

dask.array.gufunc.as_gufunc(signature=None, **kwargs)[source]

Decorator for dask.array.gufunc.


Specifies what core dimensions are consumed and produced by func. According to the specification of numpy.gufunc signature [2]

axes: List of tuples, optional, keyword only

A list of tuples with indices of axes a generalized ufunc should operate on. For instance, for a signature of "(i,j),(j,k)->(i,k)" appropriate for matrix multiplication, the base elements are two-dimensional matrices and these are taken to be stored in the two last axes of each argument. The corresponding axes keyword would be [(-2, -1), (-2, -1), (-2, -1)]. For simplicity, for generalized ufuncs that operate on 1-dimensional arrays (vectors), a single integer is accepted instead of a single-element tuple, and for generalized ufuncs for which all outputs are scalars, the output tuples can be omitted.

axis: int, optional, keyword only

A single axis over which a generalized ufunc should operate. This is a short-cut for ufuncs that operate over a single, shared core dimension, equivalent to passing in axes with entries of (axis,) for each single-core-dimension argument and () for all others. For instance, for a signature "(i),(i)->()", it is equivalent to passing in axes=[(axis,), (axis,), ()].

keepdims: bool, optional, keyword only

If this is set to True, axes which are reduced over will be left in the result as a dimension with size one, so that the result will broadcast correctly against the inputs. This option can only be used for generalized ufuncs that operate on inputs that all have the same number of core dimensions and with outputs that have no core dimensions , i.e., with signatures like "(i),(i)->()" or "(m,m)->()". If used, the location of the dimensions in the output can be controlled with axes and axis.

output_dtypesOptional, dtype or list of dtypes, keyword only

Valid numpy dtype specification or list thereof. If not given, a call of func with a small set of data is performed in order to try to automatically determine the output dtypes.

output_sizesdict, optional, keyword only

Optional mapping from dimension names to sizes for outputs. Only used if new core dimensions (not found on inputs) appear on outputs.

vectorize: bool, keyword only

If set to True, np.vectorize is applied to func for convenience. Defaults to False.

allow_rechunk: Optional, bool, keyword only

Allows rechunking, otherwise chunk sizes need to match and core dimensions are to consist only of one chunk. Warning: enabling this can increase memory usage significantly. Defaults to False.

meta: Optional, tuple, keyword only

tuple of empty ndarrays describing the shape and dtype of the output of the gufunc. Defaults to None.

Decorator for pyfunc that itself returns a gufunc.







>>> import dask.array as da
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = da.random.normal(size=(10,20,30), chunks=(5, 10, 30))
>>> @da.as_gufunc("(i)->(),()", output_dtypes=(float, float))
... def stats(x):
...     return np.mean(x, axis=-1), np.std(x, axis=-1)
>>> mean, std = stats(a)
>>> mean.compute().shape
(10, 20)
>>> a = da.random.normal(size=(   20,30), chunks=(10, 30))
>>> b = da.random.normal(size=(10, 1,40), chunks=(5, 1, 40))
>>> @da.as_gufunc("(i),(j)->(i,j)", output_dtypes=float, vectorize=True)
... def outer_product(x, y):
...     return np.einsum("i,j->ij", x, y)
>>> c = outer_product(a, b)
>>> c.compute().shape
(10, 20, 30, 40)