Source code for dask.array.utils

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import functools
import itertools
import math
import numbers
import warnings

import numpy as np
from tlz import concat, frequencies

from dask.array.core import Array
from dask.array.numpy_compat import AxisError
from dask.base import is_dask_collection, tokenize
from dask.highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph
from dask.utils import has_keyword, is_arraylike, is_cupy_type, typename

def normalize_to_array(x):
    if is_cupy_type(x):
        return x.get()
        return x

[docs]def meta_from_array(x, ndim=None, dtype=None): """Normalize an array to appropriate meta object Parameters ---------- x: array-like, callable Either an object that looks sufficiently like a Numpy array, or a callable that accepts shape and dtype keywords ndim: int Number of dimensions of the array dtype: Numpy dtype A valid input for ``np.dtype`` Returns ------- array-like with zero elements of the correct dtype """ # If using x._meta, x must be a Dask Array, some libraries (e.g. zarr) # implement a _meta attribute that are incompatible with Dask Array._meta if hasattr(x, "_meta") and is_dask_collection(x) and is_arraylike(x): x = x._meta if dtype is None and x is None: raise ValueError("You must specify the meta or dtype of the array") if np.isscalar(x): x = np.array(x) if x is None: x = np.ndarray elif dtype is None and hasattr(x, "dtype"): dtype = x.dtype if isinstance(x, type): x = x(shape=(0,) * (ndim or 0), dtype=dtype) if isinstance(x, list) or isinstance(x, tuple): ndims = [ 0 if isinstance(a, numbers.Number) else a.ndim if hasattr(a, "ndim") else len(a) for a in x ] a = [a if nd == 0 else meta_from_array(a, nd) for a, nd in zip(x, ndims)] return a if isinstance(x, list) else tuple(x) if ( not hasattr(x, "shape") or not hasattr(x, "dtype") or not isinstance(x.shape, tuple) ): return x if ndim is None: ndim = x.ndim try: meta = x[tuple(slice(0, 0, None) for _ in range(x.ndim))] if meta.ndim != ndim: if ndim > x.ndim: meta = meta[(Ellipsis,) + tuple(None for _ in range(ndim - meta.ndim))] meta = meta[tuple(slice(0, 0, None) for _ in range(meta.ndim))] elif ndim == 0: meta = meta.sum() else: meta = meta.reshape((0,) * ndim) if meta is meta =,) * ndim, dtype=dtype or x.dtype), mask=True) except Exception: meta = np.empty((0,) * ndim, dtype=dtype or x.dtype) if np.isscalar(meta): meta = np.array(meta) if dtype and meta.dtype != dtype: try: meta = meta.astype(dtype) except ValueError as e: if ( any( s in str(e) for s in [ "invalid literal", "could not convert string to float", ] ) and meta.dtype.kind in "SU" ): meta = np.array([]).astype(dtype) else: raise e return meta
def compute_meta(func, _dtype, *args, **kwargs): with np.errstate(all="ignore"), warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) args_meta = [meta_from_array(x) if is_arraylike(x) else x for x in args] kwargs_meta = { k: meta_from_array(v) if is_arraylike(v) else v for k, v in kwargs.items() } # todo: look for alternative to this, causes issues when using map_blocks() # with np.vectorize, such as dask.array.routines._isnonzero_vec(). if isinstance(func, np.vectorize): meta = func(*args_meta) else: try: # some reduction functions need to know they are computing meta if has_keyword(func, "computing_meta"): kwargs_meta["computing_meta"] = True meta = func(*args_meta, **kwargs_meta) except TypeError as e: if any( s in str(e) for s in [ "unexpected keyword argument", "is an invalid keyword for", "Did not understand the following kwargs", ] ): raise else: return None except ValueError as e: # min/max functions have no identity, just use the same input type when there's only one if len( args_meta ) == 1 and "zero-size array to reduction operation" in str(e): meta = args_meta[0] else: return None except Exception: return None if _dtype and getattr(meta, "dtype", None) != _dtype: with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): meta = meta.astype(_dtype) if np.isscalar(meta): meta = np.array(meta) return meta def allclose(a, b, equal_nan=False, **kwargs): a = normalize_to_array(a) b = normalize_to_array(b) if getattr(a, "dtype", None) != "O": if hasattr(a, "mask") or hasattr(b, "mask"): return, b, masked_equal=True, **kwargs) else: return np.allclose(a, b, equal_nan=equal_nan, **kwargs) if equal_nan: return a.shape == b.shape and all( np.isnan(b) if np.isnan(a) else a == b for (a, b) in zip(a.flat, b.flat) ) return (a == b).all() def same_keys(a, b): def key(k): if isinstance(k, str): return (k, -1, -1, -1) else: return k return sorted(a.dask, key=key) == sorted(b.dask, key=key) def _not_empty(x): return x.shape and 0 not in x.shape def _check_dsk(dsk): """Check that graph is well named and non-overlapping""" if not isinstance(dsk, HighLevelGraph): return dsk.validate() assert all(isinstance(k, (tuple, str)) for k in dsk.layers) freqs = frequencies(concat(dsk.layers.values())) non_one = {k: v for k, v in freqs.items() if v != 1} key_collisions = set() # Allow redundant keys if the values are equivalent for k in non_one.keys(): for layer in dsk.layers.values(): try: key_collisions.add(tokenize(layer[k])) except KeyError: pass assert len(key_collisions) < 2, non_one def assert_eq_shape(a, b, check_ndim=True, check_nan=True): if check_ndim: assert len(a) == len(b) for aa, bb in zip(a, b): if math.isnan(aa) or math.isnan(bb): if check_nan: assert math.isnan(aa) == math.isnan(bb) else: assert aa == bb def _check_chunks(x, check_ndim=True, scheduler=None): x = x.persist(scheduler=scheduler) for idx in itertools.product(*(range(len(c)) for c in x.chunks)): chunk = x.dask[(,) + idx] if hasattr(chunk, "result"): # it's a future chunk = chunk.result() if not hasattr(chunk, "dtype"): chunk = np.array(chunk, dtype="O") expected_shape = tuple(c[i] for c, i in zip(x.chunks, idx)) assert_eq_shape( expected_shape, chunk.shape, check_ndim=check_ndim, check_nan=False ) assert ( chunk.dtype == x.dtype ), "maybe you forgot to pass the scheduler to `assert_eq`?" return x def _get_dt_meta_computed( x, check_shape=True, check_graph=True, check_chunks=True, check_ndim=True, scheduler=None, ): x_original = x x_meta = None x_computed = None if is_dask_collection(x) and is_arraylike(x): assert x.dtype is not None adt = x.dtype if check_graph: _check_dsk(x.dask) x_meta = getattr(x, "_meta", None) if check_chunks: # Replace x with persisted version to avoid computing it twice. x = _check_chunks(x, check_ndim=check_ndim, scheduler=scheduler) x = x.compute(scheduler=scheduler) x_computed = x if hasattr(x, "todense"): x = x.todense() if not hasattr(x, "dtype"): x = np.array(x, dtype="O") if _not_empty(x): assert x.dtype == x_original.dtype if check_shape: assert_eq_shape(x_original.shape, x.shape, check_nan=False) else: if not hasattr(x, "dtype"): x = np.array(x, dtype="O") adt = getattr(x, "dtype", None) return x, adt, x_meta, x_computed def assert_eq( a, b, check_shape=True, check_graph=True, check_meta=True, check_chunks=True, check_ndim=True, check_type=True, check_dtype=True, equal_nan=True, scheduler="sync", **kwargs, ): a_original = a b_original = b if isinstance(a, (list, int, float)): a = np.array(a) if isinstance(b, (list, int, float)): b = np.array(b) a, adt, a_meta, a_computed = _get_dt_meta_computed( a, check_shape=check_shape, check_graph=check_graph, check_chunks=check_chunks, check_ndim=check_ndim, scheduler=scheduler, ) b, bdt, b_meta, b_computed = _get_dt_meta_computed( b, check_shape=check_shape, check_graph=check_graph, check_chunks=check_chunks, check_ndim=check_ndim, scheduler=scheduler, ) if check_dtype and str(adt) != str(bdt): raise AssertionError(f"a and b have different dtypes: (a: {adt}, b: {bdt})") try: assert ( a.shape == b.shape ), f"a and b have different shapes (a: {a.shape}, b: {b.shape})" if check_type: _a = a if a.shape else a.item() _b = b if b.shape else b.item() assert type(_a) == type( _b ), f"a and b have different types (a: {type(_a)}, b: {type(_b)})" if check_meta: if hasattr(a, "_meta") and hasattr(b, "_meta"): assert_eq(a._meta, b._meta) if hasattr(a_original, "_meta"): msg = ( f"compute()-ing 'a' changes its number of dimensions " f"(before: {a_original._meta.ndim}, after: {a.ndim})" ) assert a_original._meta.ndim == a.ndim, msg if a_meta is not None: msg = ( f"compute()-ing 'a' changes its type " f"(before: {type(a_original._meta)}, after: {type(a_meta)})" ) assert type(a_original._meta) == type(a_meta), msg if not (np.isscalar(a_meta) or np.isscalar(a_computed)): msg = ( f"compute()-ing 'a' results in a different type than implied by its metadata " f"(meta: {type(a_meta)}, computed: {type(a_computed)})" ) assert type(a_meta) == type(a_computed), msg if hasattr(b_original, "_meta"): msg = ( f"compute()-ing 'b' changes its number of dimensions " f"(before: {b_original._meta.ndim}, after: {b.ndim})" ) assert b_original._meta.ndim == b.ndim, msg if b_meta is not None: msg = ( f"compute()-ing 'b' changes its type " f"(before: {type(b_original._meta)}, after: {type(b_meta)})" ) assert type(b_original._meta) == type(b_meta), msg if not (np.isscalar(b_meta) or np.isscalar(b_computed)): msg = ( f"compute()-ing 'b' results in a different type than implied by its metadata " f"(meta: {type(b_meta)}, computed: {type(b_computed)})" ) assert type(b_meta) == type(b_computed), msg msg = "found values in 'a' and 'b' which differ by more than the allowed amount" assert allclose(a, b, equal_nan=equal_nan, **kwargs), msg return True except TypeError: pass c = a == b if isinstance(c, np.ndarray): assert c.all() else: assert c return True def safe_wraps(wrapped, assigned=functools.WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS): """Like functools.wraps, but safe to use even if wrapped is not a function. Only needed on Python 2. """ if all(hasattr(wrapped, attr) for attr in assigned): return functools.wraps(wrapped, assigned=assigned) else: return lambda x: x def _dtype_of(a): """Determine dtype of an array-like.""" try: # Check for the attribute before using asanyarray, because some types # (notably sparse arrays) don't work with it. return a.dtype except AttributeError: return np.asanyarray(a).dtype def arange_safe(*args, like, **kwargs): """ Use the `like=` from `np.arange` to create a new array dispatching to the downstream library. If that fails, falls back to the default NumPy behavior, resulting in a `numpy.ndarray`. """ if like is None: return np.arange(*args, **kwargs) else: try: return np.arange(*args, like=meta_from_array(like), **kwargs) except TypeError: return np.arange(*args, **kwargs) def _array_like_safe(np_func, da_func, a, like, **kwargs): if like is a and hasattr(a, "__array_function__"): return a if isinstance(like, Array): return da_func(a, **kwargs) elif isinstance(a, Array): if is_cupy_type(a._meta): a = a.compute(scheduler="sync") try: return np_func(a, like=meta_from_array(like), **kwargs) except TypeError: return np_func(a, **kwargs) def array_safe(a, like, **kwargs): """ If `a` is `dask.array`, return `dask.array.asarray(a, **kwargs)`, otherwise return `np.asarray(a, like=like, **kwargs)`, dispatching the call to the library that implements the like array. Note that when `a` is a `dask.Array` backed by `cupy.ndarray` but `like` isn't, this function will call `a.compute(scheduler="sync")` before `np.array`, as downstream libraries are unlikely to know how to convert a `dask.Array` and CuPy doesn't implement `__array__` to prevent implicit copies to host. """ from dask.array.routines import array return _array_like_safe(np.array, array, a, like, **kwargs) def asarray_safe(a, like, **kwargs): """ If a is dask.array, return dask.array.asarray(a, **kwargs), otherwise return np.asarray(a, like=like, **kwargs), dispatching the call to the library that implements the like array. Note that when a is a dask.Array but like isn't, this function will call a.compute(scheduler="sync") before np.asarray, as downstream libraries are unlikely to know how to convert a dask.Array. """ from dask.array.core import asarray return _array_like_safe(np.asarray, asarray, a, like, **kwargs) def asanyarray_safe(a, like, **kwargs): """ If a is dask.array, return dask.array.asanyarray(a, **kwargs), otherwise return np.asanyarray(a, like=like, **kwargs), dispatching the call to the library that implements the like array. Note that when a is a dask.Array but like isn't, this function will call a.compute(scheduler="sync") before np.asanyarray, as downstream libraries are unlikely to know how to convert a dask.Array. """ from dask.array.core import asanyarray return _array_like_safe(np.asanyarray, asanyarray, a, like, **kwargs) def validate_axis(axis, ndim): """Validate an input to axis= keywords""" if isinstance(axis, (tuple, list)): return tuple(validate_axis(ax, ndim) for ax in axis) if not isinstance(axis, numbers.Integral): raise TypeError("Axis value must be an integer, got %s" % axis) if axis < -ndim or axis >= ndim: raise AxisError( "Axis %d is out of bounds for array of dimension %d" % (axis, ndim) ) if axis < 0: axis += ndim return axis def svd_flip(u, v, u_based_decision=False): """Sign correction to ensure deterministic output from SVD. This function is useful for orienting eigenvectors such that they all lie in a shared but arbitrary half-space. This makes it possible to ensure that results are equivalent across SVD implementations and random number generator states. Parameters ---------- u : (M, K) array_like Left singular vectors (in columns) v : (K, N) array_like Right singular vectors (in rows) u_based_decision: bool Whether or not to choose signs based on `u` rather than `v`, by default False Returns ------- u : (M, K) array_like Left singular vectors with corrected sign v: (K, N) array_like Right singular vectors with corrected sign """ # Determine half-space in which all singular vectors # lie relative to an arbitrary vector; summation # equivalent to dot product with row vector of ones if u_based_decision: dtype = u.dtype signs = np.sum(u, axis=0, keepdims=True) else: dtype = v.dtype signs = np.sum(v, axis=1, keepdims=True).T signs = 2.0 * ((signs >= 0) - 0.5).astype(dtype) # Force all singular vectors into same half-space u, v = u * signs, v * signs.T return u, v def scipy_linalg_safe(func_name, *args, **kwargs): # need to evaluate at least the first input array # for gpu/cpu checking a = args[0] if is_cupy_type(a): import cupyx.scipy.linalg func = getattr(cupyx.scipy.linalg, func_name) else: import scipy.linalg func = getattr(scipy.linalg, func_name) return func(*args, **kwargs) def solve_triangular_safe(a, b, lower=False): return scipy_linalg_safe("solve_triangular", a, b, lower=lower) def __getattr__(name): # Can't use the @_deprecated decorator as it would not work on `except AxisError` if name == "AxisError": warnings.warn( "AxisError was deprecated after version 2021.10.0 and will be removed in a " f"future release. Please use {typename(AxisError)} instead.", category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return AxisError else: raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__} has no attribute {name}")