chunks, dtype=dtype, meta=meta)
[docs]@derived_from(np) def meshgrid(*xi, sparse=False, indexing="xy", **kwargs): sparse = bool(sparse) if "copy" in kwargs: raise NotImplementedError("`copy` not supported") if kwargs: raise TypeError("unsupported keyword argument(s) provided") if indexing not in ("ij", "xy"): raise ValueError("`indexing` must be `'ij'` or `'xy'`") xi = [asarray(e) for e in xi] xi = [e.flatten() for e in xi] if indexing == "xy" and len(xi) > 1: xi[0], xi[1] = xi[1], xi[0] grid = [] for i in range(len(xi)): s = len(xi) * [None] s[i] = slice(None) s = tuple(s) r = xi[i][s] grid.append(r) if not sparse: grid = broadcast_arrays(*grid) if indexing == "xy" and len(xi) > 1: grid = (grid[1], grid[0], *grid[2:]) out_type = tuple if NUMPY_GE_200 else list return out_type(grid)
[docs]def indices(dimensions, dtype=int, chunks="auto"): """ Implements NumPy's ``indices`` for Dask Arrays. Generates a grid of indices covering the dimensions provided. The final array has the shape ``(len(dimensions), *dimensions)``. The chunks are used to specify the chunking for axis 1 up to ``len(dimensions)``. The 0th axis always has chunks of length 1. Parameters ---------- dimensions : sequence of ints The shape of the index grid. dtype : dtype, optional Type to use for the array. Default is ``int``. chunks : sequence of ints, str The size of each block. Must be one of the following forms: - A blocksize like (500, 1000) - A size in bytes, like "100 MiB" which will choose a uniform block-like shape - The word "auto" which acts like the above, but uses a configuration value ``array.chunk-size`` for the chunk size Note that the last block will have fewer samples if ``len(array) % chunks != 0``. Returns ------- grid : dask array """ dimensions = tuple(dimensions) dtype = np.dtype(dtype) chunks = normalize_chunks(chunks, shape=dimensions, dtype=dtype) if len(dimensions) != len(chunks): raise ValueError("Need same number of chunks as dimensions.") xi = [] for i in range(len(dimensions)): xi.append(arange(dimensions[i], dtype=dtype, chunks=(chunks[i],))) grid = [] if all(dimensions): grid = meshgrid(*xi, indexing="ij") if grid: grid = stack(grid) else: grid = empty((len(dimensions),) + dimensions, dtype=dtype, chunks=(1,) + chunks) return grid
[docs]def eye(N, chunks="auto", M=None, k=0, dtype=float): """ Return a 2-D Array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of rows in the output. chunks : int, str How to chunk the array. Must be one of the following forms: - A blocksize like 1000. - A size in bytes, like "100 MiB" which will choose a uniform block-like shape - The word "auto" which acts like the above, but uses a configuration value ``array.chunk-size`` for the chunk size M : int, optional Number of columns in the output. If None, defaults to `N`. k : int, optional Index of the diagonal: 0 (the default) refers to the main diagonal, a positive value refers to an upper diagonal, and a negative value to a lower diagonal. dtype : data-type, optional Data-type of the returned array. Returns ------- I : Array of shape (N,M) An array where all elements are equal to zero, except for the `k`-th diagonal, whose values are equal to one. """ if M is None: M = N if dtype is None: dtype = float if not isinstance(chunks, (int, str)): raise ValueError("chunks must be an int or string") vchunks, hchunks = normalize_chunks(chunks, shape=(N, M), dtype=dtype) chunks = vchunks[0] token = tokenize(N, chunks, M, k, dtype) name_eye = "eye-" + token dsk = {} for i, vchunk in enumerate(vchunks): for j, hchunk in enumerate(hchunks): key = (name_eye, i, j) if (j - i - 1) * chunks <= k <= (j - i + 1) * chunks: t = Task( key, np.eye, vchunk, hchunk, k - (j - i) * chunks, dtype, ) else: t = Task(key, np.zeros, (vchunk, hchunk), dtype) dsk[t.key] = t return Array(dsk, name_eye, shape=(N, M), chunks=(chunks, chunks), dtype=dtype)
[docs]@derived_from(np) def diag(v, k=0): if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray) and not isinstance(v, Array): raise TypeError(f"v must be a dask array or numpy array, got {type(v)}") name = "diag-" + tokenize(v, k) meta = meta_from_array(v, 2 if v.ndim == 1 else 1) if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) or ( hasattr(v, "__array_function__") and not isinstance(v, Array) ): if v.ndim == 1: m = abs(k) chunks = ((v.shape[0] + m,), (v.shape[0] + m,)) key = (name, 0, 0) dsk = {key: Task(key, np.diag, v, k)} elif v.ndim == 2: kdiag_row_start = max(0, -k) kdiag_row_stop = min(v.shape[0], v.shape[1] - k) len_kdiag = kdiag_row_stop - kdiag_row_start chunks = ((0,),) if len_kdiag <= 0 else ((len_kdiag,),) key = (name, 0) dsk = {key: Task(key, np.diag, v, k)} else: raise ValueError("Array must be 1d or 2d only") return Array(dsk, name, chunks, meta=meta) if v.ndim != 1: if v.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("Array must be 1d or 2d only") if k == 0 and v.chunks[0] == v.chunks[1]: tasks = [ Task((name, i), np.diag, TaskRef(row[i])) for i, row in enumerate(v.__dask_keys__()) ] dsk = {t.key: t for t in tasks} graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[v]) return Array(graph, name, (v.chunks[0],), meta=meta) else: return diagonal(v, k) if k == 0: chunks_1d = v.chunks[0] blocks = v.__dask_keys__() dsk = {} for i, m in enumerate(chunks_1d): for j, n in enumerate(chunks_1d): key = (name, i, j) if i == j: dsk[key] = Task(key, np.diag, TaskRef(blocks[i])) else: dsk[key] = Task(key, np.zeros_like, meta, shape=(m, n)) graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[v]) return Array(graph, name, (chunks_1d, chunks_1d), meta=meta) elif k > 0: return pad(diag(v), [[0, k], [k, 0]], mode="constant") elif k < 0: return pad(diag(v), [[-k, 0], [0, -k]], mode="constant")
[docs]@derived_from(np) def diagonal(a, offset=0, axis1=0, axis2=1): name = "diagonal-" + tokenize(a, offset, axis1, axis2) if a.ndim < 2: # NumPy uses `diag` as we do here. raise ValueError("diag requires an array of at least two dimensions") def _axis_fmt(axis, name, ndim): if axis < 0: t = ndim + axis if t < 0: msg = "{}: axis {} is out of bounds for array of dimension {}" raise AxisError(msg.format(name, axis, ndim)) axis = t return axis def pop_axes(chunks, axis1, axis2): chunks = list(chunks) chunks.pop(axis2) chunks.pop(axis1) return tuple(chunks) axis1 = _axis_fmt(axis1, "axis1", a.ndim) axis2 = _axis_fmt(axis2, "axis2", a.ndim) if axis1 == axis2: raise ValueError("axis1 and axis2 cannot be the same") a = asarray(a) k = offset if axis1 > axis2: axis1, axis2 = axis2, axis1 k = -offset free_axes = set(range(a.ndim)) - {axis1, axis2} free_indices = list(product(*(range(a.numblocks[i]) for i in free_axes))) ndims_free = len(free_axes) # equation of diagonal: i = j - k kdiag_row_start = max(0, -k) kdiag_col_start = max(0, k) kdiag_row_stop = min(a.shape[axis1], a.shape[axis2] - k) len_kdiag = kdiag_row_stop - kdiag_row_start if len_kdiag <= 0: xp = np if is_cupy_type(a._meta): import cupy xp = cupy out_chunks = pop_axes(a.chunks, axis1, axis2) + ((0,),) dsk = {} for free_idx in free_indices: shape = tuple( out_chunks[axis][free_idx[axis]] for axis in range(ndims_free) ) t = Task( (name,) + free_idx + (0,), partial(xp.empty, dtype=a.dtype), shape + (0,), ) dsk[t.key] = t meta = meta_from_array(a, ndims_free + 1) return Array(dsk, name, out_chunks, meta=meta) # compute row index ranges for chunks along axis1: row_stops_ = np.cumsum(a.chunks[axis1]) row_starts = np.roll(row_stops_, 1) row_starts[0] = 0 # compute column index ranges for chunks along axis2: col_stops_ = np.cumsum(a.chunks[axis2]) col_starts = np.roll(col_stops_, 1) col_starts[0] = 0 # locate first chunk containing diagonal: row_blockid = np.arange(a.numblocks[axis1]) col_blockid = np.arange(a.numblocks[axis2]) row_filter = (row_starts <= kdiag_row_start) & (kdiag_row_start < row_stops_) col_filter = (col_starts <= kdiag_col_start) & (kdiag_col_start < col_stops_) (I,) = row_blockid[row_filter] (J,) = col_blockid[col_filter] # follow k-diagonal through chunks while constructing dask graph: dsk = {} i = 0 kdiag_chunks = () while kdiag_row_start < a.shape[axis1] and kdiag_col_start < a.shape[axis2]: # localize block info: nrows, ncols = a.chunks[axis1][I], a.chunks[axis2][J] kdiag_row_start -= row_starts[I] kdiag_col_start -= col_starts[J] k = -kdiag_row_start if kdiag_row_start > 0 else kdiag_col_start kdiag_row_end = min(nrows, ncols - k) kdiag_len = kdiag_row_end - kdiag_row_start # increment dask graph: for free_idx in free_indices: input_idx = ( free_idx[:axis1] + (I,) + free_idx[axis1 : axis2 - 1] + (J,) + free_idx[axis2 - 1 :] ) output_idx = free_idx + (i,) t = Task( (name,) + output_idx, np.diagonal, TaskRef((,) + input_idx), k, axis1, axis2, ) dsk[t.key] = t kdiag_chunks += (kdiag_len,) # prepare for next iteration: i += 1 kdiag_row_start = kdiag_row_end + row_starts[I] kdiag_col_start = min(ncols, nrows + k) + col_starts[J] I = I + 1 if kdiag_row_start == row_stops_[I] else I J = J + 1 if kdiag_col_start == col_stops_[J] else J out_chunks = pop_axes(a.chunks, axis1, axis2) + (kdiag_chunks,) graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[a]) meta = meta_from_array(a, ndims_free + 1) return Array(graph, name, out_chunks, meta=meta)
[docs]@derived_from(np) def tri(N, M=None, k=0, dtype=float, chunks="auto", *, like=None): if M is None: M = N chunks = normalize_chunks(chunks, shape=(N, M), dtype=dtype) m = greater_equal( arange(N, chunks=chunks[0][0], like=like).reshape(1, N).T, arange(-k, M - k, chunks=chunks[1][0], like=like), ) # Avoid making a copy if the requested type is already bool m = m.astype(dtype, copy=False) return m
[docs]@derived_from(np) def fromfunction(func, chunks="auto", shape=None, dtype=None, **kwargs): dtype = dtype or float chunks = normalize_chunks(chunks, shape, dtype=dtype) inds = tuple(range(len(shape))) arrs = [arange(s, dtype=dtype, chunks=c) for s, c in zip(shape, chunks)] arrs = meshgrid(*arrs, indexing="ij") args = sum(zip(arrs, itertools.repeat(inds)), ()) res = blockwise(func, inds, *args, token="fromfunction", **kwargs) return res
[docs]@derived_from(np) def repeat(a, repeats, axis=None): if axis is None: if a.ndim == 1: axis = 0 else: raise NotImplementedError("Must supply an integer axis value") if not isinstance(repeats, Integral): raise NotImplementedError("Only integer valued repeats supported") if -a.ndim <= axis < 0: axis += a.ndim elif not 0 <= axis <= a.ndim - 1: raise ValueError("axis(=%d) out of bounds" % axis) if repeats == 0: return a[tuple(slice(None) if d != axis else slice(0) for d in range(a.ndim))] elif repeats == 1: return a cchunks = cached_cumsum(a.chunks[axis], initial_zero=True) slices = [] for c_start, c_stop in sliding_window(2, cchunks): ls = np.linspace(c_start, c_stop, repeats).round(0) for ls_start, ls_stop in sliding_window(2, ls): if ls_start != ls_stop: slices.append(slice(ls_start, ls_stop)) all_slice = slice(None, None, None) slices = [ (all_slice,) * axis + (s,) + (all_slice,) * (a.ndim - axis - 1) for s in slices ] slabs = [a[slc] for slc in slices] out = [] for slab in slabs: chunks = list(slab.chunks) assert len(chunks[axis]) == 1 chunks[axis] = (chunks[axis][0] * repeats,) chunks = tuple(chunks) result = slab.map_blocks( np.repeat, repeats, axis=axis, chunks=chunks, dtype=slab.dtype ) out.append(result) return concatenate(out, axis=axis)
[docs]@derived_from(np) def tile(A, reps): try: tup = tuple(reps) except TypeError: tup = (reps,) if any(i < 0 for i in tup): raise ValueError("Negative `reps` are not allowed.") c = asarray(A) if all(tup): for nrep in tup[::-1]: c = nrep * [c] return block(c) d = len(tup) if d < c.ndim: tup = (1,) * (c.ndim - d) + tup if c.ndim < d: shape = (1,) * (d - c.ndim) + c.shape else: shape = c.shape shape_out = tuple(s * t for s, t in zip(shape, tup)) return empty(shape=shape_out, dtype=c.dtype)
def expand_pad_value(array, pad_value): if isinstance(pad_value, Number) or getattr(pad_value, "ndim", None) == 0: pad_value = array.ndim * ((pad_value, pad_value),) elif ( isinstance(pad_value, Sequence) and all(isinstance(pw, Number) for pw in pad_value) and len(pad_value) == 1 ): pad_value = array.ndim * ((pad_value[0], pad_value[0]),) elif ( isinstance(pad_value, Sequence) and len(pad_value) == 2 and all(isinstance(pw, Number) for pw in pad_value) ): pad_value = array.ndim * (tuple(pad_value),) elif ( isinstance(pad_value, Sequence) and len(pad_value) == array.ndim and all(isinstance(pw, Sequence) for pw in pad_value) and all((len(pw) == 2) for pw in pad_value) and all(all(isinstance(w, Number) for w in pw) for pw in pad_value) ): pad_value = tuple(tuple(pw) for pw in pad_value) elif ( isinstance(pad_value, Sequence) and len(pad_value) == 1 and isinstance(pad_value[0], Sequence) and len(pad_value[0]) == 2 and all(isinstance(pw, Number) for pw in pad_value[0]) ): pad_value = array.ndim * (tuple(pad_value[0]),) else: raise TypeError("`pad_value` must be composed of integral typed values.") return pad_value def get_pad_shapes_chunks(array, pad_width, axes): """ Helper function for finding shapes and chunks of end pads. """ pad_shapes = [list(array.shape), list(array.shape)] pad_chunks = [list(array.chunks), list(array.chunks)] for d in axes: for i in range(2): pad_shapes[i][d] = pad_width[d][i] pad_chunks[i][d] = (pad_width[d][i],) pad_shapes = [tuple(s) for s in pad_shapes] pad_chunks = [tuple(c) for c in pad_chunks] return pad_shapes, pad_chunks def linear_ramp_chunk(start, stop, num, dim, step): """ Helper function to find the linear ramp for a chunk. """ num1 = num + 1 shape = list(start.shape) shape[dim] = num shape = tuple(shape) dtype = np.dtype(start.dtype) result = np.empty_like(start, shape=shape, dtype=dtype) for i in np.ndindex(start.shape): j = list(i) j[dim] = slice(None) j = tuple(j) result[j] = np.linspace(start[i], stop, num1, dtype=dtype)[1:][::step] return result def pad_edge(array, pad_width, mode, **kwargs): """ Helper function for padding edges. Handles the cases where the only the values on the edge are needed. """ kwargs = {k: expand_pad_value(array, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()} result = array for d in range(array.ndim): pad_shapes, pad_chunks = get_pad_shapes_chunks(result, pad_width, (d,)) pad_arrays = [result, result] if mode == "constant": from dask.array.utils import asarray_safe constant_values = kwargs["constant_values"][d] constant_values = [ asarray_safe(c, like=meta_from_array(array), dtype=result.dtype) for c in constant_values ] pad_arrays = [ broadcast_to(v, s, c) for v, s, c in zip(constant_values, pad_shapes, pad_chunks) ] elif mode in ["edge", "linear_ramp"]: pad_slices = [result.ndim * [slice(None)], result.ndim * [slice(None)]] pad_slices[0][d] = slice(None, 1, None) pad_slices[1][d] = slice(-1, None, None) pad_slices = [tuple(sl) for sl in pad_slices] pad_arrays = [result[sl] for sl in pad_slices] if mode == "edge": pad_arrays = [ broadcast_to(a, s, c) for a, s, c in zip(pad_arrays, pad_shapes, pad_chunks) ] elif mode == "linear_ramp": end_values = kwargs["end_values"][d] pad_arrays = [ a.map_blocks( linear_ramp_chunk, ev, pw, chunks=c, dtype=result.dtype, dim=d, step=(2 * i - 1), ) for i, (a, ev, pw, c) in enumerate( zip(pad_arrays, end_values, pad_width[d], pad_chunks) ) ] elif mode == "empty": pad_arrays = [ empty_like(array, shape=s, dtype=array.dtype, chunks=c) for s, c in zip(pad_shapes, pad_chunks) ] result = concatenate([pad_arrays[0], result, pad_arrays[1]], axis=d) return result def pad_reuse(array, pad_width, mode, **kwargs): """ Helper function for padding boundaries with values in the array. Handles the cases where the padding is constructed from values in the array. Namely by reflecting them or tiling them to create periodic boundary constraints. """ if mode in {"reflect", "symmetric"}: reflect_type = kwargs.get("reflect", "even") if reflect_type == "odd": raise NotImplementedError("`pad` does not support `reflect_type` of `odd`.") if reflect_type != "even": raise ValueError( "unsupported value for reflect_type, must be one of (`even`, `odd`)" ) result = np.empty(array.ndim * (3,), dtype=object) for idx in np.ndindex(result.shape): select = [] orient = [] for i, s, pw in zip(idx, array.shape, pad_width): if mode == "wrap": pw = pw[::-1] if i < 1: if mode == "reflect": select.append(slice(1, pw[0] + 1, None)) else: select.append(slice(None, pw[0], None)) elif i > 1: if mode == "reflect": select.append(slice(s - pw[1] - 1, s - 1, None)) else: select.append(slice(s - pw[1], None, None)) else: select.append(slice(None)) if i != 1 and mode in ["reflect", "symmetric"]: orient.append(slice(None, None, -1)) else: orient.append(slice(None)) select = tuple(select) orient = tuple(orient) if mode == "wrap": idx = tuple(2 - i for i in idx) result[idx] = array[select][orient] result = block(result.tolist()) return result def pad_stats(array, pad_width, mode, stat_length): """ Helper function for padding boundaries with statistics from the array. In cases where the padding requires computations of statistics from part or all of the array, this function helps compute those statistics as requested and then adds those statistics onto the boundaries of the array. """ if mode == "median": raise NotImplementedError("`pad` does not support `mode` of `median`.") stat_length = expand_pad_value(array, stat_length) result = np.empty(array.ndim * (3,), dtype=object) for idx in np.ndindex(result.shape): axes = [] select = [] pad_shape = [] pad_chunks = [] for d, (i, s, c, w, l) in enumerate( zip(idx, array.shape, array.chunks, pad_width, stat_length) ): if i < 1: axes.append(d) select.append(slice(None, l[0], None)) pad_shape.append(w[0]) pad_chunks.append(w[0]) elif i > 1: axes.append(d) select.append(slice(s - l[1], None, None)) pad_shape.append(w[1]) pad_chunks.append(w[1]) else: select.append(slice(None)) pad_shape.append(s) pad_chunks.append(c) axes = tuple(axes) select = tuple(select) pad_shape = tuple(pad_shape) pad_chunks = tuple(pad_chunks) result_idx = array[select] if axes: if mode == "maximum": result_idx = result_idx.max(axis=axes, keepdims=True) elif mode == "mean": result_idx = result_idx.mean(axis=axes, keepdims=True) elif mode == "minimum": result_idx = result_idx.min(axis=axes, keepdims=True) result_idx = broadcast_to(result_idx, pad_shape, chunks=pad_chunks) if mode == "mean": if np.issubdtype(array.dtype, np.integer): result_idx = rint(result_idx) result_idx = result_idx.astype(array.dtype) result[idx] = result_idx result = block(result.tolist()) return result def wrapped_pad_func(array, pad_func, iaxis_pad_width, iaxis, pad_func_kwargs): result = np.empty_like(array) for i in np.ndindex(array.shape[:iaxis] + array.shape[iaxis + 1 :]): i = i[:iaxis] + (slice(None),) + i[iaxis:] result[i] = pad_func(array[i], iaxis_pad_width, iaxis, pad_func_kwargs) return result def pad_udf(array, pad_width, mode, **kwargs): """ Helper function for padding boundaries with a user defined function. In cases where the padding requires a custom user defined function be applied to the array, this function assists in the prepping and application of this function to the Dask Array to construct the desired boundaries. """ result = pad_edge(array, pad_width, "constant", constant_values=0) chunks = result.chunks for d in range(result.ndim): result = result.rechunk( chunks[:d] + (result.shape[d : d + 1],) + chunks[d + 1 :] ) result = result.map_blocks( wrapped_pad_func, name="pad", dtype=result.dtype, pad_func=mode, iaxis_pad_width=pad_width[d], iaxis=d, pad_func_kwargs=kwargs, ) result = result.rechunk(chunks) return result
[docs]@derived_from(np) def pad(array, pad_width, mode="constant", **kwargs): array = asarray(array) pad_width = expand_pad_value(array, pad_width) if callable(mode): return pad_udf(array, pad_width, mode, **kwargs) # Make sure that no unsupported keywords were passed for the current mode allowed_kwargs = { "empty": [], "edge": [], "wrap": [], "constant": ["constant_values"], "linear_ramp": ["end_values"], "maximum": ["stat_length"], "mean": ["stat_length"], "median": ["stat_length"], "minimum": ["stat_length"], "reflect": ["reflect_type"], "symmetric": ["reflect_type"], } try: unsupported_kwargs = set(kwargs) - set(allowed_kwargs[mode]) except KeyError as e: raise ValueError(f"mode '{mode}' is not supported") from e if unsupported_kwargs: raise ValueError( "unsupported keyword arguments for mode '{}': {}".format( mode, unsupported_kwargs ) ) if mode in {"maximum", "mean", "median", "minimum"}: stat_length = kwargs.get("stat_length", tuple((n, n) for n in array.shape)) return pad_stats(array, pad_width, mode, stat_length) elif mode == "constant": kwargs.setdefault("constant_values", 0) return pad_edge(array, pad_width, mode, **kwargs) elif mode == "linear_ramp": kwargs.setdefault("end_values", 0) return pad_edge(array, pad_width, mode, **kwargs) elif mode in {"edge", "empty"}: return pad_edge(array, pad_width, mode) elif mode in ["reflect", "symmetric", "wrap"]: return pad_reuse(array, pad_width, mode, **kwargs) raise RuntimeError("unreachable")