Source code for distributed.scheduler

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import contextlib
import dataclasses
import heapq
import inspect
import itertools
import json
import logging
import math
import operator
import os
import pickle
import random
import textwrap
import uuid
import warnings
import weakref
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from import (
from contextlib import suppress
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Literal, NamedTuple, cast, overload

import psutil
import tornado.web
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict, SortedSet
from tlz import (
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop

import dask
import dask.utils
from dask._task_spec import DependenciesMapping, GraphNode, convert_legacy_graph
from dask.core import istask, validate_key
from dask.typing import Key, no_default
from dask.utils import (
from dask.widgets import get_template

from distributed import cluster_dump, preloading, profile
from distributed import versions as version_module
from distributed._asyncio import RLock
from distributed._stories import scheduler_story
from distributed.active_memory_manager import ActiveMemoryManagerExtension, RetireWorker
from distributed.batched import BatchedSend
from import Broker
from distributed.client import SourceCode
from distributed.collections import HeapSet
from distributed.comm import (
from distributed.comm.addressing import addresses_from_user_args
from distributed.compatibility import PeriodicCallback
from distributed.core import (
from distributed.diagnostics.memory_sampler import MemorySamplerExtension
from distributed.diagnostics.plugin import SchedulerPlugin, _get_plugin_name
from distributed.event import EventExtension
from distributed.gc import disable_gc_diagnosis, enable_gc_diagnosis
from distributed.http import get_handlers
from distributed.metrics import monotonic, time
from distributed.multi_lock import MultiLockExtension
from distributed.node import ServerNode
from distributed.proctitle import setproctitle
from distributed.protocol import deserialize
from distributed.protocol.pickle import dumps, loads
from distributed.protocol.serialize import Serialized, ToPickle, serialize
from distributed.publish import PublishExtension
from distributed.pubsub import PubSubSchedulerExtension
from distributed.queues import QueueExtension
from distributed.recreate_tasks import ReplayTaskScheduler
from import Security
from distributed.semaphore import SemaphoreExtension
from distributed.shuffle import ShuffleSchedulerPlugin
from distributed.spans import SpanMetadata, SpansSchedulerExtension
from distributed.stealing import WorkStealing
from distributed.utils import (
from distributed.utils_comm import (
from distributed.variable import VariableExtension

    # TODO import from typing (requires Python >=3.10)
    # TODO import from typing (requires Python >=3.11)
    from typing_extensions import Self, TypeAlias

    from dask.highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph

# Not to be confused with distributed.worker_state_machine.TaskStateState
TaskStateState: TypeAlias = Literal[

ALL_TASK_STATES: Set[TaskStateState] = set(TaskStateState.__args__)  # type: ignore

# {task key -> finish state}
# Not to be confused with distributed.worker_state_machine.Recs
Recs: TypeAlias = dict[Key, TaskStateState]
# {client or worker address: [{op: <key>, ...}, ...]}
Msgs: TypeAlias = dict[str, list[dict[str, Any]]]
# (recommendations, client messages, worker messages)
RecsMsgs: TypeAlias = tuple[Recs, Msgs, Msgs]

T_runspec: TypeAlias = GraphNode

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
LOG_PDB = dask.config.get("distributed.admin.pdb-on-err")
DEFAULT_DATA_SIZE = parse_bytes(
STIMULUS_ID_UNSET = "<stimulus_id unset>"

    "multi_locks": MultiLockExtension,
    "publish": PublishExtension,
    "replay-tasks": ReplayTaskScheduler,
    "queues": QueueExtension,
    "variables": VariableExtension,
    "pubsub": PubSubSchedulerExtension,
    "semaphores": SemaphoreExtension,
    "events": EventExtension,
    "amm": ActiveMemoryManagerExtension,
    "memory_sampler": MemorySamplerExtension,
    "shuffle": ShuffleSchedulerPlugin,
    "spans": SpansSchedulerExtension,
    "stealing": WorkStealing,

class ClientState:
    """A simple object holding information about a client."""

    #: A unique identifier for this client. This is generally an opaque
    #: string generated by the client itself.
    client_key: str

    #: Cached hash of :attr:`~ClientState.client_key`
    _hash: int

    #: A set of tasks this client wants to be kept in memory, so that it can download
    #: its result when desired. This is the reverse mapping of
    #: :class:`TaskState.who_wants`. Tasks are typically removed from this set when the
    #: corresponding object in the client's space (for example a ``Future`` or a Dask
    #: collection) gets garbage-collected.
    wants_what: set[TaskState]

    #: The last time we received a heartbeat from this client, in local scheduler time.
    last_seen: float

    #: Output of :func:`distributed.versions.get_versions` on the client
    versions: dict[str, Any]

    __slots__ = tuple(__annotations__)

    def __init__(self, client: str, *, versions: dict[str, Any] | None = None):
        self.client_key = client
        self._hash = hash(client)
        self.wants_what = set()
        self.last_seen = time()
        self.versions = versions or {}

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return self._hash

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, ClientState):
            return False
        return self.client_key == other.client_key

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"<Client {self.client_key!r}>"

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.client_key

    def _to_dict_no_nest(self, *, exclude: Container[str] = ()) -> dict:
        """Dictionary representation for debugging purposes.
        Not type stable and not intended for roundtrips.

        See also
        return recursive_to_dict(
            exclude=set(exclude) | {"versions"},  # type: ignore

class MemoryState:
    """Memory readings on a worker or on the whole cluster.

    See :doc:`worker-memory`.

    Attributes / properties:

        Sum of the output of sizeof() for all dask keys held by the worker in memory,
        plus number of bytes spilled to disk

        Sum of the output of sizeof() for the dask keys held in RAM. Note that this may
        be inaccurate, which may cause inaccurate unmanaged memory (see below).

        Number of bytes  for the dask keys spilled to the hard drive.
        Note that this is the size on disk; size in memory may be different due to
        compression and inaccuracies in sizeof(). In other words, given the same keys,
        'managed' will change depending on the keys being in memory or spilled.

        Total RSS memory measured by the OS on the worker process.
        This is always exactly equal to managed + unmanaged.

        process - managed. This is the sum of

        - Python interpreter and modules
        - global variables
        - memory temporarily allocated by the dask tasks that are currently running
        - memory fragmentation
        - memory leaks
        - memory not yet garbage collected
        - memory not yet free()'d by the Python memory manager to the OS

        Minimum of the 'unmanaged' measures over the last
        ``distributed.memory.recent-to-old-time`` seconds

        unmanaged - unmanaged_old; in other words process memory that has been recently
        allocated but is not accounted for by dask; hopefully it's mostly a temporary

        managed + unmanaged_old; in other words the memory held long-term by
        the process under the hopeful assumption that all unmanaged_recent memory is a
        temporary spike

    process: int
    unmanaged_old: int
    managed: int
    spilled: int

    __slots__ = tuple(__annotations__)

    def __init__(
        process: int,
        unmanaged_old: int,
        managed: int,
        spilled: int,
        # Some data arrives with the heartbeat, some other arrives in realtime as the
        # tasks progress. Also, sizeof() is not guaranteed to return correct results.
        # This can cause glitches where a partial measure is larger than the whole, so
        # we need to force all numbers to add up exactly by definition.
        self.process = process
        self.managed = min(self.process, managed)
        self.spilled = spilled
        # Subtractions between unsigned ints guaranteed by construction to be >= 0
        self.unmanaged_old = min(unmanaged_old, process - self.managed)

    def sum(*infos: MemoryState) -> MemoryState:
        process = 0
        unmanaged_old = 0
        managed = 0
        spilled = 0
        for ms in infos:
            process += ms.process
            unmanaged_old += ms.unmanaged_old
            spilled += ms.spilled
            managed += ms.managed
        return MemoryState(

    def managed_total(self) -> int:
        return self.managed + self.spilled

    def unmanaged(self) -> int:
        # This is never negative thanks to __init__
        return self.process - self.managed

    def unmanaged_recent(self) -> int:
        # This is never negative thanks to __init__
        return self.process - self.managed - self.unmanaged_old

    def optimistic(self) -> int:
        return self.managed + self.unmanaged_old

    def managed_in_memory(self) -> int:
        warnings.warn("managed_in_memory has been renamed to managed", FutureWarning)
        return self.managed

    def managed_spilled(self) -> int:
        warnings.warn("managed_spilled has been renamed to spilled", FutureWarning)
        return self.spilled

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f"Process memory (RSS)  : {format_bytes(self.process)}\n"
            f"  - managed by Dask   : {format_bytes(self.managed)}\n"
            f"  - unmanaged (old)   : {format_bytes(self.unmanaged_old)}\n"
            f"  - unmanaged (recent): {format_bytes(self.unmanaged_recent)}\n"
            f"Spilled to disk       : {format_bytes(self.spilled)}\n"

    def _to_dict(self, *, exclude: Container[str] = ()) -> dict:
        """Dictionary representation for debugging purposes.

        See also
        return {
            k: getattr(self, k)
            for k in dir(self)
            if not k.startswith("_")
            and k not in {"sum", "managed_in_memory", "managed_spilled"}

class WorkerState:
    """A simple object holding information about a worker.

    Not to be confused with :class:`distributed.worker_state_machine.WorkerState`.

    #: This worker's unique key. This can be its connected address
    #: (such as ``"tcp://"``) or an alias (such as ``"alice"``).
    address: str

    pid: int
    name: Hashable

    #: The number of CPU threads made available on this worker
    nthreads: int

    #: Memory available to the worker, in bytes
    memory_limit: int

    local_directory: str
    services: dict[str, int]

    #: Output of :meth:`distributed.versions.get_versions` on the worker
    versions: dict[str, Any]

    #: Address of the associated :class:`~distributed.nanny.Nanny`, if present
    nanny: str | None

    #: Read-only worker status, synced one way from the remote Worker object
    status: Status

    #: Cached hash of :attr:`~WorkerState.server_id`
    _hash: int

    #: The total memory size, in bytes, used by the tasks this worker holds in memory
    #: (i.e. the tasks in this worker's :attr:`~WorkerState.has_what`).
    nbytes: int

    #: Worker memory unknown to the worker, in bytes, which has been there for more than
    #: 30 seconds. See :class:`MemoryState`.
    _memory_unmanaged_old: int

    #: History of the last 30 seconds' worth of unmanaged memory. Used to differentiate
    #: between "old" and "new" unmanaged memory.
    #: Format: ``[(timestamp, bytes), (timestamp, bytes), ...]``
    _memory_unmanaged_history: deque[tuple[float, int]]

    metrics: dict[str, Any]

    #: The last time we received a heartbeat from this worker, in local scheduler time.
    last_seen: float

    time_delay: float
    bandwidth: float

    #: A set of all TaskStates on this worker that are actors. This only includes those
    #: actors whose state actually lives on this worker, not actors to which this worker
    #: has a reference.
    actors: set[TaskState]

    #: Underlying data of :meth:`WorkerState.has_what`
    _has_what: dict[TaskState, None]

    #: A set of tasks that have been submitted to this worker. Multiple tasks may be
    # submitted to a worker in advance and the worker will run them eventually,
    # depending on its execution resources (but see :doc:`work-stealing`).
    #: All the tasks here are in the "processing" state.
    #: This attribute is kept in sync with :attr:`TaskState.processing_on`.
    processing: set[TaskState]

    #: Running tasks that invoked :func:`distributed.secede`
    long_running: set[TaskState]

    #: A dictionary of tasks that are currently being run on this worker.
    #: Each task state is associated with the duration in seconds which the task has
    #: been running.
    executing: dict[TaskState, float]

    #: The available resources on this worker, e.g. ``{"GPU": 2}``.
    #: These are abstract quantities that constrain certain tasks from running at the
    #: same time on this worker.
    resources: dict[str, float]

    #: The sum of each resource used by all tasks allocated to this worker.
    #: The numbers in this dictionary can only be less or equal than those in this
    #: worker's :attr:`~WorkerState.resources`.
    used_resources: dict[str, float]

    #: Arbitrary additional metadata to be added to :meth:`~WorkerState.identity`
    extra: dict[str, Any]

    # The unique server ID this WorkerState is referencing
    server_id: str

    # Reference to scheduler task_groups
    scheduler_ref: weakref.ref[SchedulerState] | None
    task_prefix_count: defaultdict[str, int]
    _network_occ: int
    _occupancy_cache: float | None

    #: Keys that may need to be fetched to this worker, and the number of tasks that need them.
    #: All tasks are currently in `memory` on a worker other than this one.
    #: Much like `processing`, this does not exactly reflect worker state:
    #: keys here may be queued to fetch, in flight, or already in memory
    #: on the worker.
    needs_what: dict[TaskState, int]

    __slots__ = tuple(__annotations__)

    def __init__(
        address: str,
        status: Status,
        pid: int,
        name: object,
        nthreads: int = 0,
        memory_limit: int,
        local_directory: str,
        nanny: str | None,
        server_id: str,
        services: dict[str, int] | None = None,
        versions: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
        extra: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
        scheduler: SchedulerState | None = None,
        self.server_id = server_id
        self.address = address = pid = name
        self.nthreads = nthreads
        self.memory_limit = memory_limit
        self.local_directory = local_directory = services or {}
        self.versions = versions or {}
        self.nanny = nanny
        self.status = status
        self._hash = hash(self.server_id)
        self.nbytes = 0
        self._memory_unmanaged_old = 0
        self._memory_unmanaged_history = deque()
        self.metrics = {}
        self.last_seen = time()
        self.time_delay = 0
        self.bandwidth = parse_bytes(dask.config.get("distributed.scheduler.bandwidth"))
        self.actors = set()
        self._has_what = {}
        self.processing = set()
        self.long_running = set()
        self.executing = {}
        self.resources = {}
        self.used_resources = {}
        self.extra = extra or {}
        self.scheduler_ref = weakref.ref(scheduler) if scheduler else None
        self.task_prefix_count = defaultdict(int)
        self.needs_what = {}
        self._network_occ = 0
        self._occupancy_cache = None

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return self._hash

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        return self is other or (
            isinstance(other, WorkerState) and other.server_id == self.server_id

    def has_what(self) -> Set[TaskState]:
        """An insertion-sorted set-like of tasks which currently reside on this worker.
        All the tasks here are in the "memory" state.
        This is the reverse mapping of :attr:`TaskState.who_has`.

        This is a read-only public accessor. The data is implemented as a dict without
        values, because rebalance() relies on dicts being insertion-sorted.
        return self._has_what.keys()

    def host(self) -> str:
        return get_address_host(self.address)

    def memory(self) -> MemoryState:
        """Polished memory metrics for the worker.

        **Design note on managed memory**

        There are two measures available for managed memory:

        - ``self.nbytes``
        - ``self.metrics["managed_bytes"]``

        At rest, the two numbers must be identical. However, ``self.nbytes`` is
        immediately updated through the batched comms as soon as each task lands in
        memory on the worker; ``self.metrics["managed_bytes"]`` instead is updated by
        the heartbeat, which can lag several seconds behind.

        Below we are mixing likely newer managed memory info from ``self.nbytes`` with
        process and spilled memory from the heartbeat. This is deliberate, so that
        managed memory total is updated more frequently.

        Managed memory directly and immediately contributes to optimistic memory, which
        is in turn used in Active Memory Manager heuristics (at the moment of writing;
        more uses will likely be added in the future). So it's important to have it
        up to date; much more than it is for process memory.

        Having up-to-date managed memory info as soon as the scheduler learns about
        task completion also substantially simplifies unit tests.

        The flip side of this design is that it may cause some noise in the
        unmanaged_recent measure. e.g.:

        1. Delete 100MB of managed data
        2. The updated managed memory reaches the scheduler faster than the
           updated process memory
        3. There's a blip where the scheduler thinks that there's a sudden 100MB
           increase in unmanaged_recent, since process memory hasn't changed but managed
           memory has decreased by 100MB
        4. When the heartbeat arrives, process memory goes down and so does the

        This is OK - one of the main reasons for the unmanaged_recent / unmanaged_old
        split is exactly to concentrate all the noise in unmanaged_recent and exclude it
        from optimistic memory, which is used for heuristics.

        Something that is less OK, but also less frequent, is that the sudden deletion
        of spilled keys will cause a negative blip in managed memory:

        1. Delete 100MB of spilled data
        2. The updated managed memory *total* reaches the scheduler faster than the
           updated spilled portion
        3. This causes the managed memory to temporarily plummet and be replaced by
           unmanaged_recent, while spilled memory remains unaltered
        4. When the heartbeat arrives, managed goes back up, unmanaged_recent
           goes back down, and spilled goes down by 100MB as it should have to
           begin with.

        :issue:`6002` will let us solve this.
        return MemoryState(
            managed=max(0, self.nbytes - self.metrics["spilled_bytes"]["memory"]),

    def clean(self) -> WorkerState:
        """Return a version of this object that is appropriate for serialization"""
        ws = WorkerState(
        ws._occupancy_cache = self.occupancy

        ws.executing = {ts.key: duration for ts, duration in self.executing.items()}  # type: ignore
        return ws

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        name = f", name: {}" if != self.address else ""
        return (
            f"<WorkerState {self.address!r}{name}, "
            f"status: {}, "
            f"memory: {len(self.has_what)}, "
            f"processing: {len(self.processing)}>"

    def _repr_html_(self) -> str:
        return get_template("worker_state.html.j2").render(

    def identity(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        return {
            "type": "Worker",
            "resources": self.resources,
            "local_directory": self.local_directory,
            "nthreads": self.nthreads,
            "memory_limit": self.memory_limit,
            "last_seen": self.last_seen,
            "metrics": self.metrics,
            "nanny": self.nanny,

    def _to_dict_no_nest(self, *, exclude: Container[str] = ()) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Dictionary representation for debugging purposes.
        Not type stable and not intended for roundtrips.

        See also
        return recursive_to_dict(
            exclude=set(exclude) | {"versions"},  # type: ignore

    def scheduler(self) -> SchedulerState:
        assert self.scheduler_ref
        s = self.scheduler_ref()
        assert s
        return s

    def add_to_processing(self, ts: TaskState) -> None:
        """Assign a task to this worker for compute."""
        if self.scheduler.validate:
            assert ts not in self.processing

        tp = ts.prefix
        self.task_prefix_count[] += 1
        self.scheduler._task_prefix_count_global[] += 1
        for dts in ts.dependencies:
            assert dts.who_has
            if self not in dts.who_has:

    def add_to_long_running(self, ts: TaskState) -> None:
        if self.scheduler.validate:
            assert ts in self.processing
            assert ts not in self.long_running

        # Cannot remove from processing since we're using this for things like
        # idleness detection. Idle workers are typically targeted for
        # downscaling but we should not downscale workers with long running
        # tasks

    def remove_from_processing(self, ts: TaskState) -> None:
        """Remove a task from a workers processing"""
        if self.scheduler.validate:
            assert ts in self.processing

        if ts in self.long_running:
        for dts in ts.dependencies:
            if dts in self.needs_what:

    def _remove_from_task_prefix_count(self, ts: TaskState) -> None:
        prefix_name =
        count = self.task_prefix_count[prefix_name] - 1
        tp_count = self.task_prefix_count
        tp_count_global = self.scheduler._task_prefix_count_global
        if count:
            tp_count[prefix_name] = count
            del tp_count[prefix_name]

        count = tp_count_global[prefix_name] - 1
        if count:
            tp_count_global[prefix_name] = count
            del tp_count_global[prefix_name]

    def remove_replica(self, ts: TaskState) -> None:
        """The worker no longer has a task in memory"""
        if self.scheduler.validate:
            assert ts.who_has
            assert self in ts.who_has
            assert ts in self.has_what
            assert ts not in self.needs_what

        self.nbytes -= ts.get_nbytes()
        del self._has_what[ts]
        ts.who_has.remove(self)  # type: ignore
        if not ts.who_has:
            ts.who_has = None

    def _inc_needs_replica(self, ts: TaskState) -> None:
        """Assign a task fetch to this worker and update network occupancies"""
        if self.scheduler.validate:
            assert ts.who_has
            assert self not in ts.who_has
            assert ts not in self.has_what
        if ts not in self.needs_what:
            self.needs_what[ts] = 1
            nbytes = ts.get_nbytes()
            self._network_occ += nbytes
            self.scheduler._network_occ_global += nbytes
            self.needs_what[ts] += 1

    def _dec_needs_replica(self, ts: TaskState) -> None:
        if self.scheduler.validate:
            assert ts in self.needs_what

        self.needs_what[ts] -= 1
        if self.needs_what[ts] == 0:
            del self.needs_what[ts]
            nbytes = ts.get_nbytes()
            # FIXME: ts.get_nbytes may change if non-deterministic tasks get recomputed, causing drift
            self._network_occ -= min(nbytes, self._network_occ)
            self.scheduler._network_occ_global -= min(
                nbytes, self.scheduler._network_occ_global

    def add_replica(self, ts: TaskState) -> None:
        """The worker acquired a replica of task"""
        if ts.who_has is None:
            ts.who_has = set()
        if ts in self._has_what:
        nbytes = ts.get_nbytes()
        if ts in self.needs_what:
            del self.needs_what[ts]
            # FIXME: ts.get_nbytes may change if non-deterministic tasks get recomputed, causing drift
            self._network_occ -= min(nbytes, self._network_occ)
            self.scheduler._network_occ_global -= min(
                nbytes, self.scheduler._network_occ_global
        self.nbytes += nbytes
        self._has_what[ts] = None

    def occupancy(self) -> float:
        return self._occupancy_cache or self.scheduler._calc_occupancy(
            self.task_prefix_count, self._network_occ

class ErredTask:
    """Lightweight representation of an erred task without any dependency information
    or runspec.

    See also

    key: Hashable
    timestamp: float
    erred_on: set[str]
    exception_text: str
    traceback_text: str

class Computation:
    """Collection tracking a single compute or persist call

    DEPRECATED: please use spans instead

    See also

    start: float
    groups: set[TaskGroup]
    code: SortedSet[tuple[SourceCode, ...]]
    id: uuid.UUID
    annotations: dict

    __slots__ = tuple(__annotations__)

    def __init__(self):
        self.start = time()
        self.groups = set()
        self.code = SortedSet() = uuid.uuid4()
        self.annotations = {}

    def stop(self) -> float:
        if self.groups:
            return max(tg.stop for tg in self.groups)
            return -1

    def states(self) -> dict[TaskStateState, int]:
        return merge_with(sum, (tg.states for tg in self.groups))

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f"<Computation {}: "
            + "Tasks: "
            + ", ".join(
                "%s: %d" % (k, v) for (k, v) in sorted(self.states.items()) if v
            + ">"

    def _repr_html_(self) -> str:
        return get_template("computation.html.j2").render(

class TaskCollection:
    """Abstract collection tracking all tasks

    See Also

    #: The name of a collection of tasks.
    name: str

    #: The total number of bytes that tasks belonging to this collection have produced
    nbytes_total: int

    #: The number of tasks belonging to this collection in each state,
    #: like ``{"memory": 10, "processing": 3, "released": 4, ...}``
    states: dict[TaskStateState, int]

    _all_durations_us: defaultdict[str, int]

    _duration_us: int

    _size: int

    _types: defaultdict[str, int]

    __slots__ = tuple(__annotations__)

    def __init__(self, name: str): = name
        self._all_durations_us = defaultdict(int)
        self._duration_us = 0
        self.nbytes_total = 0
        self.states = dict.fromkeys(ALL_TASK_STATES, 0)
        self._size = 0
        self._types = defaultdict(int)

    def all_durations(self) -> defaultdict[str, float]:
        """Cumulative duration of all completed actions of tasks belonging to this collection, by action"""
        return defaultdict(
                action: duration_us / 1e6
                for action, duration_us in self._all_durations_us.items()

    def duration(self) -> float:
        """The total amount of time spent on all tasks belonging to this collection"""
        return self._duration_us / 1e6

    def types(self) -> Set[str]:
        """The result types of this collection"""
        return self._types.keys()

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return self._size

class TaskPrefix(TaskCollection):
    """Collection tracking all tasks within a prefix

    See Also

    #: An exponentially weighted moving average duration of all tasks with this prefix
    duration_average: float

    #: Numbers of times a task was marked as suspicious with this prefix
    suspicious: int

    #: This measures the maximum recorded live execution time and can be used to
    #: detect outliers
    max_exec_time: float

    #: Accumulate count of number of tasks in each state
    state_counts: defaultdict[TaskStateState, int]

    _groups: dict[TaskGroup, None]

    __slots__ = tuple(__annotations__)

    def __init__(self, name: str):
        TaskCollection.__init__(self, name)
        self.state_counts = defaultdict(int)
        task_durations = dask.config.get("distributed.scheduler.default-task-durations")
        if in task_durations:
            self.duration_average = parse_timedelta(task_durations[])
            self.duration_average = -1
        self.max_exec_time = -1
        self.suspicious = 0
        self._groups = {}

    def add_exec_time(self, duration: float) -> None:
        self.max_exec_time = max(duration, self.max_exec_time)
        if duration > 2 * self.duration_average:
            self.duration_average = -1

    def add_duration(self, action: str, start: float, stop: float) -> None:
        duration_us = max(round((stop - start) * 1e6), 0)
        self._duration_us += duration_us
        self._all_durations_us[action] += duration_us

        duration_s = duration_us / 1e6
        if action == "compute":
            old = self.duration_average
            if old < 0:
                self.duration_average = duration_s
                self.duration_average = 0.5 * duration_s + 0.5 * old

    def add_group(self, tg: TaskGroup) -> None:
        self._groups[tg] = None

    def remove_group(self, tg: TaskGroup) -> None:
        # This is important, we need to adjust the stats
        for state, count in tg.states.items():
            self.states[state] -= count
            self._size -= count
        self._duration_us -= tg._duration_us
        self.nbytes_total -= tg.nbytes_total
        for typename, count in tg._types.items():
            self._types[typename] -= count
            if self._types[typename] == 0:
                del self._types[typename]

    @_deprecated(use_instead="groups")  # type: ignore[misc]
    def active(self) -> Set[TaskGroup]:
        return self.groups

    def groups(self) -> Set[TaskGroup]:
        """Insertion-sorted set-like of groups associated to this prefix"""
        return self._groups.keys()

    @_deprecated(use_instead="states")  # type: ignore[misc]
    def active_states(self) -> dict[TaskStateState, int]:
        return self.states

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            + ": "
            + ", ".join(
                "%s: %d" % (k, v) for (k, v) in sorted(self.states.items()) if v
            + ">"

class TaskGroup(TaskCollection):
    """Collection tracking all tasks within a group

    See also

    #: The other TaskGroups on which this one depends
    dependencies: set[TaskGroup]

    #: The worker most recently assigned a task from this group, or None when the group
    #: is not identified to be root-like by `SchedulerState.decide_worker`.
    last_worker: WorkerState | None

    #: If `last_worker` is not None, the number of times that worker should be assigned
    #: subsequent tasks until a new worker is chosen.
    last_worker_tasks_left: int

    prefix: TaskPrefix

    #: Earliest time when a task belonging to this group started computing;
    #: 0 if no task has *finished* computing yet
    #: Notes
    #: -----
    #: This is not updated until at least one task has *finished* computing.
    #: It could move backwards as tasks complete.
    start: float

    #: Latest time when a task belonging to this group finished computing,
    #: 0 if no task has finished computing yet
    stop: float

    #: Span ID (see ``distributed.spans``).
    #: Matches ``distributed.worker_state_machine.TaskState.span_id``.
    #: It is possible to end up in situation where different tasks of the same TaskGroup
    #: belong to different spans; the purpose of this attribute is to arbitrarily force
    #: everything onto the earliest encountered one.
    span_id: str | None

    __slots__ = tuple(__annotations__)

    def __init__(self, name: str, prefix: TaskPrefix):
        TaskCollection.__init__(self, name)
        self.dependencies = set()
        self.start = 0.0
        self.stop = 0.0
        self.last_worker = None
        self.last_worker_tasks_left = 0
        self.span_id = None
        self.prefix = prefix

    def add_duration(self, action: str, start: float, stop: float) -> None:
        duration_us = max(round((stop - start) * 1e6), 0)
        self._duration_us += duration_us
        self._all_durations_us[action] += duration_us

        if action == "compute":
            if self.stop < stop:
                self.stop = stop
            if self.start == 0.0 or self.start > start:
                self.start = start
        self.prefix.add_duration(action, start, stop)

    def add(self, other: TaskState) -> None:
        self.states[other.state] += 1
        self._size += 1
        self.prefix.states[other.state] += 1
        self.prefix._size += 1 = self

    def add_type(self, typename: str) -> None:
        self._types[typename] += 1
        self.prefix._types[typename] += 1

    def update_nbytes(self, diff: int) -> None:
        self.nbytes_total += diff
        self.prefix.nbytes_total += diff

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            + ( or "no-group")
            + ": "
            + ", ".join(
                "%s: %d" % (k, v) for (k, v) in sorted(self.states.items()) if v
            + ">"

    def _to_dict_no_nest(self, *, exclude: Container[str] = ()) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Dictionary representation for debugging purposes.
        Not type stable and not intended for roundtrips.

        See also
        return recursive_to_dict(self, exclude=exclude, members=True)

    def done(self) -> bool:
        """Return True if all computations for this group have completed; False

        This property may transition from True to False, e.g. when a worker that
        contained the only replica of a task in memory crashes and the task need to be
        return all(
            count == 0 or state in {"memory", "erred", "released", "forgotten"}
            for state, count in self.states.items()

class TaskState:
    """A simple object holding information about a task.

    Not to be confused with :class:`distributed.worker_state_machine.TaskState`, which
    holds similar information on the Worker side.

    #: The key is the unique identifier of a task, generally formed from the name of the
    #: function, followed by a hash of the function and arguments, like
    #: ``'inc-ab31c010444977004d656610d2d421ec'``.
    key: Key

    #: A specification of how to run the task.  The type and meaning of this value is
    #: opaque to the scheduler, as it is only interpreted by the worker to which the
    #: task is sent for executing.
    #: As a special case, this attribute may also be ``None``, in which case the task is
    #: "pure data" (such as, for example, a piece of data loaded in the scheduler using
    #: :meth:`Client.scatter`).  A "pure data" task cannot be computed again if its
    #: value is lost.
    run_spec: T_runspec | None

    #: The priority provides each task with a relative ranking which is used to break
    #: ties when many tasks are being considered for execution.
    #: This ranking is generally a 2-item tuple.  The first (and dominant) item
    #: corresponds to when it was submitted.  Generally, earlier tasks take precedence.
    #: The second item is determined by the client, and is a way to prioritize tasks
    #: within a large graph that may be important, such as if they are on the critical
    #: path, or good to run in order to release many dependencies.  This is explained
    #: further in :doc:`Scheduling Policy <scheduling-policies>`.
    priority: tuple[float, ...] | None

    # Attribute underlying the state property
    _state: TaskStateState

    #: The set of tasks this task depends on for proper execution. Only tasks still
    #: alive are listed in this set. If, for whatever reason, this task also depends on
    #: a forgotten task, the :attr:`has_lost_dependencies` flag is set.
    #: A task can only be executed once all its dependencies have already been
    #: successfully executed and have their result stored on at least one worker. This
    #: is tracked by progressively draining the :attr:`waiting_on` set.
    dependencies: set[TaskState]

    #: The set of tasks which depend on this task.  Only tasks still alive are listed in
    #: this set. This is the reverse mapping of :attr:`dependencies`.
    dependents: set[TaskState]

    #: Whether any of the dependencies of this task has been forgotten. For memory
    #: consumption reasons, forgotten tasks are not kept in memory even though they may
    #: have dependent tasks.  When a task is forgotten, therefore, each of its
    #: dependents has their :attr:`has_lost_dependencies` attribute set to ``True``.
    #: If :attr:`has_lost_dependencies` is true, this task cannot go into the
    #: "processing" state anymore.
    has_lost_dependencies: bool

    #: The set of tasks this task is waiting on *before* it can be executed. This is
    #: always a subset of :attr:`dependencies`.  Each time one of the dependencies has
    #: finished processing, it is removed from the :attr:`waiting_on` set.
    #: Once :attr:`waiting_on` becomes empty, this task can move from the "waiting"
    #: state to the "processing" state (unless one of the dependencies errored out, in
    #: which case this task is instead marked "erred").
    waiting_on: set[TaskState] | None

    #: The set of tasks which need this task to remain alive.  This is always a subset
    #: of :attr:`dependents`.  Each time one of the dependents has finished processing,
    #: it is removed from the :attr:`waiters` set.
    #: Once both :attr:`waiters` and :attr:`who_wants` become empty, this task can be
    #: released (if it has a non-empty :attr:`run_spec`) or forgotten (otherwise) by the
    #: scheduler, and by any workers in :attr:`who_has`.
    #: .. note::
    #:    Counter-intuitively, :attr:`waiting_on` and :attr:`waiters` are not reverse
    #:    mappings of each other.
    waiters: set[TaskState] | None

    #: The set of clients who want the result of this task to remain alive.
    #: This is the reverse mapping of :attr:`ClientState.wants_what`.
    #: When a client submits a graph to the scheduler it also specifies which output
    #: tasks it desires, such that their results are not released from memory.
    #: Once a task has finished executing (i.e. moves into the "memory" or "erred"
    #: state), the clients in :attr:`who_wants` are notified.
    #: Once both :attr:`waiters` and :attr:`who_wants` become empty, this task can be
    #: released (if it has a non-empty :attr:`run_spec`) or forgotten (otherwise) by the
    #: scheduler, and by any workers in :attr:`who_has`.
    who_wants: set[ClientState] | None

    #: The set of workers who have this task's result in memory. It is non-empty iff the
    #: task is in the "memory" state.  There can be more than one worker in this set if,
    #: for example, :meth:`Client.scatter` or :meth:`Client.replicate` was used.
    #: This is the reverse mapping of :attr:`WorkerState.has_what`.
    who_has: set[WorkerState] | None

    #: If this task is in the "processing" state, which worker is currently processing
    #: it. This attribute is kept in sync with :attr:`WorkerState.processing`.
    processing_on: WorkerState | None

    #: The number of times this task can automatically be retried in case of failure.
    #: If a task fails executing (the worker returns with an error), its :attr:`retries`
    #: attribute is checked. If it is equal to 0, the task is marked "erred". If it is
    #: greater than 0, the :attr:`retries` attribute is decremented and execution is
    #: attempted again.
    retries: int

    #: The number of bytes, as determined by ``sizeof``, of the result of a finished
    #: task. This number is used for diagnostics and to help prioritize work.
    #: Set to -1 for unfinished tasks.
    nbytes: int

    #: The type of the object as a string. Only present for tasks that have been
    #: computed.
    type: str

    #: If this task failed executing, the exception object is stored here.
    exception: Serialized | None

    #: If this task failed executing, the traceback object is stored here.
    traceback: Serialized | None

    #: string representation of exception
    exception_text: str | None

    #: string representation of traceback
    traceback_text: str | None

    #: If this task or one of its dependencies failed executing, the failed task is
    #: stored here (possibly itself).
    exception_blame: TaskState | None

    #: Worker addresses on which errors appeared, causing this task to be in an error
    #: state.
    erred_on: set[str] | None

    #: The number of times this task has been involved in a worker death.
    #: Some tasks may cause workers to die (such as calling ``os._exit(0)``). When a
    #: worker dies, all of the tasks on that worker are reassigned to others. This
    #: combination of behaviors can cause a bad task to catastrophically destroy all
    #: workers on the cluster, one after another. Whenever a worker dies, we mark each
    #: task currently processing on that worker (as recorded by
    #: :attr:`WorkerState.processing`) as suspicious. If a task is involved in three
    #: deaths (or some other fixed constant) then we mark the task as ``erred``.
    suspicious: int

    #: A set of hostnames where this task can be run (or ``None`` if empty). Usually
    #: this is empty unless the task has been specifically restricted to only run on
    #: certain hosts. A hostname may correspond to one or several connected workers.
    host_restrictions: set[str] | None

    #: A set of complete worker addresses where this can be run (or ``None`` if empty).
    #: Usually this is empty unless the task has been specifically restricted to only
    #: run on certain workers.
    #: Note this is tracking worker addresses, not worker states, since the specific
    #: workers may not be connected at this time.
    worker_restrictions: set[str] | None

    #: Resources required by this task, such as ``{'gpu': 1}`` or ``{'memory': 1e9}``
    #: These are user-defined names and are matched against the : contents of each
    #: :attr:`WorkerState.resources` dictionary.
    resource_restrictions: dict[str, float] | None

    #: False
    #:     Each of :attr:`host_restrictions`, :attr:`worker_restrictions` and
    #:     :attr:`resource_restrictions` is a hard constraint: if no worker is available
    #:     satisfying those restrictions, the task cannot go into the "processing" state
    #:     and will instead go into the "no-worker" state.
    #: True
    #:     The above restrictions are mere preferences: if no worker is available
    #:     satisfying those restrictions, the task can still go into the
    #:     "processing" state and be sent for execution to another connected worker.
    loose_restrictions: bool

    #: Whether this task is an Actor
    actor: bool

    #: The group of tasks to which this one belongs
    group: TaskGroup

    #: Metadata related to task
    metadata: dict[str, Any] | None

    #: Task annotations
    annotations: dict[str, Any] | None

    #: The unique identifier of a specific execution of a task. This identifier
    #: is used to sign a task such that the assigned worker is expected to return
    #: the same identifier in the task-finished message. This is used to correlate
    #: responses.
    #: Only the most recently assigned worker is trusted. All other results will
    #: be rejected.
    run_id: int | None

    #: Whether to allow queueing this task if it is rootish
    _queueable: bool

    #: Cached hash of :attr:`~TaskState.client_key`
    _hash: int

    # Support for weakrefs to a class with __slots__
    __weakref__: Any = None
    __slots__ = tuple(__annotations__)

    #: Global iterator used to create unique task run IDs
    _run_id_iterator: ClassVar[itertools.count] = itertools.count()

    # Instances not part of slots since class variable
    _instances: ClassVar[weakref.WeakSet[TaskState]] = weakref.WeakSet()

    def __init__(
        key: Key,
        run_spec: T_runspec | None,
        state: TaskStateState,
        group: TaskGroup,
        validate: bool,
        # Most of the attributes below are not initialized since there are not
        # always required for every tasks. Particularly for large graphs, these
        # can add up significant memory, see
        self.key = key
        self._hash = hash(key)
        self.run_spec = run_spec
        self._state = state
        self.exception = None
        self.exception_blame = None
        self.traceback = None
        self.exception_text = None
        self.traceback_text = None
        self.suspicious = 0
        self.retries = 0
        self.nbytes = -1
        self.priority = None
        self.who_wants = None
        self.dependencies = set()
        self.dependents = set()
        self.waiting_on = None
        self.waiters = None
        self.who_has = None
        self.processing_on = None
        self.has_lost_dependencies = False
        self.host_restrictions = None
        self.worker_restrictions = None
        self.resource_restrictions = None
        self.loose_restrictions = False = False
        self.type = None  # type: ignore
        self.metadata = None
        self.annotations = None
        self.erred_on = None
        self._queueable = True
        self.run_id = None = group
        if validate:

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return self._hash

    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
        return isinstance(other, TaskState) and self.key == other.key

    def state(self) -> TaskStateState:
        """This task's current state.  Valid states are ``released``, ``waiting``,
        ``no-worker``, ``processing``, ``memory``, ``erred`` and ``forgotten``.  If it
        is ``forgotten``, the task isn't stored in the ``tasks`` dictionary anymore and
        will probably disappear soon from memory.
        return self._state

    def state(self, value: TaskStateState) -> None:
        # Note: It would be cleaner to move this to the subclasses but the
        # function dispatch is adding notable overhead and this setter is called
        # *very* often
        gr_st =
        gr_st[self._state] -= 1
        gr_st[value] += 1
        pf = self.prefix
        pf.states[self._state] -= 1
        pf.states[value] += 1
        pf.state_counts[value] += 1
        self._state = value

    def add_dependency(self, other: TaskState) -> None:
        """Add another task as a dependency of this task"""

    def get_nbytes(self) -> int:
        return self.nbytes if self.nbytes >= 0 else DEFAULT_DATA_SIZE

    def set_nbytes(self, nbytes: int) -> None:
        diff = nbytes
        old_nbytes = self.nbytes
        if old_nbytes >= 0:
            diff -= old_nbytes
        for ws in self.who_has or ():
            ws.nbytes += diff
        self.nbytes = nbytes

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"<TaskState {self.key!r} {self._state}>"

    def _repr_html_(self) -> str:
        return get_template("task_state.html.j2").render(

    def validate(self) -> None:
            for cs in self.who_wants or ():
                assert isinstance(cs, ClientState), (repr(cs), self.who_wants)
            for ws in self.who_has or ():
                assert isinstance(ws, WorkerState), (repr(ws), self.who_has)
            for ts in self.dependencies:
                assert isinstance(ts, TaskState), (repr(ts), self.dependencies)
            for ts in self.dependents:
                assert isinstance(ts, TaskState), (repr(ts), self.dependents)
        except Exception as e:
            if LOG_PDB:
                import pdb


    def get_nbytes_deps(self) -> int:
        return sum(ts.get_nbytes() for ts in self.dependencies)

    def _to_dict_no_nest(self, *, exclude: Container[str] = ()) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Dictionary representation for debugging purposes.
        Not type stable and not intended for roundtrips.

        See also

        This class uses ``_to_dict_no_nest`` instead of ``_to_dict``.
        When a task references another task, or when a WorkerState.tasks contains tasks,
        this method is not executed for the inner task, even if the inner task was never
        seen before; you get a repr instead. All tasks should neatly appear under
        Scheduler.tasks. This also prevents a RecursionError during particularly heavy
        loads, which have been observed to happen whenever there's an acyclic dependency
        chain of ~200+ tasks.
        return recursive_to_dict(self, exclude=exclude, members=True)

    def prefix(self) -> TaskPrefix:
        """The broad class of tasks to which this task belongs like "inc" or "read_csv" """

    def group_key(self) -> str:

class Transition(NamedTuple):
    """An entry in :attr:`SchedulerState.transition_log`"""

    key: Key
    start: TaskStateState
    finish: TaskStateState
    recommendations: Recs
    stimulus_id: str
    timestamp: float

class SchedulerState:
    """Underlying task state of dynamic scheduler

    Tracks the current state of workers, data, and computations.

    Handles transitions between different task states. Notifies the
    Scheduler of changes by messaging passing through Queues, which the
    Scheduler listens to responds accordingly.

    All events are handled quickly, in linear time with respect to their
    input (which is often of constant size) and generally within a

    Users typically do not interact with ``Transitions`` directly. Instead
    users interact with the ``Client``, which in turn engages the
    ``Scheduler`` affecting different transitions here under-the-hood. In
    the background ``Worker``s also engage with the ``Scheduler``
    affecting these state transitions as well.

    bandwidth: int

    #: Clients currently connected to the scheduler
    clients: dict[str, ClientState]

    extensions: dict[str, Any]  # TODO write a scheduler extension Protocol
    plugins: dict[str, SchedulerPlugin]
    host_info: dict[str, dict[str, Any]]

    #: If True, enable expensive internal consistency check.
    #: Typically disabled in production.
    validate: bool

    # Workers-related state

    #: Workers currently connected to the scheduler
    #: (actually a SortedDict, but the sortedcontainers package isn't annotated)
    workers: dict[str, WorkerState]
    #: Worker {name: address}
    aliases: dict[Hashable, str]
    #: Workers that are currently in running state
    running: set[WorkerState]
    #: Workers that are currently in running state and not fully utilized
    #: Definition based on occupancy
    #: (actually a SortedDict, but the sortedcontainers package isn't annotated).
    #: Not to be confused with :meth:`is_idle`.
    idle: dict[str, WorkerState]
    #: Similar to `idle`
    #: Definition based on assigned tasks
    idle_task_count: set[WorkerState]
    #: Workers that are fully utilized. May include non-running workers.
    saturated: set[WorkerState]
    #: Current number of threads across all workers
    total_nthreads: int
    #: History of number of threads
    #: (timestamp, new number of threads)
    total_nthreads_history: list[tuple[float, int]]
    #: Cluster-wide resources. {resource name: {worker address: amount}}
    resources: dict[str, dict[str, float]]

    # Tasks-related state

    #: Total number of tasks ever processed
    n_tasks: int

    #: All tasks currently known to the scheduler
    tasks: dict[Key, TaskState]

    #: Tasks in the "queued" state, ordered by priority
    queued: HeapSet[TaskState]

    #: Tasks in the "no-worker" state with the (monotonic) time when they became unrunnable
    unrunnable: dict[TaskState, float]

    #: Subset of tasks that exist in memory on more than one worker
    replicated_tasks: set[TaskState]

    task_groups: dict[str, TaskGroup]
    task_prefixes: dict[str, TaskPrefix]
    task_metadata: dict[Key, Any]

    # History

    #: History of computations.
    #: The length can be tweaked through
    #: distributed.diagnostics.computations.max-history
    computations: deque[Computation]

    #: History of erred tasks.
    #: The length can be tweaked through
    #: distributed.diagnostics.erred-tasks.max-history
    erred_tasks: deque[ErredTask]

    #: History of task state transitions.
    #: The length can be tweaked through
    #: distributed.admin.low-level-log-length
    transition_log: deque[Transition]

    #: Total number of transitions since the cluster was started
    transition_counter: int

    #: Total number of transitions as of the previous call to check_idle()
    _idle_transition_counter: int

    #: Raise an error if the :attr:`transition_counter` ever reaches this value.
    #: This is meant for debugging only, to catch infinite recursion loops.
    #: In production, it should always be set to False.
    transition_counter_max: int | Literal[False]

    _task_prefix_count_global: defaultdict[str, int]
    _network_occ_global: int
    # Cached configuration

    #: distributed.scheduler.unknown-task-duration
    #: distributed.worker.memory.recent-to-old-time
    #: distributed.worker.memory.rebalance.measure
    #: distributed.worker.memory.rebalance.sender-min
    #: distributed.worker.memory.rebalance.recipient-max
    #: distributed.worker.memory.rebalance.sender-recipient-gap / 2
    #: distributed.scheduler.worker-saturation

    __slots__ = tuple(__annotations__)

    def __init__(
        aliases: dict[Hashable, str],
        clients: dict[str, ClientState],
        workers: SortedDict[str, WorkerState],
        host_info: dict[str, dict[str, Any]],
        resources: dict[str, dict[str, float]],
        tasks: dict[Key, TaskState],
        unrunnable: dict[TaskState, float],
        queued: HeapSet[TaskState],
        validate: bool,
        plugins: Iterable[SchedulerPlugin] = (),
        transition_counter_max: int | Literal[False] = False,
        **kwargs: Any,  # Passed verbatim to Server.__init__()
    ):"State start")
        self.aliases = aliases
        self.bandwidth = parse_bytes(dask.config.get("distributed.scheduler.bandwidth"))
        self.clients = clients
        self.clients["fire-and-forget"] = ClientState("fire-and-forget")
        self.extensions = {}
        self.host_info = host_info
        self.idle = SortedDict()
        self.idle_task_count = set()
        self.n_tasks = 0
        self.resources = resources
        self.saturated = set()
        self.tasks = tasks
        self.replicated_tasks = {
            ts for ts in self.tasks.values() if len(ts.who_has or ()) > 1
        self.computations = deque(
        self.erred_tasks = deque(
        self.task_groups = {}
        self.task_prefixes = {}
        self.task_metadata = {}
        self.total_nthreads = 0
        self.total_nthreads_history = [(time(), 0)]
        self.queued = queued
        self.unrunnable = unrunnable
        self.validate = validate
        self.workers = workers
        self._task_prefix_count_global = defaultdict(int)
        self._network_occ_global = 0
        self.running = {
            ws for ws in self.workers.values() if ws.status == Status.running
        self.plugins = {} if not plugins else {_get_plugin_name(p): p for p in plugins}

        self.transition_log = deque(
        self.transition_counter = 0
        self._idle_transition_counter = 0
        self.transition_counter_max = transition_counter_max

        # Variables from dask.config, cached by __init__ for performance
        self.UNKNOWN_TASK_DURATION = parse_timedelta(
        self.MEMORY_RECENT_TO_OLD_TIME = parse_timedelta(
        self.MEMORY_REBALANCE_MEASURE = dask.config.get(
        self.MEMORY_REBALANCE_SENDER_MIN = dask.config.get(
        self.MEMORY_REBALANCE_RECIPIENT_MAX = dask.config.get(
            / 2.0

        self.WORKER_SATURATION = dask.config.get(
        if self.WORKER_SATURATION == "inf":
            # Special case necessary because there's no way to parse a float infinity
            # from a DASK_* environment variable
            self.WORKER_SATURATION = math.inf
        if (
            not isinstance(self.WORKER_SATURATION, (int, float))
            or self.WORKER_SATURATION <= 0
            raise ValueError(  # pragma: nocover
                "`distributed.scheduler.worker-saturation` must be a float > 0; got "
                + repr(self.WORKER_SATURATION)

        self.rootish_tg_threshold = dask.config.get(
        self.rootish_tg_dependencies_threshold = dask.config.get(

    def log_event(self, topic: str | Collection[str], msg: Any) -> None: ...

    def memory(self) -> MemoryState:
        return MemoryState.sum(*(w.memory for w in self.workers.values()))

    def __pdict__(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        return {
            "bandwidth": self.bandwidth,
            "resources": self.resources,
            "saturated": self.saturated,
            "unrunnable": self.unrunnable,
            "queued": self.queued,
            "n_tasks": self.n_tasks,
            "validate": self.validate,
            "tasks": self.tasks,
            "task_groups": self.task_groups,
            "task_prefixes": self.task_prefixes,
            "total_nthreads": self.total_nthreads,
            "total_occupancy": self.total_occupancy,
            "erred_tasks": self.erred_tasks,
            "extensions": self.extensions,
            "clients": self.clients,
            "workers": self.workers,
            "idle": self.idle,
            "host_info": self.host_info,

    def new_task(
        key: Key,
        spec: T_runspec | None,
        state: TaskStateState,
        computation: Computation | None = None,
    ) -> TaskState:
        """Create a new task, and associated states"""
        prefix_key = key_split(key)
        group_key = key_split_group(key)

        tg = self.task_groups.get(group_key)
        if tg is None:
            tp = self.task_prefixes.get(prefix_key)
            if tp is None:
                self.task_prefixes[prefix_key] = tp = TaskPrefix(prefix_key)

            self.task_groups[group_key] = tg = TaskGroup(group_key, tp)

            if computation:

        ts = TaskState(key, spec, state, tg, validate=self.validate)

        self.tasks[key] = ts

        return ts

    def _clear_task_state(self) -> None:
        logger.debug("Clear task state")
        for collection in (

    def is_idle(self) -> bool:
        """Return True iff there are no tasks that haven't finished computing.

        Unlike testing ``self.total_occupancy``, this property returns False if there
        are long-running tasks, no-worker, or queued tasks (due to not having any

        Not to be confused with ``idle``.
        return all(tg.done for tg in self.task_groups.values())

    def total_occupancy(self) -> float:
        return self._calc_occupancy(

    def _get_prefix_duration(self, prefix: TaskPrefix) -> float:
        """Get the estimated computation cost of the given task prefix
        (not including any communication cost).

        If no data has been observed, value of
        `distributed.scheduler.default-task-durations` are used. If none is set
        for this task, `distributed.scheduler.unknown-task-duration` is used

        See Also
        # TODO: Deal with unknown tasks better
        assert prefix is not None
        duration = prefix.duration_average
        if duration < 0:
            if prefix.max_exec_time > 0:
                duration = 2 * prefix.max_exec_time
                duration = self.UNKNOWN_TASK_DURATION
        return duration

    def _calc_occupancy(
        task_prefix_count: dict[str, int],
        network_occ: float,
    ) -> float:
        res = 0.0
        for prefix_name, count in task_prefix_count.items():
            duration = self._get_prefix_duration(self.task_prefixes[prefix_name])
            res += duration * count
        occ = res + network_occ / self.bandwidth
        if self.validate:
            assert occ >= 0, (occ, res, network_occ, self.bandwidth)
        occ = max(occ, 0)
        return occ

    # State Transitions #

    def _transition(
        self, key: Key, finish: TaskStateState, stimulus_id: str, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> RecsMsgs:
        """Transition a key from its current state to the finish state

        >>> self._transition('x', 'waiting')
        {'x': 'processing'}, {}, {}

        Tuple of:

        - Dictionary of recommendations for future transitions {key: new state}
        - Messages to clients {client address: [msg, msg, ...]}
        - Messages to workers {worker address: [msg, msg, ...]}

        See Also
        Scheduler.transitions : transitive version of this function
            ts = self.tasks.get(key)
            if ts is None:
                return {}, {}, {}
            start = ts._state
            if start == finish:
                return {}, {}, {}

            # Notes:
            # - in case of transition through released, this counter is incremented by 2
            # - this increase happens before the actual transitions, so that it can
            #   catch potential infinite recursions
            self.transition_counter += 1
            if self.transition_counter_max:
                assert self.transition_counter < self.transition_counter_max

            recommendations: Recs = {}
            worker_msgs: Msgs = {}
            client_msgs: Msgs = {}

            if self.plugins:
                dependents = set(ts.dependents)
                dependencies = set(ts.dependencies)

            func = self._TRANSITIONS_TABLE.get((start, finish))
            if func is not None:
                recommendations, client_msgs, worker_msgs = func(
                    self, key, stimulus_id, **kwargs

            elif "released" not in (start, finish):
                assert not kwargs, (kwargs, start, finish)
                a_recs, a_cmsgs, a_wmsgs = self._transition(
                    key, "released", stimulus_id

                v = a_recs.get(key, finish)
                # The inner rec has higher priority? Is that always desired?
                func = self._TRANSITIONS_TABLE["released", v]
                b_recs, b_cmsgs, b_wmsgs = func(self, key, stimulus_id)

                for c, new_msgs in a_cmsgs.items():
                    client_msgs.setdefault(c, []).extend(new_msgs)
                for w, new_msgs in a_wmsgs.items():
                    worker_msgs.setdefault(w, []).extend(new_msgs)

                for c, new_msgs in b_cmsgs.items():
                    client_msgs.setdefault(c, []).extend(new_msgs)
                for w, new_msgs in b_wmsgs.items():
                    worker_msgs.setdefault(w, []).extend(new_msgs)

                start = "released"
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Impossible transition from {start} to {finish} for {key!r}: "
                    f"{stimulus_id=}, {kwargs=}, story={self.story(ts)}"

            if not stimulus_id:
                stimulus_id = STIMULUS_ID_UNSET

            actual_finish = ts._state
                    key, start, actual_finish, recommendations, stimulus_id, time()
            if self.validate:
                if stimulus_id == STIMULUS_ID_UNSET:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "stimulus_id not set during Scheduler transition"
                    "Transitioned %r %s->%s (actual: %s).  Consequence: %s",
            if self.plugins:
                # Temporarily put back forgotten key for plugin to retrieve it
                if ts._state == "forgotten":
                    ts.dependents = dependents
                    ts.dependencies = dependencies
                    self.tasks[ts.key] = ts
                for plugin in list(self.plugins.values()):
                            key, start, actual_finish, stimulus_id=stimulus_id, **kwargs
                    except Exception:
              "Plugin failed with exception", exc_info=True)
                if ts.state == "forgotten":
                    del self.tasks[ts.key]

            tg =
            if ts.state == "forgotten" and in self.task_groups:
                # Remove TaskGroup if all tasks are in the forgotten state
                if all(v == 0 or k == "forgotten" for k, v in tg.states.items()):
                    del self.task_groups[]

            return recommendations, client_msgs, worker_msgs
        except Exception:
            logger.exception("Error transitioning %r from %r to %r", key, start, finish)
                    "action": "scheduler-transition-failed",
                    "key": key,
                    "start": start,
                    "finish": finish,
                    "transition_log": list(self.transition_log),
            if LOG_PDB:
                import pdb


    def _transitions(
        recommendations: Recs,
        client_msgs: Msgs,
        worker_msgs: Msgs,
        stimulus_id: str,
    ) -> None:
        """Process transitions until none are left

        This includes feedback from previous transitions and continues until we
        reach a steady state
        keys: set[Key] = set()
        recommendations = recommendations.copy()

        while recommendations:
            key, finish = recommendations.popitem()

            new_recs, new_cmsgs, new_wmsgs = self._transition(key, finish, stimulus_id)

            for c, new_msgs in new_cmsgs.items():
                client_msgs.setdefault(c, []).extend(new_msgs)
            for w, new_msgs in new_wmsgs.items():
                worker_msgs.setdefault(w, []).extend(new_msgs)

        if self.validate:
            # FIXME downcast antipattern
            scheduler = cast(Scheduler, self)
            for key in keys:

    def _transition_released_waiting(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert ts.run_spec
            assert not ts.waiting_on
            assert not ts.who_has
            assert not ts.processing_on
            for dts in ts.dependencies:
                assert dts.state not in {"forgotten", "erred"}, (

        if ts.has_lost_dependencies:
            return {key: "forgotten"}, {}, {}

        ts.state = "waiting"

        recommendations: Recs = {}

        for dts in ts.dependencies:
            if not dts.who_has:
                if not ts.waiting_on:
                    ts.waiting_on = set()
            if dts.state == "released":
                recommendations[dts.key] = "waiting"
                if not dts.waiters:
                    dts.waiters = set()

        ts.waiters = {dts for dts in ts.dependents if dts.state == "waiting"}

        if not ts.waiting_on:
            # NOTE: waiting->processing will send tasks to queued or no-worker as
            # necessary
            recommendations[key] = "processing"

        return recommendations, {}, {}

    def _transition_no_worker_processing(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert not, f"Actors can't be in `no-worker`: {ts}"
            assert ts in self.unrunnable

        if ws := self.decide_worker_non_rootish(ts):
            self.unrunnable.pop(ts, None)
            return self._add_to_processing(ts, ws, stimulus_id=stimulus_id)
        # If no worker, task just stays in `no-worker`

        return {}, {}, {}

    def _transition_no_worker_erred(
        key: Key,
        stimulus_id: str,
        # TODO: Which ones can actually be None?
        cause: Key | None = None,
        exception: Serialized | None = None,
        traceback: Serialized | None = None,
        exception_text: str | None = None,
        traceback_text: str | None = None,
    ) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert not, f"Actors can't be in `no-worker`: {ts}"
            assert cause
            assert ts in self.unrunnable
            assert not ts.processing_on


        return self._propagate_erred(

    def _transition_queued_erred(
        key: Key,
        stimulus_id: str,
        # TODO: Which ones can actually be None?
        cause: Key | None = None,
        exception: Serialized | None = None,
        traceback: Serialized | None = None,
        exception_text: str | None = None,
        traceback_text: str | None = None,
    ) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert not, f"Actors can't be in `no-worker`: {ts}"
            assert cause
            assert ts in self.queued
            assert not ts.processing_on


        return self._propagate_erred(

    def decide_worker_rootish_queuing_disabled(
        self, ts: TaskState
    ) -> WorkerState | None:
        """Pick a worker for a runnable root-ish task, without queuing.

        This attempts to schedule sibling tasks on the same worker, reducing future data
        transfer. It does not consider the location of dependencies, since they'll end
        up on every worker anyway.

        It assumes it's being called on a batch of tasks in priority order, and
        maintains state in `SchedulerState.last_root_worker` and
        `SchedulerState.last_root_worker_tasks_left` to achieve this.

        This will send every runnable task to a worker, often causing root task

        ws: WorkerState | None
            The worker to assign the task to. If there are no workers in the cluster,
            returns None, in which case the task should be transitioned to
        if self.validate:
            # See root-ish-ness note below in `decide_worker_rootish_queuing_enabled`
            assert math.isinf(self.WORKER_SATURATION) or not ts._queueable

        pool = self.idle.values() if self.idle else self.running
        if not pool:
            return None

        tg =
        lws = tg.last_worker
        if (
            and tg.last_worker_tasks_left
            and lws.status == Status.running
            and self.workers.get(lws.address) is lws
            ws = lws
            # Last-used worker is full, unknown, retiring, or paused;
            # pick a new worker for the next few tasks
            ws = min(pool, key=partial(self.worker_objective, ts))
            tg.last_worker_tasks_left = math.floor(
                (len(tg) / self.total_nthreads) * ws.nthreads

        # Record `last_worker`, or clear it on the final task
        tg.last_worker = (
            ws if tg.states["released"] + tg.states["waiting"] > 1 else None
        tg.last_worker_tasks_left -= 1

        if self.validate and ws is not None:
            assert self.workers.get(ws.address) is ws
            assert ws in self.running, (ws, self.running)

        return ws

    def decide_worker_rootish_queuing_enabled(self) -> WorkerState | None:
        """Pick a worker for a runnable root-ish task, if not all are busy.

        Picks the least-busy worker out of the ``idle`` workers (idle workers have fewer
        tasks running than threads, as set by ``distributed.scheduler.worker-saturation``).
        It does not consider the location of dependencies, since they'll end up on every
        worker anyway.

        If all workers are full, returns None, meaning the task should transition to
        ``queued``. The scheduler will wait to send it to a worker until a thread opens
        up. This ensures that downstream tasks always run before new root tasks are

        This does not try to schedule sibling tasks on the same worker; in fact, it
        usually does the opposite. Even though this increases subsequent data transfer,
        it typically reduces overall memory use by eliminating root task overproduction.

        ws: WorkerState | None
            The worker to assign the task to. If there are no idle workers, returns
            None, in which case the task should be transitioned to ``queued``.

        if self.validate:
            # We don't `assert self.is_rootish(ts)` here, because that check is
            # dependent on cluster size. It's possible a task looked root-ish when it
            # was queued, but the cluster has since scaled up and it no longer does when
            # coming out of the queue. If `is_rootish` changes to a static definition,
            # then add that assertion here (and actually pass in the task).
            assert not math.isinf(self.WORKER_SATURATION)

        if not self.idle_task_count:
            # All workers busy? Task gets/stays queued.
            return None

        # Just pick the least busy worker.
        # NOTE: this will lead to worst-case scheduling with regards to co-assignment.
        ws = min(
            key=lambda ws: len(ws.processing) / ws.nthreads,
        if self.validate:
            assert self.workers.get(ws.address) is ws
            assert not _worker_full(ws, self.WORKER_SATURATION), (
                _task_slots_available(ws, self.WORKER_SATURATION),
            assert ws in self.running, (ws, self.running)

        return ws

    def decide_worker_non_rootish(self, ts: TaskState) -> WorkerState | None:
        """Pick a worker for a runnable non-root task, considering dependencies and

        Out of eligible workers holding dependencies of ``ts``, selects the worker
        where, considering worker backlog and data-transfer costs, the task is
        estimated to start running the soonest.

        ws: WorkerState | None
            The worker to assign the task to. If no workers satisfy the restrictions of
            ``ts`` or there are no running workers, returns None, in which case the task
            should be transitioned to ``no-worker``.
        if not self.running:
            return None

        valid_workers = self.valid_workers(ts)
        if valid_workers is None and len(self.running) < len(self.workers):
            # If there were no restrictions, `valid_workers()` didn't subset by
            # `running`.
            valid_workers = self.running

        if ts.dependencies or valid_workers is not None:
            ws = decide_worker(
                partial(self.worker_objective, ts),
            # TODO if `is_rootish` would always return True for tasks without
            # dependencies, we could remove all this logic. The rootish assignment logic
            # would behave more or less the same as this, maybe without guaranteed
            # round-robin though? This path is only reachable when `ts` doesn't have
            # dependencies, but its group is also smaller than the cluster.

            # Fastpath when there are no related tasks or restrictions
            worker_pool = self.idle or self.workers
            # FIXME idle and workers are SortedDict's declared as dicts
            #       because sortedcontainers is not annotated
            wp_vals = cast("Sequence[WorkerState]", worker_pool.values())
            n_workers = len(wp_vals)
            if n_workers < 20:  # smart but linear in small case
                ws = min(wp_vals, key=operator.attrgetter("occupancy"))
                assert ws
                if ws.occupancy == 0:
                    # special case to use round-robin; linear search
                    # for next worker with zero occupancy (or just
                    # land back where we started).
                    start = self.n_tasks % n_workers
                    for i in range(n_workers):
                        wp_i = wp_vals[(i + start) % n_workers]
                        if wp_i.occupancy == 0:
                            ws = wp_i
            else:  # dumb but fast in large case
                ws = wp_vals[self.n_tasks % n_workers]

        if self.validate and ws is not None:
            assert self.workers.get(ws.address) is ws
            assert ws in self.running, (ws, self.running)

        return ws

    def _transition_waiting_processing(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        """Possibly schedule a ready task. This is the primary dispatch for ready tasks.

        If there's no appropriate worker for the task (but the task is otherwise
        runnable), it will be recommended to ``no-worker`` or ``queued``.
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.is_rootish(ts):
            # NOTE: having two root-ish methods is temporary. When the feature flag is
            # removed, there should only be one, which combines co-assignment and
            # queuing. Eventually, special-casing root tasks might be removed entirely,
            # with better heuristics.
            if math.isinf(self.WORKER_SATURATION) or not ts._queueable:
                if not (ws := self.decide_worker_rootish_queuing_disabled(ts)):
                    return {ts.key: "no-worker"}, {}, {}
                if not (ws := self.decide_worker_rootish_queuing_enabled()):
                    return {ts.key: "queued"}, {}, {}
            if not (ws := self.decide_worker_non_rootish(ts)):
                return {ts.key: "no-worker"}, {}, {}

        return self._add_to_processing(ts, ws, stimulus_id=stimulus_id)

    def _transition_waiting_memory(
        key: Key,
        stimulus_id: str,
        nbytes: int | None = None,
        type: bytes | None = None,
        typename: str | None = None,
        worker: str,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> RecsMsgs:
        """This transition exclusively happens in a race condition where the scheduler
        believes that the only copy of a dependency task has just been lost, so it
        transitions all dependents back to waiting, but actually a replica has already
        been acquired by a worker computing the dependency - the scheduler just doesn't
        know yet - and the execution finishes before the cancellation message from the
        scheduler has a chance to reach the worker. Shortly, the cancellation request
        will reach the worker, thus deleting the data from memory.
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert not ts.processing_on
            assert ts.waiting_on
            assert ts.state == "waiting"

        return {}, {}, {}

    def _transition_processing_memory(
        key: Key,
        stimulus_id: str,
        nbytes: int | None = None,
        type: bytes | None = None,
        typename: str | None = None,
        worker: str,
        startstops: list[dict] | None = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        assert worker
        assert isinstance(worker, str)

        if self.validate:
            assert ts.processing_on
            wss = ts.processing_on
            assert wss
            assert ts in wss.processing
            del wss
            assert not ts.waiting_on
            assert not ts.who_has, (ts, ts.who_has)
            assert not ts.exception_blame
            assert ts.state == "processing"

        ws = self.workers.get(worker)
        if ws is None:
            return {key: "released"}, {}, {}

        if ws != ts.processing_on:  # pragma: nocover
            assert ts.processing_on
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Task {ts.key!r} transitioned from processing to memory on worker "
                f"{ws}, while it was expected from {ts.processing_on}. This should "
                f"be impossible. {stimulus_id=}, story={self.story(ts)}"

        # Update Timing Information #
        if startstops:
            for startstop in startstops:

        # Update State Information #
        if nbytes is not None:


        recommendations: Recs = {}
        client_msgs: Msgs = {}
            ts, ws, recommendations, client_msgs, type=type, typename=typename

        if self.validate:
            assert not ts.processing_on
            assert not ts.waiting_on

        return recommendations, client_msgs, {}

    def _transition_memory_released(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert not ts.waiting_on
            assert not ts.processing_on

            for ws in ts.who_has or ():
            if ts.who_wants:
                ts.exception_blame = ts
                ts.exception = Serialized(
                    *serialize(ValueError("Worker holding Actor was lost"))
                return {ts.key: "erred"}, {}, {}  # don't try to recreate

        recommendations: Recs = {}
        client_msgs: Msgs = {}
        worker_msgs: Msgs = {}

        # XXX factor this out?
        worker_msg = {
            "op": "free-keys",
            "keys": [key],
            "stimulus_id": stimulus_id,
        for ws in ts.who_has or ():
            worker_msgs[ws.address] = [worker_msg]

        ts.state = "released"

        report_msg = {"op": "lost-data", "key": key}
        for cs in ts.who_wants or ():
            client_msgs[cs.client_key] = [report_msg]

        if not ts.run_spec:  # pure data
            recommendations[key] = "forgotten"
        elif ts.has_lost_dependencies:
            recommendations[key] = "forgotten"
        elif (ts.who_wants or ts.waiters) and not any(
            dts.state == "erred" for dts in ts.dependencies
            recommendations[key] = "waiting"

        for dts in ts.waiters or ():
            if dts.state in ("no-worker", "processing", "queued"):
                recommendations[dts.key] = "waiting"
            elif dts.state == "waiting":
                if not dts.waiting_on:
                    dts.waiting_on = set()

        if self.validate:
            assert not ts.waiting_on

        return recommendations, client_msgs, worker_msgs

    def _transition_released_erred(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]
        recommendations: Recs = {}
        client_msgs: Msgs = {}

        if self.validate:
            assert ts.exception_blame
            assert not ts.who_has
            assert not ts.waiting_on

        failing_ts = ts.exception_blame
        assert failing_ts

        for dts in ts.dependents:
            if not dts.who_has:
                dts.exception_blame = failing_ts
                recommendations[dts.key] = "erred"

        report_msg = {
            "op": "task-erred",
            "key": key,
            "exception": failing_ts.exception,
            "traceback": failing_ts.traceback,
        for cs in ts.who_wants or ():
            client_msgs[cs.client_key] = [report_msg]

        ts.state = "erred"

        # TODO: waiting data?
        return recommendations, client_msgs, {}

    def _transition_erred_released(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]
        recommendations: Recs = {}
        client_msgs: Msgs = {}
        worker_msgs: Msgs = {}

        if self.validate:
            assert ts.exception_blame
            assert not ts.who_has
            assert not ts.waiting_on
            assert not ts.waiters

        ts.exception = None
        ts.exception_blame = None
        ts.traceback = None

        for dts in ts.dependents:
            if dts.state == "erred":
                # Does this make sense?
                # This goes via released
                # dts -> released -> waiting
                recommendations[dts.key] = "waiting"

        w_msg = {
            "op": "free-keys",
            "keys": [key],
            "stimulus_id": stimulus_id,
        for ws_addr in ts.erred_on or ():
            worker_msgs[ws_addr] = [w_msg]
        ts.erred_on = None

        report_msg = {"op": "task-retried", "key": key}
        for cs in ts.who_wants or ():
            client_msgs[cs.client_key] = [report_msg]

        ts.state = "released"

        return recommendations, client_msgs, worker_msgs

    def _transition_waiting_released(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]
        recommendations: Recs = {}

        if self.validate:
            assert not ts.who_has
            assert not ts.processing_on

        for dts in ts.dependencies:
            if ts in (dts.waiters or ()):
                if dts.waiters:
                if not dts.waiters and not dts.who_wants:
                    recommendations[dts.key] = "released"
        ts.waiting_on = None

        ts.state = "released"

        if ts.has_lost_dependencies:
            recommendations[key] = "forgotten"
        elif not ts.exception_blame and (ts.who_wants or ts.waiters):
            recommendations[key] = "waiting"
            ts.waiters = None

        return recommendations, {}, {}

    def _transition_processing_released(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]
        recommendations: Recs = {}
        worker_msgs: Msgs = {}

        if self.validate:
            assert ts.processing_on
            assert not ts.who_has
            assert not ts.waiting_on
            assert ts.state == "processing"

        ws = self._exit_processing_common(ts)
        if ws:
            worker_msgs[ws.address] = [
                    "op": "free-keys",
                    "keys": [key],
                    "stimulus_id": stimulus_id,

        self._propagate_released(ts, recommendations)
        return recommendations, {}, worker_msgs

    def _transition_processing_erred(
        key: Key,
        stimulus_id: str,
        worker: str,
        cause: Key | None = None,
        exception: Serialized | None = None,
        traceback: Serialized | None = None,
        exception_text: str | None = None,
        traceback_text: str | None = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> RecsMsgs:
        """Processed a recommended transition processing -> erred.

           Key of the task to transition
            ID of the stimulus causing the transition
            Address of the worker where the task erred.
            Not necessarily ``ts.processing_on``.
            Address of the task that caused this task to be transitioned to erred
            Exception caused by the task
            Traceback caused by the task
            String representation of the exception
            String representation of the traceback

        Recommendations, client messages and worker messages to process
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert cause or ts.exception_blame
            assert ts.processing_on
            assert not ts.who_has
            assert not ts.waiting_on

            ws = ts.processing_on
            assert ws


        if self.validate:
            assert not ts.processing_on

        return self._propagate_erred(

    def _propagate_erred(
        ts: TaskState,
        worker: str | None = None,
        cause: Key | None = None,
        exception: Serialized | None = None,
        traceback: Serialized | None = None,
        exception_text: str | None = None,
        traceback_text: str | None = None,
    ) -> RecsMsgs:
        recommendations: Recs = {}
        client_msgs: Msgs = {}

        ts.state = "erred"
        key = ts.key

        if not ts.erred_on:
            ts.erred_on = set()
        if worker is not None:

        if exception is not None:
            ts.exception = exception
            ts.exception_text = exception_text
        if traceback is not None:
            ts.traceback = traceback
            ts.traceback_text = traceback_text
        if cause is not None:
            failing_ts = self.tasks[cause]
            ts.exception_blame = failing_ts
            failing_ts = ts.exception_blame  # type: ignore

                exception_text or "",
                traceback_text or "",

        for dts in ts.waiters or set():
            dts.exception_blame = failing_ts
            recommendations[dts.key] = "erred"

        for dts in ts.dependencies:
            if dts.waiters:
            if not dts.waiters and not dts.who_wants:
                recommendations[dts.key] = "released"

        ts.waiters = None

        report_msg = {
            "op": "task-erred",
            "key": key,
            "exception": failing_ts.exception,
            "traceback": failing_ts.traceback,
        for cs in ts.who_wants or ():
            client_msgs[cs.client_key] = [report_msg]

        cs = self.clients["fire-and-forget"]
        if ts in cs.wants_what:

        return recommendations, client_msgs, {}

    def _transition_no_worker_released(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert self.tasks[key].state == "no-worker"
            assert not ts.who_has
            assert not ts.waiting_on


        recommendations: Recs = {}
        self._propagate_released(ts, recommendations)
        return recommendations, {}, {}

    def _transition_waiting_queued(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert not self.idle_task_count, (ts, self.idle_task_count)

        ts.state = "queued"

        return {}, {}, {}

    def _transition_waiting_no_worker(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert ts not in self.unrunnable

        ts.state = "no-worker"
        self.unrunnable[ts] = monotonic()

        if self.validate:

        return {}, {}, {}

    def _transition_queued_released(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert ts in self.queued
            assert not ts.processing_on


        recommendations: Recs = {}
        self._propagate_released(ts, recommendations)
        return recommendations, {}, {}

    def _transition_queued_processing(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert not, f"Actors can't be queued: {ts}"
            assert ts in self.queued

        if ws := self.decide_worker_rootish_queuing_enabled():
            return self._add_to_processing(ts, ws, stimulus_id=stimulus_id)
        # If no worker, task just stays `queued`
        return {}, {}, {}

    def _remove_key(self, key: Key) -> None:
        ts = self.tasks.pop(key)
        assert ts.state == "forgotten"
        self.unrunnable.pop(ts, None)
        for cs in ts.who_wants or ():
        ts.who_wants = None
        ts.processing_on = None
        ts.exception_blame = ts.exception = ts.traceback = None
        self.task_metadata.pop(key, None)

    def _transition_memory_forgotten(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert ts.state == "memory"
            assert not ts.processing_on
            assert not ts.waiting_on
            if not ts.run_spec:
                # It's ok to forget a pure data task
            elif ts.has_lost_dependencies:
                # It's ok to forget a task with forgotten dependencies
            elif not ts.who_wants and not ts.waiters and not ts.dependents:
                # It's ok to forget a task that nobody needs
                raise AssertionError("Unreachable", str(ts))  # pragma: nocover

            for ws in ts.who_has or ():

        recommendations: Recs = {}
        worker_msgs: Msgs = {}
        self._propagate_forgotten(ts, recommendations, worker_msgs, stimulus_id)

        client_msgs = _task_to_client_msgs(ts)

        return recommendations, client_msgs, worker_msgs

    def _transition_released_forgotten(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str) -> RecsMsgs:
        ts = self.tasks[key]

        if self.validate:
            assert ts.state in ("released", "erred")
            assert not ts.who_has
            assert not ts.processing_on
            assert ts not in self.queued
            assert not ts.waiting_on, (ts, ts.waiting_on)
            if not ts.run_spec:
                # It's ok to forget a pure data task
            elif ts.has_lost_dependencies:
                # It's ok to forget a task with forgotten dependencies
            elif not ts.who_wants and not ts.waiters and not ts.dependents:
                # It's ok to forget a task that nobody needs
                raise AssertionError("Unreachable", str(ts))  # pragma: nocover

        recommendations: Recs = {}
        worker_msgs: Msgs = {}
        self._propagate_forgotten(ts, recommendations, worker_msgs, stimulus_id)

        client_msgs = _task_to_client_msgs(ts)

        return recommendations, client_msgs, worker_msgs

    # {
    #     (start, finish):
    #     transition_<start>_<finish>(
    #         self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str, **kwargs
    #     ) -> (recommendations, client_msgs, worker_msgs)
    # }
            tuple[TaskStateState, TaskStateState],
            Callable[..., RecsMsgs],
    ] = {
        ("released", "waiting"): _transition_released_waiting,
        ("waiting", "released"): _transition_waiting_released,
        ("waiting", "processing"): _transition_waiting_processing,
        ("waiting", "no-worker"): _transition_waiting_no_worker,
        ("waiting", "queued"): _transition_waiting_queued,
        ("waiting", "memory"): _transition_waiting_memory,
        ("queued", "released"): _transition_queued_released,
        ("queued", "processing"): _transition_queued_processing,
        ("queued", "erred"): _transition_queued_erred,
        ("processing", "released"): _transition_processing_released,
        ("processing", "memory"): _transition_processing_memory,
        ("processing", "erred"): _transition_processing_erred,
        ("no-worker", "released"): _transition_no_worker_released,
        ("no-worker", "processing"): _transition_no_worker_processing,
        ("no-worker", "erred"): _transition_no_worker_erred,
        ("released", "forgotten"): _transition_released_forgotten,
        ("memory", "forgotten"): _transition_memory_forgotten,
        ("erred", "released"): _transition_erred_released,
        ("memory", "released"): _transition_memory_released,
        ("released", "erred"): _transition_released_erred,

    def story(
        self, *keys_or_tasks_or_stimuli: Key | TaskState | str
    ) -> list[Transition]:
        """Get all transitions that touch one of the input keys or stimulus_id's"""
        keys_or_stimuli = {
            key.key if isinstance(key, TaskState) else key
            for key in keys_or_tasks_or_stimuli
        return scheduler_story(keys_or_stimuli, self.transition_log)

    # Assigning Tasks to Workers #

    def is_rootish(self, ts: TaskState) -> bool:
        Whether ``ts`` is a root or root-like task.

        Root-ish tasks are part of a group that's much larger than the cluster,
        and have few or no dependencies. Tasks may also be explicitly marked as rootish
        to override this heuristic.
        if ts.resource_restrictions or ts.worker_restrictions or ts.host_restrictions:
            return False
        # Check explicitly marked data producer tasks
        if ts.run_spec and ts.run_spec.data_producer:
            return True
        tg =
        # TODO short-circuit to True if `not ts.dependencies`?
        return (
            len(tg) > self.total_nthreads * 2
            and len(tg.dependencies) < self.rootish_tg_threshold
            and sum(map(len, tg.dependencies)) < self.rootish_tg_dependencies_threshold

    def check_idle_saturated(self, ws: WorkerState, occ: float = -1.0) -> None:
        """Update the status of the idle and saturated state

        The scheduler keeps track of workers that are ..

        -  Saturated: have enough work to stay busy
        -  Idle: do not have enough work to stay busy

        They are considered saturated if they both have enough tasks to occupy
        all of their threads, and if the expected runtime of those tasks is
        large enough.

        If ``distributed.scheduler.worker-saturation`` is not ``inf``
        (scheduler-side queuing is enabled), they are considered idle
        if they have fewer tasks processing than the ``worker-saturation``
        threshold dictates.

        Otherwise, they are considered idle if they have fewer tasks processing
        than threads, or if their tasks' total expected runtime is less than half
        the expected runtime of the same number of average tasks.

        This is useful for load balancing and adaptivity.
        if self.total_nthreads == 0 or ws.status == Status.closed:
        if occ < 0:
            occ = ws.occupancy

        p = len(ws.processing)

        if ws.status != Status.running:
            self.idle.pop(ws.address, None)
        elif self.is_unoccupied(ws, occ, p):
            self.idle[ws.address] = ws
            self.idle.pop(ws.address, None)
            nc = ws.nthreads
            if p > nc:
                pending = occ * (p - nc) / (p * nc)
                if 0.4 < pending > 1.9 * (self.total_occupancy / self.total_nthreads):

        if not _worker_full(ws, self.WORKER_SATURATION) and ws.status == Status.running:

    def is_unoccupied(
        self, ws: WorkerState, occupancy: float, nprocessing: int
    ) -> bool:
        nthreads = ws.nthreads
        return (
            nprocessing < nthreads
            or occupancy < nthreads * (self.total_occupancy / self.total_nthreads) / 2

    def get_comm_cost(self, ts: TaskState, ws: WorkerState) -> float:
        Get the estimated communication cost (in s.) to compute the task
        on the given worker.
        if 10 * len(ts.dependencies) < len(ws.has_what):
            # In the common case where the number of dependencies is
            # much less than the number of tasks that we have,
            # construct the set of deps that require communication in
            # O(len(dependencies)) rather than O(len(has_what)) time.
            # Factor of 10 is a guess at the overhead of explicit
            # iteration as opposed to just calling set.difference
            deps = {dep for dep in ts.dependencies if dep not in ws.has_what}
            deps = (ts.dependencies or set()).difference(ws.has_what)
        nbytes = sum(dts.get_nbytes() for dts in deps)
        return nbytes / self.bandwidth

    def valid_workers(self, ts: TaskState) -> set[WorkerState] | None:
        """Return set of currently valid workers for key

        If all workers are valid then this returns ``None``, in which case
        any *running* worker can be used.
        Otherwise, the subset of running workers valid for this task
        is returned.
        This checks tracks the following state:

        *  worker_restrictions
        *  host_restrictions
        *  resource_restrictions
        s: set[str] | None = None

        if ts.worker_restrictions:
            s = {addr for addr in ts.worker_restrictions if addr in self.workers}

        if ts.host_restrictions:
            # Resolve the alias here rather than early, for the worker
            # may not be connected when host_restrictions is populated
            hr = [self.coerce_hostname(h) for h in ts.host_restrictions]
            # XXX need HostState?
            sl = []
            for h in hr:
                dh = self.host_info.get(h)
                if dh is not None:

            ss = set.union(*sl) if sl else set()
            if s is None:
                s = ss
                s |= ss

        if ts.resource_restrictions:
            dw = {}
            for resource, required in ts.resource_restrictions.items():
                dr = self.resources.get(resource)
                if dr is None:
                    self.resources[resource] = dr = {}

                sw = set()
                for addr, supplied in dr.items():
                    if supplied >= required:

                dw[resource] = sw

            ww = set.intersection(*dw.values())
            if s is None:
                s = ww
                s &= ww

        if s is None:
            return None  # All workers are valid
        if not s:
            return set()  # No workers are valid

        # Some workers are valid
        s_ws = {self.workers[addr] for addr in s}
        if len(self.running) < len(self.workers):
            s_ws &= self.running
        return s_ws

    def acquire_resources(self, ts: TaskState, ws: WorkerState) -> None:
        if ts.resource_restrictions:
            for r, required in ts.resource_restrictions.items():
                ws.used_resources[r] += required

    def release_resources(self, ts: TaskState, ws: WorkerState) -> None:
        if ts.resource_restrictions:
            for r, required in ts.resource_restrictions.items():
                ws.used_resources[r] -= required

    def coerce_hostname(self, host: Hashable) -> str:
        Coerce the hostname of a worker.
        alias = self.aliases.get(host)
        if alias is not None:
            ws = self.workers[alias]
            assert isinstance(host, str)
            return host

    def worker_objective(self, ts: TaskState, ws: WorkerState) -> tuple:
        """Objective function to determine which worker should get the task

        Minimize expected start time.  If a tie then break with data storage.

        See Also
        stack_time = ws.occupancy / ws.nthreads
        start_time = stack_time + self.get_comm_cost(ts, ws)

            return (len(ws.actors), start_time, ws.nbytes)
            return (start_time, ws.nbytes)

    def add_replica(self, ts: TaskState, ws: WorkerState) -> None:
        """Note that a worker holds a replica of a task with state='memory'"""
        assert ts.who_has
        if len(ts.who_has) == 2:

    def remove_replica(self, ts: TaskState, ws: WorkerState) -> None:
        """Note that a worker no longer holds a replica of a task"""
        if len(ts.who_has or ()) == 1:

    def remove_all_replicas(self, ts: TaskState) -> None:
        """Remove all replicas of a task from all workers"""
        nbytes = ts.get_nbytes()
        if not ts.who_has:
        for ws in ts.who_has:
            ws.nbytes -= nbytes
            del ws._has_what[ts]
        if len(ts.who_has) > 1:
        ts.who_has = None

    def bulk_schedule_unrunnable_after_adding_worker(self, ws: WorkerState) -> Recs:
        """Send ``no-worker`` tasks to ``processing`` that this worker can handle.

        Returns priority-ordered recommendations.
        runnable: list[TaskState] = []
        for ts in self.unrunnable:
            valid = self.valid_workers(ts)
            if valid is None or ws in valid:

        # Recommendations are processed LIFO, hence the reversed order
        runnable.sort(key=operator.attrgetter("priority"), reverse=True)
        return {ts.key: "processing" for ts in runnable}

    def _validate_ready(self, ts: TaskState) -> None:
        """Validation for ready states (processing, queued, no-worker)"""
        assert not ts.waiting_on
        assert not ts.who_has
        assert not ts.exception_blame
        assert not ts.processing_on
        assert not ts.has_lost_dependencies
        assert ts not in self.unrunnable
        assert ts not in self.queued
        assert all(dts.who_has for dts in ts.dependencies)

    def _add_to_processing(
        self, ts: TaskState, ws: WorkerState, stimulus_id: str
    ) -> RecsMsgs:
        """Set a task as processing on a worker and return the worker messages to send"""
        if self.validate:
            assert ws in self.running, self.running
            assert (o := self.workers.get(ws.address)) is ws, (ws, o)

        ts.processing_on = ws
        ts.state = "processing"
        self.acquire_resources(ts, ws)
        self.n_tasks += 1


        ndep_bytes = sum(dts.nbytes for dts in ts.dependencies)
        if (
            and ndep_bytes > ws.memory_limit
            and dask.config.get("distributed.worker.memory.terminate")
            # Note
            # ----
            # This is a crude safety system, only meant to prevent order-of-magnitude
            # fat-finger errors.
            # For collection finalizers and in general most concat operations, it takes
            # a lot less to kill off the worker; you'll just need
            # ndep_bytes * 2 > ws.memory_limit * terminate threshold.
            # In heterogeneous clusters with workers mounting different amounts of
            # memory, the user is expected to manually set host/worker/resource
            # restrictions.
            msg = (
                f"Task {ts.key!r} has {format_bytes(ndep_bytes)} worth of input "
                f"dependencies, but worker {ws.address} has memory_limit set to "
            if == "finalize":
                msg += (
                    " It seems like you called client.compute() on a huge collection. "
                    "Consider writing to distributed storage or slicing/reducing first."
            return self._transition(

        return {}, {}, {ws.address: [self._task_to_msg(ts)]}

    def _exit_processing_common(self, ts: TaskState) -> WorkerState | None:
        """Remove *ts* from the set of processing tasks.

        Worker state of the worker that processed *ts* if the worker is current,
        None if the worker is stale.

        See also
        ws = ts.processing_on
        assert ws
        ts.processing_on = None

        if self.workers.get(ws.address) is not ws:  # may have been removed
            return None

        self.release_resources(ts, ws)

        return ws

    def _add_to_memory(
        ts: TaskState,
        ws: WorkerState,
        recommendations: Recs,
        client_msgs: Msgs,
        type: bytes | None = None,
        typename: str | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Add ts to the set of in-memory tasks"""
        if self.validate:
            assert ts not in ws.has_what

        self.add_replica(ts, ws)

        deps = list(ts.dependents)
        if len(deps) > 1:
            deps.sort(key=operator.attrgetter("priority"), reverse=True)

        for dts in deps:
            s = dts.waiting_on
            if s and ts in s:
                if not s:  # new task ready to run
                    recommendations[dts.key] = "processing"

        for dts in ts.dependencies:
            s = dts.waiters
            if s:
            if not s and not dts.who_wants:
                recommendations[dts.key] = "released"

        if not ts.waiters and not ts.who_wants:
            recommendations[ts.key] = "released"
            report_msg: dict[str, Any] = {"op": "key-in-memory", "key": ts.key}
            if type is not None:
                report_msg["type"] = type
            for cs in ts.who_wants or ():
                client_msgs[cs.client_key] = [report_msg]

        ts.state = "memory"
        ts.type = typename  # type: ignore  # type: ignore

        cs = self.clients["fire-and-forget"]
        if ts in cs.wants_what:

    def _propagate_released(self, ts: TaskState, recommendations: Recs) -> None:
        ts.state = "released"
        key = ts.key

        if ts.has_lost_dependencies:
            recommendations[key] = "forgotten"
        elif ts.waiters or ts.who_wants:
            recommendations[key] = "waiting"

        if recommendations.get(key) != "waiting":
            for dts in ts.dependencies:
                if dts.state != "released":
                    if dts.waiters:
                    if not dts.waiters and not dts.who_wants:
                        recommendations[dts.key] = "released"
            ts.waiters = None

        if self.validate:
            assert not ts.processing_on
            assert ts not in self.queued

    def _propagate_forgotten(
        ts: TaskState,
        recommendations: Recs,
        worker_msgs: Msgs,
        stimulus_id: str,
    ) -> None:
        ts.state = "forgotten"
        for dts in ts.dependents:
            dts.has_lost_dependencies = True
            if dts.waiting_on:
            if dts.state not in ("memory", "erred"):
                # Cannot compute task anymore
                recommendations[dts.key] = "forgotten"
        ts.waiters = None

        for dts in ts.dependencies:
            if dts.waiters:
            if not dts.dependents and not dts.who_wants:
                # Task not needed anymore
                assert dts is not ts
                recommendations[dts.key] = "forgotten"
        ts.waiting_on = None

        for ws in ts.who_has or ():
            if ws.address in self.workers:  # in case worker has died
                worker_msgs[ws.address] = [
                        "op": "free-keys",
                        "keys": [ts.key],
                        "stimulus_id": stimulus_id,

    def _client_releases_keys(
        keys: Collection[Key],
        cs: ClientState,
        recommendations: Recs,
    ) -> None:
        """Remove keys from client desired list"""
        logger.debug("Client %s releases keys: %s", cs.client_key, keys)
        for key in keys:
            ts = self.tasks.get(key)
            if ts is not None and ts in cs.wants_what:
                if ts.who_wants:
                if not ts.who_wants:
                    if not ts.dependents:
                        # No live dependents, can forget
                        recommendations[ts.key] = "forgotten"
                    elif ts.state != "erred" and not ts.waiters:
                        recommendations[ts.key] = "released"

    def _task_to_msg(self, ts: TaskState) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Convert a single computational task to a message"""
        ts.run_id = next(TaskState._run_id_iterator)
        assert ts.priority, ts
        msg: dict[str, Any] = {
            "op": "compute-task",
            "key": ts.key,
            "run_id": ts.run_id,
            "priority": ts.priority,
            "stimulus_id": f"compute-task-{time()}",
            "who_has": {
                dts.key: tuple(ws.address for ws in (dts.who_has or ()))
                for dts in ts.dependencies
            "nbytes": {dts.key: dts.nbytes for dts in ts.dependencies},
            "run_spec": ToPickle(ts.run_spec),
            "resource_restrictions": ts.resource_restrictions,
            "annotations": ts.annotations or {},
        if self.validate:
            assert all(msg["who_has"].values())

        return msg

[docs]class Scheduler(SchedulerState, ServerNode): """Dynamic distributed task scheduler The scheduler tracks the current state of workers, data, and computations. The scheduler listens for events and responds by controlling workers appropriately. It continuously tries to use the workers to execute an ever growing dask graph. All events are handled quickly, in linear time with respect to their input (which is often of constant size) and generally within a millisecond. To accomplish this the scheduler tracks a lot of state. Every operation maintains the consistency of this state. The scheduler communicates with the outside world through Comm objects. It maintains a consistent and valid view of the world even when listening to several clients at once. A Scheduler is typically started either with the ``dask scheduler`` executable:: $ dask scheduler Scheduler started at Or within a LocalCluster a Client starts up without connection information:: >>> c = Client() # doctest: +SKIP >>> c.cluster.scheduler # doctest: +SKIP Scheduler(...) Users typically do not interact with the scheduler directly but rather with the client object ``Client``. The ``contact_address`` parameter allows to advertise a specific address to the workers for communication with the scheduler, which is different than the address the scheduler binds to. This is useful when the scheduler listens on a private address, which therefore cannot be used by the workers to contact it. **State** The scheduler contains the following state variables. Each variable is listed along with what it stores and a brief description. * **tasks:** ``{task key: TaskState}`` Tasks currently known to the scheduler * **unrunnable:** ``{TaskState}`` Tasks in the "no-worker" state * **workers:** ``{worker key: WorkerState}`` Workers currently connected to the scheduler * **idle:** ``{WorkerState}``: Set of workers that are not fully utilized * **saturated:** ``{WorkerState}``: Set of workers that are not over-utilized * **host_info:** ``{hostname: dict}``: Information about each worker host * **clients:** ``{client key: ClientState}`` Clients currently connected to the scheduler * **services:** ``{str: port}``: Other services running on this scheduler, like Bokeh * **loop:** ``IOLoop``: The running Tornado IOLoop * **client_comms:** ``{client key: Comm}`` For each client, a Comm object used to receive task requests and report task status updates. * **stream_comms:** ``{worker key: Comm}`` For each worker, a Comm object from which we both accept stimuli and report results * **task_duration:** ``{key-prefix: time}`` Time we expect certain functions to take, e.g. ``{'sum': 0.25}`` """ default_port = 8786 _instances: ClassVar[weakref.WeakSet[Scheduler]] = weakref.WeakSet() worker_ttl: float | None idle_since: float | None idle_timeout: float | None _no_workers_since: float | None # Note: not None iff there are pending tasks no_workers_timeout: float | None _client_connections_added_total: int _client_connections_removed_total: int _workers_added_total: int _workers_removed_total: int _active_graph_updates: int def __init__( self, loop=None, services=None, service_kwargs=None, allowed_failures=None, extensions=None, validate=None, scheduler_file=None, security=None, worker_ttl=None, idle_timeout=None, interface=None, host=None, port=0, protocol=None, dashboard_address=None, dashboard=None, http_prefix="/", preload=None, preload_argv=(), plugins=(), contact_address=None, transition_counter_max=False, jupyter=False, **kwargs, ): if dask.config.get("distributed.scheduler.pickle", default=True) is False: raise RuntimeError( "Pickling can no longer be disabled with the `distributed.scheduler.pickle` option. Please remove this configuration to start the scheduler." ) if loop is not None: warnings.warn( "the loop kwarg to Scheduler is deprecated", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.loop = self.io_loop = IOLoop.current() self._setup_logging(logger) # Attributes if contact_address is None: contact_address = dask.config.get("") self.contact_address = contact_address if allowed_failures is None: allowed_failures = dask.config.get("distributed.scheduler.allowed-failures") self.allowed_failures = allowed_failures if validate is None: validate = dask.config.get("distributed.scheduler.validate") self.proc = psutil.Process() self.service_specs = services or {} self.service_kwargs = service_kwargs or {} = {} self.scheduler_file = scheduler_file self.worker_ttl = parse_timedelta( worker_ttl or dask.config.get("distributed.scheduler.worker-ttl") ) self.idle_timeout = parse_timedelta( idle_timeout or dask.config.get("distributed.scheduler.idle-timeout") ) self.idle_since = time() self.no_workers_timeout = parse_timedelta( dask.config.get("") ) self._no_workers_since = None self.time_started = self.idle_since # compatibility for dask-gateway self._replica_lock = RLock() self.bandwidth_workers = defaultdict(float) self.bandwidth_types = defaultdict(float) # Don't cast int metrics to float self.cumulative_worker_metrics = defaultdict(int) if not preload: preload = dask.config.get("distributed.scheduler.preload") if not preload_argv: preload_argv = dask.config.get("distributed.scheduler.preload-argv") self.preloads = preloading.process_preloads(self, preload, preload_argv) if isinstance(security, dict): security = Security(**security) = security or Security() assert isinstance(, Security) self.connection_args ="scheduler") self.connection_args["handshake_overrides"] = { # common denominator "pickle-protocol": 4 } self._start_address = addresses_from_user_args( host=host, port=port, interface=interface, protocol=protocol, security=security, default_port=self.default_port, ) http_server_modules = dask.config.get("distributed.scheduler.http.routes") show_dashboard = dashboard or (dashboard is None and dashboard_address) # install vanilla route if show_dashboard but bokeh is not installed if show_dashboard: try: import distributed.dashboard.scheduler except ImportError: show_dashboard = False http_server_modules.append("distributed.http.scheduler.missing_bokeh") routes = get_handlers( server=self, modules=http_server_modules, prefix=http_prefix ) self.start_http_server(routes, dashboard_address, default_port=8787) self.jupyter = jupyter if show_dashboard: distributed.dashboard.scheduler.connect( self.http_application, self.http_server, self, prefix=http_prefix ) scheduler = self if self.jupyter: try: from jupyter_server.serverapp import ServerApp except ImportError: raise ImportError( "In order to use the Dask jupyter option you " "need to have jupyterlab installed" ) from traitlets.config import Config """HTTP handler to shut down the Jupyter server. """ try: from jupyter_server.auth import authorized except ImportError: def authorized(c): return c from jupyter_server.base.handlers import JupyterHandler class ShutdownHandler(JupyterHandler): """A shutdown API handler.""" auth_resource = "server" @tornado.web.authenticated @authorized async def post(self): """Shut down the server.""""Shutting down on /api/shutdown request.") await scheduler.close(reason="jupyter-requested-shutdown") j = ServerApp.instance( config=Config( { "ServerApp": { "base_url": "jupyter", # SECURITY: We usually expect the dashboard to be a read-only view into # the scheduler activity. However, by adding an open Jupyter application # we are allowing arbitrary remote code execution on the scheduler via the # dashboard server. This option should only be used when the dashboard is # protected via other means, or when you don't care about cluster security. "token": "", "allow_remote_access": True, } } ) ) j.initialize( new_httpserver=False, argv=[], ) self._jupyter_server_application = j shutdown_app = tornado.web.Application( [(r"/jupyter/api/shutdown", ShutdownHandler)] ) shutdown_app.settings = j.web_app.settings self.http_application.add_application(shutdown_app) self.http_application.add_application(j.web_app) # Communication state self.client_comms = {} self.stream_comms = {} # Task state tasks = {} self.generation = 0 self._last_client = None self._last_time = 0 unrunnable = {} queued = HeapSet(key=operator.attrgetter("priority")) self.datasets = {} # Prefix-keyed containers # Client state clients = {} # Worker state workers = SortedDict() host_info = {} resources = {} aliases = {} self._worker_collections = [ workers, host_info, resources, aliases, ] maxlen = dask.config.get("distributed.admin.low-level-log-length") self._broker = Broker(maxlen, self) self.worker_plugins = {} self.nanny_plugins = {} self._starting_nannies = set() self._starting_nannies_cond = asyncio.Condition() worker_handlers = { "task-finished": self.handle_task_finished, "task-erred": self.handle_task_erred, "release-worker-data": self.release_worker_data, "add-keys": self.add_keys, "long-running": self.handle_long_running, "reschedule": self._reschedule, "keep-alive": lambda *args, **kwargs: None, "log-event": self.log_worker_event, "worker-status-change": self.handle_worker_status_change, "request-refresh-who-has": self.handle_request_refresh_who_has, } client_handlers = { "update-graph": self.update_graph, "client-desires-keys": self.client_desires_keys, "update-data": self.update_data, "report-key": self.report_on_key, "client-releases-keys": self.client_releases_keys, "heartbeat-client": self.client_heartbeat, "close-client": self.remove_client, "subscribe-topic": self.subscribe_topic, "unsubscribe-topic": self.unsubscribe_topic, "cancel-keys": self.stimulus_cancel, } self.handlers = { "register-client": self.add_client, "scatter": self.scatter, "register-worker": self.add_worker, "register_nanny": self.add_nanny, "unregister": self.remove_worker, "gather": self.gather, "retry": self.stimulus_retry, "feed": self.feed, "terminate": self.close, "broadcast": self.broadcast, "proxy": self.proxy, "ncores": self.get_ncores, "ncores_running": self.get_ncores_running, "has_what": self.get_has_what, "who_has": self.get_who_has, "processing": self.get_processing, "call_stack": self.get_call_stack, "profile": self.get_profile, "performance_report": self.performance_report, "get_logs": self.get_logs, "logs": self.get_logs, "worker_logs": self.get_worker_logs, "log_event": self.log_event, "events": self.get_events, "nbytes": self.get_nbytes, "versions": self.versions, "add_keys": self.add_keys, "rebalance": self.rebalance, "replicate": self.replicate, "run_function": self.run_function, "restart": self.restart, "restart_workers": self.restart_workers, "update_data": self.update_data, "set_resources": self.add_resources, "retire_workers": self.retire_workers, "get_metadata": self.get_metadata, "set_metadata": self.set_metadata, "set_restrictions": self.set_restrictions, "heartbeat_worker": self.heartbeat_worker, "get_task_status": self.get_task_status, "get_task_stream": self.get_task_stream, "get_task_prefix_states": self.get_task_prefix_states, "register_scheduler_plugin": self.register_scheduler_plugin, "unregister_scheduler_plugin": self.unregister_scheduler_plugin, "register_worker_plugin": self.register_worker_plugin, "unregister_worker_plugin": self.unregister_worker_plugin, "register_nanny_plugin": self.register_nanny_plugin, "unregister_nanny_plugin": self.unregister_nanny_plugin, "adaptive_target": self.adaptive_target, "workers_to_close": self.workers_to_close, "subscribe_worker_status": self.subscribe_worker_status, "start_task_metadata": self.start_task_metadata, "stop_task_metadata": self.stop_task_metadata, "get_cluster_state": self.get_cluster_state, "dump_cluster_state_to_url": self.dump_cluster_state_to_url, "benchmark_hardware": self.benchmark_hardware, "get_story": self.get_story, "check_idle": self.check_idle, } connection_limit = get_fileno_limit() / 2 SchedulerState.__init__( self, aliases=aliases, clients=clients, workers=workers, host_info=host_info, resources=resources, tasks=tasks, unrunnable=unrunnable, queued=queued, validate=validate, plugins=plugins, transition_counter_max=transition_counter_max, ) ServerNode.__init__( self, handlers=self.handlers, stream_handlers=merge(worker_handlers, client_handlers), connection_limit=connection_limit, deserialize=False, connection_args=self.connection_args, **kwargs, ) if self.worker_ttl: pc = PeriodicCallback(self.check_worker_ttl, self.worker_ttl * 1000) self.periodic_callbacks["worker-ttl"] = pc pc = PeriodicCallback(self.check_idle, 250) self.periodic_callbacks["idle-timeout"] = pc pc = PeriodicCallback(self._check_no_workers, 250) self.periodic_callbacks["no-workers-timeout"] = pc if extensions is None: extensions = DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS.copy() if not dask.config.get(""): if "stealing" in extensions: del extensions["stealing"] for name, extension in extensions.items(): self.extensions[name] = extension(self) setproctitle("dask scheduler [not started]") Scheduler._instances.add(self) self.rpc.allow_offload = False self._client_connections_added_total = 0 self._client_connections_removed_total = 0 self._workers_added_total = 0 self._workers_removed_total = 0 self._active_graph_updates = 0 ################## # Administration # ################## def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"<Scheduler {self.address_safe!r}, " f"workers: {len(self.workers)}, " f"cores: {self.total_nthreads}, " f"tasks: {len(self.tasks)}>" ) def _repr_html_(self) -> str: return get_template("scheduler.html.j2").render( address=self.address, workers=self.workers, threads=self.total_nthreads, tasks=self.tasks, )
[docs] def identity(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Basic information about ourselves and our cluster""" d = { "type": type(self).__name__, "id": str(, "address": self.address, "services": {key: v.port for (key, v) in}, "started": self.time_started, "workers": { worker.address: worker.identity() for worker in self.workers.values() }, } return d
def _to_dict(self, *, exclude: Container[str] = ()) -> dict: """Dictionary representation for debugging purposes. Not type stable and not intended for roundtrips. See also -------- Server.identity Client.dump_cluster_state distributed.utils.recursive_to_dict """ info = super()._to_dict(exclude=exclude) extra = { "transition_log": self.transition_log, "transition_counter": self.transition_counter, "tasks": self.tasks, "task_groups": self.task_groups, # Overwrite dict of WorkerState.identity from info "workers": self.workers, "clients": self.clients, "memory": self.memory, "events": self._broker._topics, "extensions": self.extensions, } extra = {k: v for k, v in extra.items() if k not in exclude} info.update(recursive_to_dict(extra, exclude=exclude)) return info
[docs] async def get_cluster_state( self, exclude: Collection[str], ) -> dict: "Produce the state dict used in a cluster state dump" # Kick off state-dumping on workers before we block the event loop in `self._to_dict`. workers_future = asyncio.gather( self.broadcast( msg={"op": "dump_state", "exclude": exclude}, on_error="return", ), self.broadcast( msg={"op": "versions"}, on_error="ignore", ), ) try: scheduler_state = self._to_dict(exclude=exclude) worker_states, worker_versions = await workers_future finally: # Ensure the tasks aren't left running if anything fails. # Someday (py3.11), use a trio-style TaskGroup for this. workers_future.cancel() # Convert any RPC errors to strings worker_states = { k: repr(v) if isinstance(v, Exception) else v for k, v in worker_states.items() } return { "scheduler": scheduler_state, "workers": worker_states, "versions": {"scheduler": self.versions(), "workers": worker_versions}, }
[docs] async def dump_cluster_state_to_url( self, url: str, exclude: Collection[str], format: Literal["msgpack", "yaml"], **storage_options: dict[str, Any], ) -> None: "Write a cluster state dump to an fsspec-compatible URL." await cluster_dump.write_state( partial(self.get_cluster_state, exclude), url, format, **storage_options )
[docs] def get_worker_service_addr( self, worker: str, service_name: str, protocol: bool = False ) -> tuple[str, int] | str | None: """ Get the (host, port) address of the named service on the *worker*. Returns None if the service doesn't exist. Parameters ---------- worker : address service_name : str Common services include 'bokeh' and 'nanny' protocol : boolean Whether or not to include a full address with protocol (True) or just a (host, port) pair """ ws = self.workers[worker] port = if port is None: return None elif protocol: return "%(protocol)s://%(host)s:%(port)d" % { "protocol": ws.address.split("://")[0], "host":, "port": port, } else: return, port
[docs] async def start_unsafe(self) -> Self: """Clear out old state and restart all running coroutines""" await super().start_unsafe() enable_gc_diagnosis() self._clear_task_state() for addr in self._start_address: await self.listen( addr, allow_offload=False, handshake_overrides={"pickle-protocol": 4, "compression": None}, **"scheduler"), ) self.ip = get_address_host(self.listen_address) listen_ip = self.ip if listen_ip == "": listen_ip = "" if self.address.startswith("inproc://"): listen_ip = "localhost" # Services listen on all addresses self.start_services(listen_ip) for listener in self.listeners:" Scheduler at: %25s", listener.contact_address) for name, server in if name == "dashboard": addr = get_address_host(listener.contact_address) try: link = format_dashboard_link(addr, server.port) # formatting dashboard link can fail if # refers to non-existant env vars. except KeyError as e: logger.warning( f"Failed to format dashboard link, unknown value: {e}" ) link = f":{server.port}" else: link = f"{listen_ip}:{server.port}""%11s at: %25s", name, link) if self.scheduler_file: with open(self.scheduler_file, "w") as f: json.dump(self.identity(), f, indent=2) fn = self.scheduler_file # remove file when we close the process def del_scheduler_file() -> None: if os.path.exists(fn): os.remove(fn) weakref.finalize(self, del_scheduler_file) await self.preloads.start() if self.jupyter: # Allow insecure communications from local users if self.address.startswith("tls://"): await self.listen("tcp://localhost:0") os.environ["DASK_SCHEDULER_ADDRESS"] = self.listeners[-1].contact_address await asyncio.gather( *[plugin.start(self) for plugin in list(self.plugins.values())] ) self.start_periodic_callbacks() setproctitle(f"dask scheduler [{self.address}]") return self
[docs] async def close(self, fast=None, close_workers=None, reason="unknown"): """Send cleanup signal to all coroutines then wait until finished See Also -------- Scheduler.cleanup """ if fast is not None or close_workers is not None: warnings.warn( "The 'fast' and 'close_workers' parameters in Scheduler.close have no " "effect and will be removed in a future version of distributed.", FutureWarning, ) if self.status in (Status.closing, Status.closed): await self.finished() return self.status = Status.closing"Closing scheduler. Reason: %s", reason) setproctitle("dask scheduler [closing]") async def log_errors(func): try: await func() except Exception: logger.exception("Plugin call failed during scheduler.close") await asyncio.gather( *[log_errors(plugin.before_close) for plugin in list(self.plugins.values())] ) await self.preloads.teardown() await asyncio.gather( *[log_errors(plugin.close) for plugin in list(self.plugins.values())] ) for pc in self.periodic_callbacks.values(): pc.stop() self.periodic_callbacks.clear() self.stop_services() for ext in self.extensions.values(): with suppress(AttributeError): ext.teardown()"Scheduler closing all comms") futures = [] for _, comm in list(self.stream_comms.items()): # FIXME use `self.remove_worker()` instead after if not comm.closed(): # This closes the Worker and ensures that if a Nanny is around, # it is closed as well comm.send({"op": "close", "reason": "scheduler-close"}) comm.send({"op": "close-stream"}) # ^ TODO remove? `Worker.close` will close the stream anyway. with suppress(AttributeError): futures.append(comm.close()) await asyncio.gather(*futures) if self.jupyter: await self._jupyter_server_application._cleanup() for comm in self.client_comms.values(): comm.abort() await self.rpc.close() self.status = Status.closed self.stop() await super().close() setproctitle("dask scheduler [closed]") disable_gc_diagnosis()
########### # Stimuli # ########### def heartbeat_worker( self, *, address: str, resolve_address: bool = True, now: float | None = None, resources: dict[str, float] | None = None, host_info: dict | None = None, metrics: dict, executing: dict[Key, float] | None = None, extensions: dict | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: address = self.coerce_address(address, resolve_address) address = normalize_address(address) ws = self.workers.get(address) if ws is None: logger.warning(f"Received heartbeat from unregistered worker {address!r}.") return {"status": "missing"} host = get_address_host(address) local_now = time() host_info = host_info or {} dh = self.host_info.setdefault(host, {}) dh["last-seen"] = local_now frac = 1 / len(self.workers) self.bandwidth = ( self.bandwidth * (1 - frac) + metrics["bandwidth"]["total"] * frac ) for other, (bw, count) in metrics["bandwidth"]["workers"].items(): if (address, other) not in self.bandwidth_workers: self.bandwidth_workers[address, other] = bw / count else: alpha = (1 - frac) ** count self.bandwidth_workers[address, other] = self.bandwidth_workers[ address, other ] * alpha + bw * (1 - alpha) for typ, (bw, count) in metrics["bandwidth"]["types"].items(): if typ not in self.bandwidth_types: self.bandwidth_types[typ] = bw / count else: alpha = (1 - frac) ** count self.bandwidth_types[typ] = self.bandwidth_types[typ] * alpha + bw * ( 1 - alpha ) ws.last_seen = local_now if executing is not None: # NOTE: the executing dict is unused ws.executing = {} for key, duration in executing.items(): if key in self.tasks: ts = self.tasks[key] ws.executing[ts] = duration ts.prefix.add_exec_time(duration) for name, value in metrics["digests_total_since_heartbeat"].items(): self.cumulative_worker_metrics[name] += value ws.metrics = metrics # Calculate RSS - dask keys, separating "old" and "new" usage # See MemoryState for details max_memory_unmanaged_old_hist_age = local_now - self.MEMORY_RECENT_TO_OLD_TIME memory_unmanaged_old = ws._memory_unmanaged_old while ws._memory_unmanaged_history: timestamp, size = ws._memory_unmanaged_history[0] if timestamp >= max_memory_unmanaged_old_hist_age: break ws._memory_unmanaged_history.popleft() if size == memory_unmanaged_old: memory_unmanaged_old = 0 # recalculate min() # ws._nbytes is updated at a different time and sizeof() may not be accurate, # so size may be (temporarily) negative; floor it to zero. size = max( 0, metrics["memory"] - ws.nbytes + metrics["spilled_bytes"]["memory"] ) ws._memory_unmanaged_history.append((local_now, size)) if not memory_unmanaged_old: # The worker has just been started or the previous minimum has been expunged # because too old. # Note: this algorithm is capped to 200 * MEMORY_RECENT_TO_OLD_TIME elements # cluster-wide by heartbeat_interval(), regardless of the number of workers ws._memory_unmanaged_old = min(map(second, ws._memory_unmanaged_history)) elif size < memory_unmanaged_old: ws._memory_unmanaged_old = size if host_info: dh = self.host_info.setdefault(host, {}) dh.update(host_info) if now: ws.time_delay = local_now - now if resources: self.add_resources(worker=address, resources=resources) if extensions: for name, data in extensions.items(): self.extensions[name].heartbeat(ws, data) return { "status": "OK", "time": local_now, "heartbeat-interval": heartbeat_interval(len(self.workers)), }
[docs] @log_errors async def add_worker( self, comm: Comm, *, address: str, status: str, server_id: str, nthreads: int, name: str, resolve_address: bool = True, now: float, resources: dict[str, float], # FIXME: This is never submitted by the worker host_info: None = None, memory_limit: int | None, metrics: dict[str, Any], pid: int = 0, services: dict[str, int], local_directory: str, versions: dict[str, Any], nanny: str, extra: dict, stimulus_id: str, ) -> None: """Add a new worker to the cluster""" address = self.coerce_address(address, resolve_address) address = normalize_address(address) host = get_address_host(address) if address in self.workers: raise ValueError("Worker already exists %s" % address) if name in self.aliases: logger.warning("Worker tried to connect with a duplicate name: %s", name) msg = { "status": "error", "message": "name taken, %s" % name, "time": time(), } await comm.write(msg) return self.log_event(address, {"action": "add-worker"}) self.log_event("all", {"action": "add-worker", "worker": address}) self.workers[address] = ws = WorkerState( address=address, status=Status.lookup[status], # type: ignore pid=pid, nthreads=nthreads, memory_limit=memory_limit or 0, name=name, local_directory=local_directory, services=services, versions=versions, nanny=nanny, extra=extra, server_id=server_id, scheduler=self, ) self._workers_added_total += 1 if ws.status == Status.running: self.running.add(ws) self._refresh_no_workers_since() dh = self.host_info.get(host) if dh is None: self.host_info[host] = dh = {} dh_addresses = dh.get("addresses") if dh_addresses is None: dh["addresses"] = dh_addresses = set() dh["nthreads"] = 0 dh_addresses.add(address) dh["nthreads"] += nthreads self.total_nthreads += nthreads self.total_nthreads_history.append((time(), self.total_nthreads)) self.aliases[name] = address self.heartbeat_worker( address=address, resolve_address=resolve_address, now=now, resources=resources, host_info=host_info, metrics=metrics, ) # Do not need to adjust self.total_occupancy as self.occupancy[ws] cannot # exist before this. self.check_idle_saturated(ws) self.stream_comms[address] = BatchedSend(interval="5ms", loop=self.loop) awaitables = [] for plugin in list(self.plugins.values()): try: result = plugin.add_worker(scheduler=self, worker=address) if result is not None and inspect.isawaitable(result): awaitables.append(result) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) plugin_msgs = await asyncio.gather(*awaitables, return_exceptions=True) plugins_exceptions = [msg for msg in plugin_msgs if isinstance(msg, Exception)] for exc in plugins_exceptions: logger.exception(exc, exc_info=exc) if ws.status == Status.running: self.transitions( self.bulk_schedule_unrunnable_after_adding_worker(ws), stimulus_id ) self.stimulus_queue_slots_maybe_opened(stimulus_id=stimulus_id)"Register worker addr: %s name: %s", ws.address, msg = { "status": "OK", "time": time(), "heartbeat-interval": heartbeat_interval(len(self.workers)), "worker-plugins": self.worker_plugins, } version_warning = version_module.error_message( version_module.get_versions(), {w: ws.versions for w, ws in self.workers.items()}, versions, source_name=str(ws.server_id), ) msg.update(version_warning) await comm.write(msg) # This will keep running until the worker is removed await self.handle_worker(comm, address)
async def add_nanny(self, comm: Comm, address: str) -> None: async with self._starting_nannies_cond: self._starting_nannies.add(address) try: msg = { "status": "OK", "nanny-plugins": self.nanny_plugins, } await comm.write(msg) await finally: async with self._starting_nannies_cond: self._starting_nannies.discard(address) self._starting_nannies_cond.notify_all() def _find_lost_dependencies( self, dsk: dict[Key, T_runspec], dependencies: dict[Key, set[Key]], keys: set[Key], ) -> set[Key]: lost_keys = set() seen: set[Key] = set() sadd = seen.add for k in list(keys): work = {k} wpop = work.pop wupdate = work.update while work: d = wpop() if d in seen: continue sadd(d) if d not in dsk: if d not in self.tasks: lost_keys.add(d) lost_keys.add(k)"User asked for computation on lost data, %s", k) dependencies.pop(d, None) keys.discard(k) continue wupdate(dsk[d].dependencies) return lost_keys def _create_taskstate_from_graph( self, *, start: float, dsk: dict[Key, T_runspec], dependencies: dict, keys: set[Key], ordered: dict[Key, int], client: str, annotations_by_type: dict, global_annotations: dict | None, stimulus_id: str, submitting_task: Key | None, span_metadata: SpanMetadata, user_priority: int | dict[Key, int] = 0, actors: bool | list[Key] | None = None, fifo_timeout: float = 0.0, code: tuple[SourceCode, ...] = (), ) -> dict[str, float]: """ Take a low level graph and create the necessary scheduler state to compute it. WARNING ------- This method must not be made async since nothing here is concurrency safe. All interactions with TaskState objects here should be happening in the same event loop tick. """ if not self.is_idle and self.computations: # Still working on something. Assign new tasks to same computation computation = self.computations[-1] else: computation = Computation() self.computations.append(computation) if code: # add new code blocks computation.code.add(code) if global_annotations: # FIXME: This is kind of inconsistent since it only includes global # annotations. computation.annotations.update(global_annotations) del global_annotations ( runnable, touched_tasks, new_tasks, colliding_task_count, ) = self._generate_taskstates( keys=keys, dsk=dsk, dependencies=dependencies, computation=computation, ) metrics = { "tasks": len(dsk), "new_tasks": len(new_tasks), "key_collisions": colliding_task_count, } keys_with_annotations = self._apply_annotations( tasks=new_tasks, annotations_by_type=annotations_by_type, ) self._set_priorities( internal_priority=ordered, submitting_task=submitting_task, user_priority=user_priority, fifo_timeout=fifo_timeout, start=start, tasks=runnable, ) self.client_desires_keys(keys=keys, client=client) # Add actors if actors is True: actors = list(keys) for actor in actors or []: ts = self.tasks[actor] = True # Compute recommendations recommendations: Recs = {} priority = dict() for ts in sorted( runnable, key=operator.attrgetter("priority"), reverse=True, ): assert ts.priority # mypy priority[ts.key] = ts.priority assert ts.run_spec if ts.state == "released": recommendations[ts.key] = "waiting" for ts in runnable: for dts in ts.dependencies: if dts.exception_blame: ts.exception_blame = dts.exception_blame recommendations[ts.key] = "erred" break annotations_for_plugin: defaultdict[str, dict[Key, Any]] = defaultdict(dict) for key in keys_with_annotations: ts = self.tasks[key] if ts.annotations: for annot, value in ts.annotations.items(): annotations_for_plugin[annot][key] = value spans_ext: SpansSchedulerExtension | None = self.extensions.get("spans") if spans_ext: # new_tasks does not necessarily contain all runnable tasks; # _generate_taskstates is not the only thing that calls new_task(). A # TaskState may have also been created by client_desires_keys or scatter, # and only later gained a run_spec. span_annotations = spans_ext.observe_tasks( runnable, span_metadata=span_metadata, code=code ) # In case of TaskGroup collision, spans may have changed # FIXME: Is this used anywhere besides tests? if span_annotations: annotations_for_plugin["span"] = span_annotations else: annotations_for_plugin.pop("span", None) for plugin in list(self.plugins.values()): try: plugin.update_graph( self, client=client, tasks=[ts.key for ts in touched_tasks], keys=keys, dependencies=dependencies, annotations=dict(annotations_for_plugin), priority=priority, stimulus_id=stimulus_id, ) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) self.transitions(recommendations, stimulus_id) for ts in touched_tasks: if ts.state in ("memory", "erred"): self.report_on_key(ts=ts, client=client) return metrics def _remove_done_tasks_from_dsk( self, dsk: dict[Key, T_runspec], dependencies: dict[Key, set[Key]], ) -> None: # Avoid computation that is already finished done = set() # tasks that are already done for k, v in dependencies.items(): if v and k in self.tasks: ts = self.tasks[k] if ts.state in ("memory", "erred"): done.add(k) if done: dependents = dask.core.reverse_dict(dependencies) stack = list(done) while stack: # remove unnecessary dependencies key = stack.pop() try: deps = dependencies[key] except KeyError: deps = {ts.key for ts in self.tasks[key].dependencies} for dep in deps: if dep in dependents: child_deps = dependents[dep] elif dep in self.tasks: child_deps = {ts.key for ts in self.tasks[key].dependencies} else: child_deps = set() if all(d in done for d in child_deps): if dep in self.tasks and dep not in done: done.add(dep) stack.append(dep) for anc in done: dsk.pop(anc, None) dependencies.pop(anc, None) @log_errors async def update_graph( self, client: str, graph_header: dict, graph_frames: list[bytes], keys: set[Key], span_metadata: SpanMetadata, internal_priority: dict[Key, int] | None, submitting_task: Key | None, user_priority: int | dict[Key, int] = 0, actors: bool | list[Key] | None = None, fifo_timeout: float = 0.0, code: tuple[SourceCode, ...] = (), annotations: dict | None = None, stimulus_id: str | None = None, ) -> None: start = time() stimulus_id = stimulus_id or f"update-graph-{start}" self._active_graph_updates += 1 try: logger.debug("Received new graph. Deserializing...") try: graph = deserialize(graph_header, graph_frames).data del graph_header, graph_frames except Exception as e: msg = """\ Error during deserialization of the task graph. This frequently occurs if the Scheduler and Client have different environments. For more information, see """ raise RuntimeError(textwrap.dedent(msg)) from e ( dsk, dependencies, annotations_by_type, ) = await offload( _materialize_graph, graph=graph, global_annotations=annotations or {}, keys=keys, validate=self.validate, ) materialization_done = time() logger.debug("Materialization done. Got %i tasks.", len(dsk)) del graph lost_keys = self._find_lost_dependencies(dsk, dependencies, keys) if lost_keys:{"op": "cancelled-keys", "keys": lost_keys}, client=client) self.client_releases_keys( keys=lost_keys, client=client, stimulus_id=stimulus_id ) dsk = _cull(dsk, keys) if not internal_priority: # Removing all non-local keys before calling order() dsk_keys = set( dsk ) # intersection() of sets is much faster than dict_keys stripped_deps = { k: v.intersection(dsk_keys) for k, v in dependencies.items() if k in dsk_keys } internal_priority = await offload( dask.order.order, dsk=dsk, dependencies=stripped_deps ) ordering_done = time() logger.debug("Ordering done.") before = len(self.tasks) self._remove_done_tasks_from_dsk(dsk, dependencies) metrics = self._create_taskstate_from_graph( dsk=dsk, client=client, dependencies=dependencies, keys=set(keys), ordered=internal_priority or {}, submitting_task=submitting_task, user_priority=user_priority, actors=actors, fifo_timeout=fifo_timeout, code=code, span_metadata=span_metadata, annotations_by_type=annotations_by_type, # FIXME: This is just used to attach to Computation # objects. This should be removed global_annotations=annotations, start=start, stimulus_id=stimulus_id, ) task_state_created = time() metrics.update( { "start_timestamp_seconds": start, "materialization_duration_seconds": materialization_done - start, "ordering_duration_seconds": materialization_done - ordering_done, "state_initialization_duration_seconds": ordering_done - task_state_created, "duration_seconds": task_state_created - start, } ) evt_msg = { "action": "update-graph", "stimulus_id": stimulus_id, "metrics": metrics, "status": "OK", } self.log_event(["scheduler", client], evt_msg) logger.debug("Task state created. %i new tasks", len(self.tasks) - before) except Exception as e: evt_msg = { "action": "update-graph", "stimulus_id": stimulus_id, "status": "error", } self.log_event(["scheduler", client], evt_msg) logger.error(str(e)) err = error_message(e) for key in keys: { "op": "task-erred", "key": key, "exception": err["exception"], "traceback": err["traceback"], }, # This informs all clients in who_wants plus the current client # (which may not have been added to who_wants yet) client=client, ) finally: self._active_graph_updates -= 1 assert self._active_graph_updates >= 0 end = time() self.digest_metric("update-graph-duration", end - start) def _generate_taskstates( self, keys: set[Key], dsk: dict[Key, T_runspec], dependencies: dict[Key, set[Key]], computation: Computation, ) -> tuple: # Get or create task states runnable = list() new_tasks = [] stack = list(keys) touched_keys = set() touched_tasks = [] tgs_with_bad_run_spec = set() colliding_task_count = 0 while stack: k = stack.pop() if k in touched_keys: continue ts = self.tasks.get(k) if ts is None: ts = self.new_task(k, dsk.get(k), "released", computation=computation) new_tasks.append(ts) # It is possible to create the TaskState object before its runspec is known # to the scheduler. For instance, this is possible when using a Variable: # `f = c.submit(foo); await Variable().set(f)` since the Variable uses a # different comm channel, so the `client_desires_key` message could arrive # before `update_graph`. # There are also anti-pattern processes possible; # see for example test_scatter_creates_ts elif ts.run_spec is None: ts.run_spec = dsk.get(k) # run_spec in the submitted graph may be None. This happens # when an already persisted future is part of the graph elif k in dsk: # Check dependency names. deps_lhs = {dts.key for dts in ts.dependencies} deps_rhs = dependencies[k] # FIXME It would be a really healthy idea to change this to a hard # failure. However, this is not possible at the moment because of # if deps_lhs != deps_rhs: # Retain old run_spec and dependencies; rerun them if necessary. # This sweeps the issue of collision under the carpet as long as the # old and new task produce the same output - such as in # dask/dask#9888. dependencies[k] = deps_lhs colliding_task_count += 1 if not in tgs_with_bad_run_spec: tgs_with_bad_run_spec.add( logger.warning( f"Detected different `run_spec` for key {ts.key!r} between " "two consecutive calls to `update_graph`. " "This can cause failures and deadlocks down the line. " "Please ensure unique key names. " "If you are using a standard dask collections, consider " "releasing all the data before resubmitting another " "computation. More details and help can be found at " " " + textwrap.dedent( f""" Debugging information --------------------- old task state: {ts.state} old run_spec: {ts.run_spec!r} new run_spec: {dsk[k]!r} old dependencies: {deps_lhs} new dependencies: {deps_rhs} """ ) ) else: logger.debug( f"Detected different `run_spec` for key {ts.key!r} between " "two consecutive calls to `update_graph`." ) if ts.run_spec: runnable.append(ts) touched_keys.add(k) touched_tasks.append(ts) stack.extend(dependencies.get(k, ())) # Add dependencies for key, deps in dependencies.items(): ts = self.tasks.get(key) if ts is None or ts.dependencies: continue for dep in deps: dts = self.tasks[dep] ts.add_dependency(dts) if len(touched_tasks) < len(keys): "Submitted graph with length %s but requested graph only includes %s keys", len(touched_tasks), len(keys), ) return runnable, touched_tasks, new_tasks, colliding_task_count def _apply_annotations( self, tasks: Iterable[TaskState], annotations_by_type: dict[str, dict[Key, Any]], ) -> set[Key]: """Apply the provided annotations to the provided `TaskState` objects. The raw annotations will be stored in the `annotations` attribute. Layer / key specific annotations will take precedence over global / generic annotations. Parameters ---------- tasks : Iterable[TaskState] _description_ annotations : dict _description_ Returns ------- keys_with_annotations """ keys_with_annotations: set[Key] = set() if not annotations_by_type: return keys_with_annotations for ts in tasks: key = ts.key ts_annotations = {} for annot, key_value in annotations_by_type.items(): if (value := key_value.get(key)) is not None: ts_annotations[annot] = value if not ts_annotations: continue keys_with_annotations.add(key) ts.annotations = ts_annotations for annot, value in ts_annotations.items(): if annot in ("restrictions", "workers"): if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple, set)): value = [value] host_restrictions = set() worker_restrictions = set() for w in value: try: w = self.coerce_address(w) except ValueError: # Not a valid address, but perhaps it's a hostname host_restrictions.add(w) else: worker_restrictions.add(w) if host_restrictions: ts.host_restrictions = host_restrictions if worker_restrictions: ts.worker_restrictions = worker_restrictions elif annot in ("loose_restrictions", "allow_other_workers"): ts.loose_restrictions = value elif annot == "resources": assert isinstance(value, dict) ts.resource_restrictions = value elif annot == "priority": # See Scheduler._set_priorities continue elif annot == "retries": assert isinstance(value, int) ts.retries = value return keys_with_annotations def _set_priorities( self, internal_priority: dict[Key, int], submitting_task: Key | None, user_priority: int | dict[Key, int], fifo_timeout: int | float | str, start: float, tasks: set[TaskState], ) -> None: fifo_timeout = parse_timedelta(fifo_timeout) if submitting_task: # sub-tasks get better priority than parent tasks sts = self.tasks.get(submitting_task) if sts is not None: assert sts.priority generation = sts.priority[0] - 0.01 else: # super-task already cleaned up generation = self.generation elif self._last_time + fifo_timeout < start: self.generation += 1 # older graph generations take precedence generation = self.generation self._last_time = start else: generation = self.generation for ts in tasks: if isinstance(user_priority, dict): task_user_prio = user_priority.get(ts.key, 0) else: task_user_prio = user_priority # Annotations that are already assigned to the TaskState object # originate from a Layer annotation which takes precedence over the # global annotation. if ts.annotations: annotated_prio = ts.annotations.get("priority", task_user_prio) else: annotated_prio = task_user_prio if not ts.priority and ts.key in internal_priority: ts.priority = ( -annotated_prio, generation, internal_priority[ts.key], ) if self.validate and istask(ts.run_spec): assert isinstance(ts.priority, tuple) and all( isinstance(el, (int, float)) for el in ts.priority )
[docs] def stimulus_queue_slots_maybe_opened(self, *, stimulus_id: str) -> None: """Respond to an event which may have opened spots on worker threadpools Selects the appropriate number of tasks from the front of the queue according to the total number of task slots available on workers (potentially 0), and transitions them to ``processing``. Notes ----- Other transitions related to this stimulus should be fully processed beforehand, so any tasks that became runnable are already in ``processing``. Otherwise, overproduction can occur if queued tasks get scheduled before downstream tasks. Must be called after `check_idle_saturated`; i.e. `idle_task_count` must be up to date. """ if not self.queued: return slots_available = sum( _task_slots_available(ws, self.WORKER_SATURATION) for ws in self.idle_task_count ) if slots_available == 0: return for _ in range(slots_available): if not self.queued: return # Ideally, we'd be popping it here already but this would break # certain state invariants since the task is not transitioned, yet qts = self.queued.peek() if self.validate: assert qts.state == "queued", qts.state assert not qts.processing_on, (qts, qts.processing_on) assert not qts.waiting_on, (qts, qts.processing_on) assert qts.who_wants or qts.waiters, qts # This removes the task from the top of the self.queued heap self.transitions({qts.key: "processing"}, stimulus_id) if self.validate: assert qts.state == "processing" assert not self.queued or self.queued.peek() != qts
[docs] def stimulus_task_finished( self, key: Key, worker: str, stimulus_id: str, run_id: int, **kwargs: Any ) -> RecsMsgs: """Mark that a task has finished execution on a particular worker""" logger.debug("Stimulus task finished %s[%d] %s", key, run_id, worker) recommendations: Recs = {} client_msgs: Msgs = {} worker_msgs: Msgs = {} ts = self.tasks.get(key) if ts is None or ts.state in ("released", "queued", "no-worker"): logger.debug( "Received already computed task, worker: %s, state: %s" ", key: %s, who_has: %s", worker, ts.state if ts else "forgotten", key, ts.who_has if ts else {}, ) worker_msgs[worker] = [ { "op": "free-keys", "keys": [key], "stimulus_id": stimulus_id, } ] elif ts.state == "erred": logger.debug( "Received already erred task, worker: %s" ", key: %s", worker, key, ) worker_msgs[worker] = [ { "op": "free-keys", "keys": [key], "stimulus_id": stimulus_id, } ] elif ts.run_id != run_id: if not ts.processing_on or ts.processing_on.address != worker: logger.debug( "Received stale task run, worker: %s, key: %s, run_id: %d (%d)", worker, key, run_id, ts.run_id, ) worker_msgs[worker] = [ { "op": "free-keys", "keys": [key], "stimulus_id": stimulus_id, } ] else: recommendations[ts.key] = "released" elif ts.state == "memory": self.add_keys(worker=worker, keys=[key]) else: if kwargs["metadata"]: if ts.metadata is None: ts.metadata = dict() ts.metadata.update(kwargs["metadata"]) return self._transition(key, "memory", stimulus_id, worker=worker, **kwargs) return recommendations, client_msgs, worker_msgs
[docs] def stimulus_task_erred( self, key=None, worker=None, exception=None, stimulus_id=None, traceback=None, run_id=None, **kwargs, ): """Mark that a task has erred on a particular worker""" logger.debug("Stimulus task erred %s, %s", key, worker) ts = self.tasks.get(key) if ts is None or ts.state != "processing": return {}, {}, {} if ts.run_id != run_id: if ts.processing_on and ts.processing_on.address == worker: return self._transition(key, "released", stimulus_id) return {}, {}, {} if ts.retries > 0: ts.retries -= 1 return self._transition(key, "waiting", stimulus_id) else: return self._transition( key, "erred", stimulus_id, cause=key, exception=exception, traceback=traceback, worker=worker, **kwargs, )
def stimulus_retry( self, keys: Collection[Key], client: str | None = None ) -> tuple[Key, ...]:"Client %s requests to retry %d keys", client, len(keys)) if client: self.log_event(client, {"action": "retry", "count": len(keys)}) stack = list(keys) seen = set() roots = [] while stack: key = stack.pop() seen.add(key) ts = self.tasks[key] erred_deps = [dts.key for dts in ts.dependencies if dts.state == "erred"] if erred_deps: stack.extend(erred_deps) else: roots.append(key) recommendations: Recs = {key: "waiting" for key in roots} self.transitions(recommendations, f"stimulus-retry-{time()}") if self.validate: for key in seen: assert not self.tasks[key].exception_blame return tuple(seen)
[docs] def close_worker(self, worker: str) -> None: """Ask a worker to shut itself down. Do not wait for it to take effect. Note that there is no guarantee that the worker will actually accept the command. Note that :meth:`remove_worker` sends the same command internally if close=True. See also -------- retire_workers remove_worker """ if worker not in self.workers: return"Closing worker %s", worker) self.log_event(worker, {"action": "close-worker"}) self.worker_send(worker, {"op": "close", "reason": "scheduler-close-worker"})
[docs] @_deprecated_kwarg("safe", "expected") @log_errors async def remove_worker( self, address: str, *, stimulus_id: str, expected: bool = False, close: bool = True, ) -> Literal["OK", "already-removed"]: """Remove worker from cluster. We do this when a worker reports that it plans to leave or when it appears to be unresponsive. This may send its tasks back to a released state. See also -------- retire_workers close_worker """ if self.status == Status.closed: return "already-removed" address = self.coerce_address(address) if address not in self.workers: return "already-removed" host = get_address_host(address) ws = self.workers[address] f"Remove worker addr: {ws.address} name: {} ({stimulus_id=})" ) if close: with suppress(AttributeError, CommClosedError): self.stream_comms[address].send( {"op": "close", "reason": "scheduler-remove-worker"} ) self.remove_resources(address) dh = self.host_info[host] dh_addresses: set = dh["addresses"] dh_addresses.remove(address) dh["nthreads"] -= ws.nthreads self.total_nthreads -= ws.nthreads self.total_nthreads_history.append((time(), self.total_nthreads)) if not dh_addresses: del self.host_info[host] self.rpc.remove(address) del self.stream_comms[address] del self.aliases[] self.idle.pop(ws.address, None) self.idle_task_count.discard(ws) self.saturated.discard(ws) del self.workers[address] self._workers_removed_total += 1 ws.status = Status.closed self.running.discard(ws) recommendations: Recs = {} timestamp = monotonic() processing_keys = {ts.key for ts in ws.processing} for ts in list(ws.processing): k = ts.key recommendations[k] = "released" if not expected: ts.suspicious += 1 ts.prefix.suspicious += 1 if ts.suspicious > self.allowed_failures: del recommendations[k] e = pickle.dumps( KilledWorker( task=k, last_worker=ws.clean(), allowed_failures=self.allowed_failures, ), ) r = self.transition( k, "erred", exception=e, cause=k, stimulus_id=stimulus_id, worker=address, ) recommendations.update(r) logger.error( "Task %s marked as failed because %d workers died" " while trying to run it", ts.key, ts.suspicious, ) recompute_keys = set() lost_keys = set() for ts in list(ws.has_what): self.remove_replica(ts, ws) if not ts.who_has: if ts.run_spec: recompute_keys.add(ts.key) recommendations[ts.key] = "released" else: # pure data lost_keys.add(ts.key) recommendations[ts.key] = "forgotten" if recompute_keys: logger.warning( f"Removing worker {ws.address!r} caused the cluster to lose " "already computed task(s), which will be recomputed elsewhere: " f"{recompute_keys} ({stimulus_id=})" ) if lost_keys: logger.error( f"Removing worker {ws.address!r} caused the cluster to lose scattered " f"data, which can't be recovered: {lost_keys} ({stimulus_id=})" ) event_msg = { "action": "remove-worker", "processing-tasks": processing_keys, "lost-computed-tasks": recompute_keys, "lost-scattered-tasks": lost_keys, "stimulus_id": stimulus_id, "expected": expected, } self.log_event(address, event_msg.copy()) event_msg["worker"] = address self.log_event("all", event_msg) self.transitions(recommendations, stimulus_id=stimulus_id) # Make sure that the timestamp has been collected before tasks were transitioned to no-worker # to ensure a meaningful error message. self._refresh_no_workers_since(timestamp=timestamp) awaitables = [] for plugin in list(self.plugins.values()): try: try: result = plugin.remove_worker( scheduler=self, worker=address, stimulus_id=stimulus_id ) except TypeError: parameters = inspect.signature(plugin.remove_worker).parameters if "stimulus_id" not in parameters and not any( p.kind is p.VAR_KEYWORD for p in parameters.values() ): # Deprecated (see add_plugin) result = plugin.remove_worker(scheduler=self, worker=address) # type: ignore else: raise if inspect.isawaitable(result): awaitables.append(result) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) plugin_msgs = await asyncio.gather(*awaitables, return_exceptions=True) plugins_exceptions = [msg for msg in plugin_msgs if isinstance(msg, Exception)] for exc in plugins_exceptions: logger.exception(exc, exc_info=exc) if not self.workers:"Lost all workers") for w in self.workers: self.bandwidth_workers.pop((address, w), None) self.bandwidth_workers.pop((w, address), None) async def remove_worker_from_events() -> None: # If the worker isn't registered anymore after the delay, remove from events if address not in self.workers: self._broker.truncate(address) cleanup_delay = parse_timedelta( dask.config.get("") ) self._ongoing_background_tasks.call_later( cleanup_delay, remove_worker_from_events ) logger.debug("Removed worker %s", ws) for w in self.workers: self.worker_send( w, { "op": "remove-worker", "worker": address, "stimulus_id": stimulus_id, }, ) return "OK"
[docs] def stimulus_cancel( self, keys: Collection[Key], client: str, force: bool = False ) -> None: """Stop execution on a list of keys""""Client %s requests to cancel %d keys", client, len(keys)) self.log_event(client, {"action": "cancel", "count": len(keys), "force": force}) cs = self.clients.get(client) if not cs: return cancelled_keys = [] clients = [] for key in keys: ts = self.tasks.get(key) if not ts: continue if force or ts.who_wants == {cs}: # no one else wants this key if ts.dependents: self.stimulus_cancel( [dts.key for dts in ts.dependents], client, force=force )"Scheduler cancels key %s. Force=%s", key, force) cancelled_keys.append(key) assert ts.who_wants clients.extend(list(ts.who_wants) if force else [cs]) for cs in clients: self.client_releases_keys( keys=cancelled_keys, client=cs.client_key, stimulus_id=f"cancel-key-{time()}", ){"op": "cancelled-keys", "keys": cancelled_keys})
def client_desires_keys(self, keys: Collection[Key], client: str) -> None: cs = self.clients.get(client) if cs is None: # For publish, queues etc. self.clients[client] = cs = ClientState(client) for k in keys: ts = self.tasks.get(k) if ts is None: warnings.warn(f"Client desires key {k!r} but key is unknown.") continue if ts.who_wants is None: ts.who_wants = set() ts.who_wants.add(cs) cs.wants_what.add(ts) if ts.state in ("memory", "erred"): self.report_on_key(ts=ts, client=client)
[docs] def client_releases_keys( self, keys: Collection[Key], client: str, stimulus_id: str | None = None ) -> None: """Remove keys from client desired list""" stimulus_id = stimulus_id or f"client-releases-keys-{time()}" if not isinstance(keys, list): keys = list(keys) cs = self.clients[client] recommendations: Recs = {} self._client_releases_keys(keys=keys, cs=cs, recommendations=recommendations) self.transitions(recommendations, stimulus_id) self.stimulus_queue_slots_maybe_opened(stimulus_id=stimulus_id)
[docs] def client_heartbeat(self, client: str) -> None: """Handle heartbeats from Client""" cs = self.clients[client] cs.last_seen = time()
################### # Task Validation # ################### def validate_released(self, key: Key) -> None: ts = self.tasks[key] assert ts.state == "released" assert not ts.waiters assert not ts.waiting_on assert not ts.who_has assert not ts.processing_on assert not any([ts in (dts.waiters or ()) for dts in ts.dependencies]) assert ts not in self.unrunnable assert ts not in self.queued def validate_waiting(self, key: Key) -> None: ts = self.tasks[key] assert ts.waiting_on assert not ts.who_has assert not ts.processing_on assert ts not in self.unrunnable assert ts not in self.queued for dts in ts.dependencies: # We are waiting on a dependency iff it's not stored assert bool(dts.who_has) != (dts in (ts.waiting_on or ())) assert ts in (dts.waiters or ()) # XXX even if dts._who_has? def validate_queued(self, key: Key) -> None: ts = self.tasks[key] assert ts in self.queued assert not ts.waiting_on assert not ts.who_has assert not ts.processing_on assert not ( ts.worker_restrictions or ts.host_restrictions or ts.resource_restrictions ) for dts in ts.dependencies: assert dts.who_has assert ts in (dts.waiters or ()) def validate_processing(self, key: Key) -> None: ts = self.tasks[key] assert not ts.waiting_on ws = ts.processing_on assert ws assert ts in ws.processing assert not ts.who_has assert ts not in self.queued for dts in ts.dependencies: assert dts.who_has or () assert ts in (dts.waiters or ()) def validate_memory(self, key: Key) -> None: ts = self.tasks[key] assert ts.who_has assert bool(ts in self.replicated_tasks) == (len(ts.who_has) > 1) assert not ts.processing_on assert not ts.waiting_on assert ts not in self.unrunnable assert ts not in self.queued for dts in ts.dependents: assert (dts in (ts.waiters or ())) == ( dts.state in ("waiting", "queued", "processing", "no-worker") ) assert ts not in (dts.waiting_on or ()) def validate_no_worker(self, key: Key) -> None: ts = self.tasks[key] assert ts in self.unrunnable assert not ts.waiting_on assert ts in self.unrunnable assert not ts.processing_on assert not ts.who_has assert ts not in self.queued for dts in ts.dependencies: assert dts.who_has def validate_erred(self, key: Key) -> None: ts = self.tasks[key] assert ts.exception_blame assert not ts.who_has assert ts not in self.queued def validate_key(self, key: Key, ts: TaskState | None = None) -> None: try: if ts is None: ts = self.tasks.get(key) if ts is None: logger.debug("Key lost: %s", key) else: ts.validate() try: func = getattr(self, "validate_" + ts.state.replace("-", "_")) except AttributeError: logger.error( "self.validate_%s not found", ts.state.replace("-", "_") ) else: func(key) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) if LOG_PDB: import pdb pdb.set_trace() raise def validate_state(self, allow_overlap: bool = False) -> None: validate_state(self.tasks, self.workers, self.clients) validate_unrunnable(self.unrunnable) if not (set(self.workers) == set(self.stream_comms)): raise ValueError("Workers not the same in all collections") assert self.running.issuperset(self.idle.values()), ( self.running.copy(), set(self.idle.values()), ) assert self.running.issuperset(self.idle_task_count), ( self.running.copy(), self.idle_task_count.copy(), ) assert self.running.issuperset(self.saturated), ( self.running.copy(), self.saturated.copy(), ) assert self.saturated.isdisjoint(self.idle.values()), ( self.saturated.copy(), set(self.idle.values()), ) task_prefix_counts: defaultdict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) for w, ws in self.workers.items(): assert isinstance(w, str), (type(w), w) assert isinstance(ws, WorkerState), (type(ws), ws) assert ws.address == w if ws.status == Status.running: assert ws in self.running else: assert ws not in self.running assert ws.address not in self.idle assert ws not in self.saturated assert ws.long_running.issubset(ws.processing) if not ws.processing: assert not ws.occupancy if ws.status == Status.running: assert ws.address in self.idle assert not ws.needs_what.keys() & ws.has_what actual_needs_what: defaultdict[TaskState, int] = defaultdict(int) for ts in ws.processing: for tss in ts.dependencies: if tss not in ws.has_what: actual_needs_what[tss] += 1 assert actual_needs_what == ws.needs_what assert (ws.status == Status.running) == (ws in self.running) for name, count in ws.task_prefix_count.items(): task_prefix_counts[name] += count assert task_prefix_counts.keys() == self._task_prefix_count_global.keys() for name, global_count in self._task_prefix_count_global.items(): assert ( task_prefix_counts[name] == global_count ), f"{name}: {task_prefix_counts[name]} (wss), {global_count} (global)" for ws in self.running: assert ws.status == Status.running assert ws.address in self.workers for k, ts in self.tasks.items(): assert isinstance(ts, TaskState), (type(ts), ts) assert ts.key == k assert bool(ts in self.replicated_tasks) == (len(ts.who_has or ()) > 1) self.validate_key(k, ts) for ts in self.replicated_tasks: assert ts.state == "memory" assert ts.key in self.tasks for c, cs in self.clients.items(): # client=None is often used in tests... assert c is None or type(c) == str, (type(c), c) assert type(cs) == ClientState, (type(cs), cs) assert cs.client_key == c a = {w: ws.nbytes for w, ws in self.workers.items()} b = { w: sum(ts.get_nbytes() for ts in ws.has_what) for w, ws in self.workers.items() } assert a == b, (a, b) if self.transition_counter_max: assert self.transition_counter < self.transition_counter_max ################### # Manage Messages # ###################
[docs] def report( self, msg: dict, ts: TaskState | None = None, client: str | None = None ) -> None: """ Publish updates to all listening Queues and Comms If the message contains a key then we only send the message to those comms that care about the key. """ if ts is None: msg_key = msg.get("key") if msg_key is not None: ts = self.tasks.get(msg_key) if ts is None and client is None: # Notify all clients client_keys = list(self.client_comms) elif ts is None: client_keys = [client] else: # Notify clients interested in key (including `client`) # Note that, if report() was called by update_graph(), `client` won't be in # ts.who_wants yet. client_keys = [ cs.client_key for cs in ts.who_wants or () if cs.client_key != client ] if client is not None: client_keys.append(client) for k in client_keys: c = self.client_comms.get(k) if c is None: continue try: c.send(msg) # logger.debug("Scheduler sends message to client %s: %s", k, msg) except CommClosedError: if self.status == Status.running: logger.critical( "Closed comm %r while trying to write %s", c, msg, exc_info=True )
[docs] async def add_client( self, comm: Comm, client: str, versions: dict[str, Any] ) -> None: """Add client to network We listen to all future messages from this Comm. """ assert client is not None = "Scheduler->Client""Receive client connection: %s", client) self.log_event(["all", client], {"action": "add-client", "client": client}) self.clients[client] = ClientState(client, versions=versions) self._client_connections_added_total += 1 for plugin in list(self.plugins.values()): try: plugin.add_client(scheduler=self, client=client) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) try: bcomm = BatchedSend(interval="2ms", loop=self.loop) bcomm.start(comm) self.client_comms[client] = bcomm msg = {"op": "stream-start"} version_warning = version_module.error_message( version_module.get_versions(), {w: ws.versions for w, ws in self.workers.items()}, versions, ) msg.update(version_warning) bcomm.send(msg) try: await self.handle_stream(comm=comm, extra={"client": client}) finally: self.remove_client(client=client, stimulus_id=f"remove-client-{time()}") logger.debug("Finished handling client %s", client) finally: if not comm.closed(): self.client_comms[client].send({"op": "stream-closed"}) try: if not self._is_finalizing(): await self.client_comms[client].close() del self.client_comms[client] if self.status == Status.running:"Close client connection: %s", client) except TypeError: # comm becomes None during GC pass
[docs] def remove_client(self, client: str, stimulus_id: str | None = None) -> None: """Remove client from network""" stimulus_id = stimulus_id or f"remove-client-{time()}" if self.status == Status.running:"Remove client %s", client) self.log_event(["all", client], {"action": "remove-client", "client": client}) try: cs: ClientState = self.clients[client] except KeyError: # XXX is this a legitimate condition? pass else: self.client_releases_keys( keys=[ts.key for ts in cs.wants_what], client=cs.client_key, stimulus_id=stimulus_id, ) del self.clients[client] self._client_connections_removed_total += 1 for plugin in list(self.plugins.values()): try: plugin.remove_client(scheduler=self, client=client) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) async def remove_client_from_events() -> None: # If the client isn't registered anymore after the delay, remove from events if client not in self.clients: self._broker.truncate(client) cleanup_delay = parse_timedelta( dask.config.get("") ) if not self._ongoing_background_tasks.closed: self._ongoing_background_tasks.call_later( cleanup_delay, remove_client_from_events )
[docs] def send_task_to_worker(self, worker: str, ts: TaskState) -> None: """Send a single computational task to a worker""" try: msg = self._task_to_msg(ts) self.worker_send(worker, msg) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) if LOG_PDB: import pdb pdb.set_trace() raise
def handle_uncaught_error(self, **msg: Any) -> None: logger.exception(clean_exception(**msg)[1]) def handle_task_finished( self, key: Key, worker: str, stimulus_id: str, **msg: Any ) -> None: if worker not in self.workers: return if self.validate: self.validate_key(key) r: tuple = self.stimulus_task_finished( key=key, worker=worker, stimulus_id=stimulus_id, **msg ) recommendations, client_msgs, worker_msgs = r self._transitions(recommendations, client_msgs, worker_msgs, stimulus_id) self.send_all(client_msgs, worker_msgs) self.stimulus_queue_slots_maybe_opened(stimulus_id=stimulus_id) def handle_task_erred(self, key: Key, stimulus_id: str, **msg: Any) -> None: r: tuple = self.stimulus_task_erred(key=key, stimulus_id=stimulus_id, **msg) recommendations, client_msgs, worker_msgs = r self._transitions(recommendations, client_msgs, worker_msgs, stimulus_id) self.send_all(client_msgs, worker_msgs) self.stimulus_queue_slots_maybe_opened(stimulus_id=stimulus_id) def release_worker_data(self, key: Key, worker: str, stimulus_id: str) -> None: ts = self.tasks.get(key) ws = self.workers.get(worker) if not ts or not ws or ws not in (ts.who_has or ()): return self.remove_replica(ts, ws) if not ts.who_has: self.transitions({key: "released"}, stimulus_id)
[docs] def handle_long_running( self, key: Key, worker: str, run_id: int, compute_duration: float | None, stimulus_id: str, ) -> None: """A task has seceded from the thread pool We stop the task from being stolen in the future, and change task duration accounting as if the task has stopped. """ if worker not in self.workers: logger.debug( "Received long-running signal from unknown worker %s. Ignoring.", worker ) return if key not in self.tasks: logger.debug("Skipping long_running since key %s was already released", key) return ts = self.tasks[key] ws = ts.processing_on if ws is None: logger.debug("Received long-running signal from duplicate task. Ignoring.") return if ws.address != worker or ts.run_id != run_id: logger.debug( "Received stale long-running signal from worker %s for task %s. Ignoring.", worker, ts, ) return steal = self.extensions.get("stealing") if steal is not None: steal.remove_key_from_stealable(ts) if compute_duration is not None: old_duration = ts.prefix.duration_average if old_duration < 0: ts.prefix.duration_average = compute_duration else: ts.prefix.duration_average = (old_duration + compute_duration) / 2 ws.add_to_long_running(ts) self.check_idle_saturated(ws) self.stimulus_queue_slots_maybe_opened(stimulus_id=stimulus_id)
def handle_worker_status_change( self, status: str | Status, worker: str | WorkerState, stimulus_id: str ) -> None: ws = self.workers.get(worker) if isinstance(worker, str) else worker if not ws: return prev_status = ws.status ws.status = Status[status] if isinstance(status, str) else status if ws.status == prev_status: return self.log_event( ws.address, { "action": "worker-status-change", "prev-status":, "status":, "stimulus_id": stimulus_id, }, ) logger.debug(f"Worker status {} -> {status} - {ws}") if ws.status == Status.running: self.running.add(ws) self.check_idle_saturated(ws) self.transitions( self.bulk_schedule_unrunnable_after_adding_worker(ws), stimulus_id ) self.stimulus_queue_slots_maybe_opened(stimulus_id=stimulus_id) else: self.running.discard(ws) self.idle.pop(ws.address, None) self.idle_task_count.discard(ws) self.saturated.discard(ws) self._refresh_no_workers_since()
[docs] def handle_request_refresh_who_has( self, keys: Iterable[Key], worker: str, stimulus_id: str ) -> None: """Request from a Worker to refresh the who_has for some keys. Not to be confused with scheduler.who_has, which is a dedicated comm RPC request from a Client. """ who_has = {} free_keys = [] for key in keys: if key in self.tasks: who_has[key] = [ws.address for ws in self.tasks[key].who_has or ()] else: free_keys.append(key) if who_has: self.stream_comms[worker].send( { "op": "refresh-who-has", "who_has": who_has, "stimulus_id": stimulus_id, } ) if free_keys: self.stream_comms[worker].send( { "op": "free-keys", "keys": free_keys, "stimulus_id": stimulus_id, } )
[docs] async def handle_worker(self, comm: Comm, worker: str) -> None: """ Listen to responses from a single worker This is the main loop for scheduler-worker interaction See Also -------- Scheduler.handle_client: Equivalent coroutine for clients """ = "Scheduler connection to worker" worker_comm = self.stream_comms[worker] worker_comm.start(comm)"Starting worker compute stream, %s", worker) try: await self.handle_stream(comm=comm, extra={"worker": worker}) finally: if worker in self.stream_comms: worker_comm.abort() await self.remove_worker( worker, stimulus_id=f"handle-worker-cleanup-{time()}" )
[docs] def add_plugin( self, plugin: SchedulerPlugin, *, idempotent: bool = False, name: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Add external plugin to scheduler. See Parameters ---------- plugin : SchedulerPlugin SchedulerPlugin instance to add idempotent : bool If true, the plugin is assumed to already exist and no action is taken. name : str A name for the plugin, if None, the name attribute is checked on the Plugin instance and generated if not discovered. """ if name is None: name = _get_plugin_name(plugin) if name in self.plugins: if idempotent: return warnings.warn( f"Scheduler already contains a plugin with name {name}; overwriting.", category=UserWarning, ) parameters = inspect.signature(plugin.remove_worker).parameters if not any(p.kind is p.VAR_KEYWORD for p in parameters.values()): warnings.warn( "The signature of `SchedulerPlugin.remove_worker` now requires `**kwargs` " "to ensure that plugins remain forward-compatible. Not including " "`**kwargs` in the signature will no longer be supported in future versions.", FutureWarning, ) self.plugins[name] = plugin
[docs] def remove_plugin(self, name: str | None = None) -> None: """Remove external plugin from scheduler Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the plugin to remove """ assert name is not None try: del self.plugins[name] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Could not find plugin {name!r} among the current scheduler plugins" )
[docs] async def register_scheduler_plugin( self, plugin: bytes | SchedulerPlugin, name: str | None = None, idempotent: bool | None = None, ) -> None: """Register a plugin on the scheduler.""" if idempotent is None: warnings.warn( "The signature of `Scheduler.register_scheduler_plugin` now requires " "`idempotent`. Not including `idempotent` in the signature will no longer " "be supported in future versions.", FutureWarning, ) idempotent = False if not isinstance(plugin, SchedulerPlugin): plugin = loads(plugin) assert isinstance(plugin, SchedulerPlugin) if name is None: name = _get_plugin_name(plugin) if name in self.plugins and idempotent: return if hasattr(plugin, "start"): result = plugin.start(self) if inspect.isawaitable(result): await result self.add_plugin(plugin, name=name, idempotent=idempotent)
[docs] async def unregister_scheduler_plugin(self, name: str) -> None: """Unregister a plugin on the scheduler.""" self.remove_plugin(name)
[docs] def worker_send(self, worker: str, msg: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Send message to worker This also handles connection failures by adding a callback to remove the worker on the next cycle. """ try: self.stream_comms[worker].send(msg) except (CommClosedError, AttributeError): self._ongoing_background_tasks.call_soon( self.remove_worker, # type: ignore[arg-type] address=worker, stimulus_id=f"worker-send-comm-fail-{time()}", )
[docs] def client_send(self, client, msg): """Send message to client""" c = self.client_comms.get(client) if c is None: return try: c.send(msg) except CommClosedError: if self.status == Status.running: logger.critical( "Closed comm %r while trying to write %s", c, msg, exc_info=True )
[docs] def send_all(self, client_msgs: Msgs, worker_msgs: Msgs) -> None: """Send messages to client and workers""" for client, msgs in client_msgs.items(): c = self.client_comms.get(client) if c is None: continue try: c.send(*msgs) except CommClosedError: if self.status == Status.running: logger.critical( "Closed comm %r while trying to write %s", c, msgs, exc_info=True, ) for worker, msgs in worker_msgs.items(): try: w = self.stream_comms[worker] w.send(*msgs) except KeyError: # worker already gone pass except (CommClosedError, AttributeError): self._ongoing_background_tasks.call_soon( self.remove_worker, # type: ignore[arg-type] address=worker, stimulus_id=f"send-all-comm-fail-{time()}", )
############################ # Less common interactions # ############################
[docs] async def scatter( self, comm=None, data=None, workers=None, client=None, broadcast=False, timeout=2, ): """Send data out to workers See also -------- Scheduler.broadcast: """ start = time() while True: if workers is None: wss = self.running else: workers = [self.coerce_address(w) for w in workers] wss = {self.workers[w] for w in workers} wss = {ws for ws in wss if ws.status == Status.running} if wss: break if time() > start + timeout: raise TimeoutError("No valid workers found") await asyncio.sleep(0.1) assert isinstance(data, dict) workers = list(ws.address for ws in wss) keys, who_has, nbytes = await scatter_to_workers(workers, data, rpc=self.rpc) self.update_data(who_has=who_has, nbytes=nbytes, client=client) if broadcast: n = len(workers) if broadcast is True else broadcast await self.replicate(keys=keys, workers=workers, n=n) self.log_event( [client, "all"], {"action": "scatter", "client": client, "count": len(data)} ) return keys
[docs] async def gather( self, keys: Collection[Key], serializers: list[str] | None = None ) -> dict[Key, object]: """Collect data from workers to the scheduler""" data = {} missing_keys = list(keys) failed_keys: list[Key] = [] missing_workers: set[str] = set() while missing_keys: who_has = {} for key, workers in self.get_who_has(missing_keys).items(): valid_workers = set(workers) - missing_workers if valid_workers: who_has[key] = valid_workers else: failed_keys.append(key) ( new_data, missing_keys, new_failed_keys, new_missing_workers, ) = await gather_from_workers( who_has, rpc=self.rpc, serializers=serializers ) data.update(new_data) failed_keys += new_failed_keys missing_workers.update(new_missing_workers) self.log_event("all", {"action": "gather", "count": len(keys)}) if not failed_keys: return {"status": "OK", "data": data} failed_states = { key: self.tasks[key].state if key in self.tasks else "forgotten" for key in failed_keys } logger.error("Couldn't gather keys: %s", failed_states) return {"status": "error", "keys": list(failed_keys)}
[docs] @log_errors async def restart( self, *, client: str | None = None, timeout: float = 30, wait_for_workers: bool = True, stimulus_id: str, ) -> None: """Forget all tasks and call restart_workers on all workers. Parameters ---------- timeout: See restart_workers wait_for_workers: See restart_workers See also -------- Client.restart Client.restart_workers Scheduler.restart_workers """"Restarting workers and releasing all keys ({stimulus_id=})") for cs in self.clients.values(): self.client_releases_keys( keys=[ts.key for ts in cs.wants_what], client=cs.client_key, stimulus_id=stimulus_id, ) self._clear_task_state() assert not self.tasks{"op": "restart"}) for plugin in list(self.plugins.values()): try: plugin.restart(self) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) await self.restart_workers( client=client, timeout=timeout, wait_for_workers=wait_for_workers, stimulus_id=stimulus_id, )
[docs] @log_errors async def restart_workers( self, workers: list[str] | None = None, *, client: str | None = None, timeout: float = 30, wait_for_workers: bool = True, on_error: Literal["raise", "return"] = "raise", stimulus_id: str, ) -> dict[str, Literal["OK", "removed", "timed out"]]: """Restart selected workers. Optionally wait for workers to return. Workers without nannies are shut down, hoping an external deployment system will restart them. Therefore, if not using nannies and your deployment system does not automatically restart workers, ``restart`` will just shut down all workers, then time out! After ``restart``, all connected workers are new, regardless of whether ``TimeoutError`` was raised. Any workers that failed to shut down in time are removed, and may or may not shut down on their own in the future. Parameters ---------- workers: List of worker addresses to restart. If omitted, restart all workers. timeout: How long to wait for workers to shut down and come back, if ``wait_for_workers`` is True, otherwise just how long to wait for workers to shut down. Raises ``asyncio.TimeoutError`` if this is exceeded. wait_for_workers: Whether to wait for all workers to reconnect, or just for them to shut down (default True). Use ``restart(wait_for_workers=False)`` combined with :meth:`Client.wait_for_workers` for granular control over how many workers to wait for. on_error: If 'raise' (the default), raise if any nanny times out while restarting the worker. If 'return', return error messages. Returns ------- {worker address: "OK", "no nanny", or "timed out" or error message} See also -------- Client.restart Client.restart_workers Scheduler.restart """ n_workers = len(self.workers) if workers is None: workers = list(self.workers)"Restarting all workers ({stimulus_id=}") else: workers = list(set(workers).intersection(self.workers))"Restarting {len(workers)} workers: {workers} ({stimulus_id=}") nanny_workers = { addr: self.workers[addr].nanny for addr in workers if self.workers[addr].nanny } # Close non-Nanny workers. We have no way to restart them, so we just let them # go, and assume a deployment system is going to restart them for us. no_nanny_workers = [addr for addr in workers if addr not in nanny_workers] if no_nanny_workers: logger.warning( f"Workers {no_nanny_workers} do not use a nanny and will be terminated " "without restarting them" ) await asyncio.gather( *( self.remove_worker(address=addr, stimulus_id=stimulus_id) for addr in no_nanny_workers ) ) out: dict[str, Literal["OK", "removed", "timed out"]] out = {addr: "removed" for addr in no_nanny_workers} deadline = Deadline.after(timeout) logger.debug("Send kill signal to nannies: %s", nanny_workers) async with contextlib.AsyncExitStack() as stack: nannies = await asyncio.gather( *( stack.enter_async_context( rpc(nanny_address, connection_args=self.connection_args) ) for nanny_address in nanny_workers.values() ) ) resps = await asyncio.gather( *( wait_for( # FIXME does not raise if the process fails to shut down, # see # NOTE: Nanny will automatically restart worker process when it's killed # NOTE: Don't propagate timeout to kill(): we don't want to # spend (.8*.8)=64% of our end-to-end timeout waiting for a hung # process to restart. nanny.kill(reason=stimulus_id), timeout, ) for nanny in nannies ), return_exceptions=True, ) # NOTE: the `WorkerState` entries for these workers will be removed # naturally when they disconnect from the scheduler. # Remove any workers that failed to shut down, so we can guarantee # that after `restart`, there are no old workers around. bad_nannies = set() for addr, resp in zip(nanny_workers, resps): if resp is None: out[addr] = "OK" elif isinstance(resp, (OSError, TimeoutError)): bad_nannies.add(addr) out[addr] = "timed out" else: # pragma: nocover raise resp if bad_nannies: logger.error( f"Workers {list(bad_nannies)} did not shut down within {timeout}s; " "force closing" ) await asyncio.gather( *( self.remove_worker(addr, stimulus_id=stimulus_id) for addr in bad_nannies ) ) if on_error == "raise": raise TimeoutError( f"{len(bad_nannies)}/{len(nannies)} nanny worker(s) did not " f"shut down within {timeout}s: {bad_nannies}" ) if client: self.log_event(client, {"action": "restart-workers", "workers": workers}) self.log_event( "all", {"action": "restart-workers", "workers": workers, "client": client} ) if not wait_for_workers: "Workers restart finished (did not wait for new workers) " f"({stimulus_id=}" ) return out # NOTE: if new (unrelated) workers join while we're waiting, we may return # before our shut-down workers have come back up. That's fine; workers are # interchangeable. while not deadline.expired and len(self.workers) < n_workers: await asyncio.sleep(0.2) if len(self.workers) >= n_workers:"Workers restart finished ({stimulus_id=}") return out msg = ( f"Waited for {len(workers)} worker(s) to reconnect after restarting but, " f"after {timeout}s, {n_workers - len(self.workers)} have not returned. " "Consider a longer timeout, or `wait_for_workers=False`." ) if no_nanny_workers: msg += ( f" The {len(no_nanny_workers)} worker(s) not using Nannies were just shut " "down instead of restarted (restart is only possible with Nannies). If " "your deployment system does not automatically re-launch terminated " "processes, then those workers will never come back, and `Client.restart` " "will always time out. Do not use `Client.restart` in that case." ) if on_error == "raise": raise TimeoutError(msg) logger.error(f"{msg} ({stimulus_id=})") new_nannies = {ws.nanny for ws in self.workers.values() if ws.nanny} for worker_addr, nanny_addr in nanny_workers.items(): if nanny_addr not in new_nannies: out[worker_addr] = "timed out" return out
[docs] async def broadcast( self, *, msg: dict, workers: Collection[str] | None = None, hosts: Collection[str] | None = None, nanny: bool = False, serializers: Any = None, on_error: Literal["raise", "return", "return_pickle", "ignore"] = "raise", ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Broadcast message to workers, return all results""" if workers is None: if hosts is None: workers = list(self.workers) else: workers = [] else: workers = list(workers) if hosts is not None: for host in hosts: dh = self.host_info.get(host) if dh is not None: workers.extend(dh["addresses"]) if nanny: addresses = [n for w in workers if (n := self.workers[w].nanny) is not None] else: addresses = workers ERROR = object() async def send_message(addr): try: comm = await self.rpc.connect(addr) = "Scheduler Broadcast" try: resp = await send_recv( comm, close=True, serializers=serializers, **msg ) finally: self.rpc.reuse(addr, comm) return resp except Exception as e: logger.error(f"broadcast to {addr} failed: {e.__class__.__name__}: {e}") if on_error == "raise": raise elif on_error == "return": return e elif on_error == "return_pickle": return dumps(e) elif on_error == "ignore": return ERROR else: raise ValueError( "on_error must be 'raise', 'return', 'return_pickle', " f"or 'ignore'; got {on_error!r}" ) results = await All([send_message(address) for address in addresses]) return {k: v for k, v in zip(workers, results) if v is not ERROR}
[docs] async def proxy( self, msg: dict, worker: str, serializers: Any = None, ) -> Any: """Proxy a communication through the scheduler to some other worker""" d = await self.broadcast(msg=msg, workers=[worker], serializers=serializers) return d[worker]
[docs] async def gather_on_worker( self, worker_address: str, who_has: dict[Key, list[str]] ) -> set: """Peer-to-peer copy of keys from multiple workers to a single worker Parameters ---------- worker_address: str Recipient worker address to copy keys to who_has: dict[Key, list[str]] {key: [sender address, sender address, ...], key: ...} Returns ------- returns: set of keys that failed to be copied """ try: result = await retry_operation( self.rpc(addr=worker_address).gather, who_has=who_has ) except OSError as e: # This can happen e.g. if the worker is going through controlled shutdown; # it doesn't necessarily mean that it went unexpectedly missing logger.warning( f"Communication with worker {worker_address} failed during " f"replication: {e.__class__.__name__}: {e}" ) return set(who_has) ws = self.workers.get(worker_address) if not ws: logger.warning(f"Worker {worker_address} lost during replication") return set(who_has) elif result["status"] == "OK": keys_failed = set() keys_ok: Set = who_has.keys() elif result["status"] == "partial-fail": keys_failed = set(result["keys"]) keys_ok = who_has.keys() - keys_failed logger.warning( f"Worker {worker_address} failed to acquire keys: {result['keys']}" ) else: # pragma: nocover raise ValueError(f"Unexpected message from {worker_address}: {result}") for key in keys_ok: ts = self.tasks.get(key) if ts is None or ts.state != "memory": logger.warning(f"Key lost during replication: {key}") continue self.add_replica(ts, ws) return keys_failed
[docs] async def delete_worker_data( self, worker_address: str, keys: Collection[Key], stimulus_id: str ) -> None: """Delete data from a worker and update the corresponding worker/task states Parameters ---------- worker_address: str Worker address to delete keys from keys: list[Key] List of keys to delete on the specified worker """ try: await retry_operation( self.rpc(addr=worker_address).free_keys, keys=list(keys), stimulus_id=f"delete-data-{time()}", ) except OSError as e: # This can happen e.g. if the worker is going through controlled shutdown; # it doesn't necessarily mean that it went unexpectedly missing logger.warning( f"Communication with worker {worker_address} failed during " f"replication: {e.__class__.__name__}: {e}" ) return ws = self.workers.get(worker_address) if not ws: return for key in keys: ts = self.tasks.get(key) if ts is not None and ws in (ts.who_has or ()): assert ts.state == "memory" self.remove_replica(ts, ws) if not ts.who_has: # Last copy deleted self.transitions({key: "released"}, stimulus_id) self.log_event(ws.address, {"action": "remove-worker-data", "keys": keys})
[docs] @log_errors async def rebalance( self, keys: Iterable[Key] | None = None, workers: Iterable[str] | None = None, stimulus_id: str | None = None, ) -> dict: """Rebalance keys so that each worker ends up with roughly the same process memory (managed+unmanaged). .. warning:: This operation is generally not well tested against normal operation of the scheduler. It is not recommended to use it while waiting on computations. **Algorithm** #. Find the mean occupancy of the cluster, defined as data managed by dask + unmanaged process memory that has been there for at least 30 seconds (``distributed.worker.memory.recent-to-old-time``). This lets us ignore temporary spikes caused by task heap usage. Alternatively, you may change how memory is measured both for the individual workers as well as to calculate the mean through ``distributed.worker.memory.rebalance.measure``. Namely, this can be useful to disregard inaccurate OS memory measurements. #. Discard workers whose occupancy is within 5% of the mean cluster occupancy (``distributed.worker.memory.rebalance.sender-recipient-gap`` / 2). This helps avoid data from bouncing around the cluster repeatedly. #. Workers above the mean are senders; those below are recipients. #. Discard senders whose absolute occupancy is below 30% (``distributed.worker.memory.rebalance.sender-min``). In other words, no data is moved regardless of imbalancing as long as all workers are below 30%. #. Discard recipients whose absolute occupancy is above 60% (``distributed.worker.memory.rebalance.recipient-max``). Note that this threshold by default is the same as ```` to prevent workers from accepting data and immediately spilling it out to disk. #. Iteratively pick the sender and recipient that are farthest from the mean and move the *least recently inserted* key between the two, until either all senders or all recipients fall within 5% of the mean. A recipient will be skipped if it already has a copy of the data. In other words, this method does not degrade replication. A key will be skipped if there are no recipients available with enough memory to accept the key and that don't already hold a copy. The least recently insertd (LRI) policy is a greedy choice with the advantage of being O(1), trivial to implement (it relies on python dict insertion-sorting) and hopefully good enough in most cases. Discarded alternative policies were: - Largest first. O(n*log(n)) save for non-trivial additional data structures and risks causing the largest chunks of data to repeatedly move around the cluster like pinballs. - Least recently used (LRU). This information is currently available on the workers only and not trivial to replicate on the scheduler; transmitting it over the network would be very expensive. Also, note that dask will go out of its way to minimise the amount of time intermediate keys are held in memory, so in such a case LRI is a close approximation of LRU. Parameters ---------- keys: optional allowlist of dask keys that should be considered for moving. All other keys will be ignored. Note that this offers no guarantee that a key will actually be moved (e.g. because it is unnecessary or because there are no viable recipient workers for it). workers: optional allowlist of workers addresses to be considered as senders or recipients. All other workers will be ignored. The mean cluster occupancy will be calculated only using the allowed workers. """ stimulus_id = stimulus_id or f"rebalance-{time()}" wss: Collection[WorkerState] if workers is not None: wss = [self.workers[w] for w in workers] else: wss = self.workers.values() if not wss: return {"status": "OK"} if keys is not None: if not isinstance(keys, Set): keys = set(keys) # unless already a set-like if not keys: return {"status": "OK"} missing_data = [ k for k in keys if k not in self.tasks or not self.tasks[k].who_has ] if missing_data: return {"status": "partial-fail", "keys": missing_data} msgs = self._rebalance_find_msgs(keys, wss) if not msgs: return {"status": "OK"} # Downgrade reentrant lock to non-reentrant async with self._replica_lock(("rebalance", object())): result = await self._rebalance_move_data(msgs, stimulus_id) if result["status"] == "partial-fail" and keys is None: # Only return failed keys if the client explicitly asked for them result = {"status": "OK"} return result
def _rebalance_find_msgs( self, keys: Set[Hashable] | None, workers: Iterable[WorkerState], ) -> list[tuple[WorkerState, WorkerState, TaskState]]: """Identify workers that need to lose keys and those that can receive them, together with how many bytes each needs to lose/receive. Then, pair a sender worker with a recipient worker for each key, until the cluster is rebalanced. This method only defines the work to be performed; it does not start any network transfers itself. The big-O complexity is O(wt + ke*log(we)), where - wt is the total number of workers on the cluster (or the number of allowed workers, if explicitly stated by the user) - we is the number of workers that are eligible to be senders or recipients - kt is the total number of keys on the cluster (or on the allowed workers) - ke is the number of keys that need to be moved in order to achieve a balanced cluster There is a degenerate edge case O(wt + kt*log(we)) when kt is much greater than the number of allowed keys, or when most keys are replicated or cannot be moved for some other reason. Returns list of tuples to feed into _rebalance_move_data: - sender worker - recipient worker - task to be transferred """ # Heaps of workers, managed by the heapq module, that need to send/receive data, # with how many bytes each needs to send/receive. # # Each element of the heap is a tuple constructed as follows: # - snd_bytes_max/rec_bytes_max: maximum number of bytes to send or receive. # This number is negative, so that the workers farthest from the cluster mean # are at the top of the smallest-first heaps. # - snd_bytes_min/rec_bytes_min: minimum number of bytes after sending/receiving # which the worker should not be considered anymore. This is also negative. # - arbitrary unique number, there just to to make sure that WorkerState objects # are never used for sorting in the unlikely event that two processes have # exactly the same number of bytes allocated. # - WorkerState # - iterator of all tasks in memory on the worker (senders only), insertion # sorted (least recently inserted first). # Note that this iterator will typically *not* be exhausted. It will only be # exhausted if, after moving away from the worker all keys that can be moved, # is insufficient to drop snd_bytes_min above 0. senders: list[tuple[int, int, int, WorkerState, Iterator[TaskState]]] = [] recipients: list[tuple[int, int, int, WorkerState]] = [] # Output: [(sender, recipient, task), ...] msgs: list[tuple[WorkerState, WorkerState, TaskState]] = [] # By default, this is the optimistic memory, meaning total process memory minus # unmanaged memory that appeared over the last 30 seconds # (distributed.worker.memory.recent-to-old-time). # This lets us ignore temporary spikes caused by task heap usage. memory_by_worker = [ (ws, getattr(ws.memory, self.MEMORY_REBALANCE_MEASURE)) for ws in workers ] mean_memory = sum(m for _, m in memory_by_worker) // len(memory_by_worker) for ws, ws_memory in memory_by_worker: if ws.memory_limit: half_gap = int(self.MEMORY_REBALANCE_HALF_GAP * ws.memory_limit) sender_min = self.MEMORY_REBALANCE_SENDER_MIN * ws.memory_limit recipient_max = self.MEMORY_REBALANCE_RECIPIENT_MAX * ws.memory_limit else: half_gap = 0 sender_min = 0.0 recipient_max = math.inf if ( ws._has_what and ws_memory >= mean_memory + half_gap and ws_memory >= sender_min ): # This may send the worker below sender_min (by design) snd_bytes_max = mean_memory - ws_memory # negative snd_bytes_min = snd_bytes_max + half_gap # negative # See definition of senders above senders.append( (snd_bytes_max, snd_bytes_min, id(ws), ws, iter(ws._has_what)) ) elif ws_memory < mean_memory - half_gap and ws_memory < recipient_max: # This may send the worker above recipient_max (by design) rec_bytes_max = ws_memory - mean_memory # negative rec_bytes_min = rec_bytes_max + half_gap # negative # See definition of recipients above recipients.append((rec_bytes_max, rec_bytes_min, id(ws), ws)) # Fast exit in case no transfers are necessary or possible if not senders or not recipients: self.log_event( "all", { "action": "rebalance", "senders": len(senders), "recipients": len(recipients), "moved_keys": 0, }, ) return [] heapq.heapify(senders) heapq.heapify(recipients) while senders and recipients: snd_bytes_max, snd_bytes_min, _, snd_ws, ts_iter = senders[0] # Iterate through tasks in memory, least recently inserted first for ts in ts_iter: if keys is not None and ts.key not in keys: continue nbytes = ts.nbytes if nbytes + snd_bytes_max > 0: # Moving this task would cause the sender to go below mean and # potentially risk becoming a recipient, which would cause tasks to # bounce around. Move on to the next task of the same sender. continue # Find the recipient, farthest from the mean, which # 1. has enough available RAM for this task, and # 2. doesn't hold a copy of this task already # There may not be any that satisfies these conditions; in this case # this task won't be moved. skipped_recipients = [] use_recipient = False while recipients and not use_recipient: rec_bytes_max, rec_bytes_min, _, rec_ws = recipients[0] if nbytes + rec_bytes_max > 0: # recipients are sorted by rec_bytes_max. # The next ones will be worse; no reason to continue iterating break use_recipient = ts not in rec_ws._has_what if not use_recipient: skipped_recipients.append(heapq.heappop(recipients)) for recipient in skipped_recipients: heapq.heappush(recipients, recipient) if not use_recipient: # This task has no recipients available. Leave it on the sender and # move on to the next task of the same sender. continue # Schedule task for transfer from sender to recipient msgs.append((snd_ws, rec_ws, ts)) # *_bytes_max/min are all negative for heap sorting snd_bytes_max += nbytes snd_bytes_min += nbytes rec_bytes_max += nbytes rec_bytes_min += nbytes # Stop iterating on the tasks of this sender for now and, if it still # has bytes to lose, push it back into the senders heap; it may or may # not come back on top again. if snd_bytes_min < 0: # See definition of senders above heapq.heapreplace( senders, (snd_bytes_max, snd_bytes_min, id(snd_ws), snd_ws, ts_iter), ) else: heapq.heappop(senders) # If recipient still has bytes to gain, push it back into the recipients # heap; it may or may not come back on top again. if rec_bytes_min < 0: # See definition of recipients above heapq.heapreplace( recipients, (rec_bytes_max, rec_bytes_min, id(rec_ws), rec_ws), ) else: heapq.heappop(recipients) # Move to next sender with the most data to lose. # It may or may not be the same sender again. break else: # for ts in ts_iter # Exhausted tasks on this sender heapq.heappop(senders) return msgs async def _rebalance_move_data( self, msgs: list[tuple[WorkerState, WorkerState, TaskState]], stimulus_id: str ) -> dict: """Perform the actual transfer of data across the network in rebalance(). Takes in input the output of _rebalance_find_msgs(), that is a list of tuples: - sender worker - recipient worker - task to be transferred FIXME this method is not robust when the cluster is not idle. """ # {recipient address: {key: [sender address, ...]}} to_recipients: defaultdict[str, defaultdict[Key, list[str]]] = defaultdict( lambda: defaultdict(list) ) for snd_ws, rec_ws, ts in msgs: to_recipients[rec_ws.address][ts.key].append(snd_ws.address) failed_keys_by_recipient = dict( zip( to_recipients, await asyncio.gather( *( # Note: this never raises exceptions self.gather_on_worker(w, who_has) for w, who_has in to_recipients.items() ) ), ) ) to_senders = defaultdict(list) for snd_ws, rec_ws, ts in msgs: if ts.key not in failed_keys_by_recipient[rec_ws.address]: to_senders[snd_ws.address].append(ts.key) # Note: this never raises exceptions await asyncio.gather( *(self.delete_worker_data(r, v, stimulus_id) for r, v in to_senders.items()) ) for r, v in to_recipients.items(): self.log_event(r, {"action": "rebalance", "who_has": v}) self.log_event( "all", { "action": "rebalance", "senders": valmap(len, to_senders), "recipients": valmap(len, to_recipients), "moved_keys": len(msgs), }, ) missing_keys = {k for r in failed_keys_by_recipient.values() for k in r} if missing_keys: return {"status": "partial-fail", "keys": list(missing_keys)} else: return {"status": "OK"}
[docs] async def replicate( self, comm=None, keys=None, n=None, workers=None, branching_factor=2, delete=True, stimulus_id=None, ): """Replicate data throughout cluster This performs a tree copy of the data throughout the network individually on each piece of data. Parameters ---------- keys: Iterable list of keys to replicate n: int Number of replications we expect to see within the cluster branching_factor: int, optional The number of workers that can copy data in each generation. The larger the branching factor, the more data we copy in a single step, but the more a given worker risks being swamped by data requests. See also -------- Scheduler.rebalance """ stimulus_id = stimulus_id or f"replicate-{time()}" assert branching_factor > 0 # Downgrade reentrant lock to non-reentrant async with self._replica_lock(("replicate", object())): if workers is not None: workers = {self.workers[w] for w in self.workers_list(workers)} workers = {ws for ws in workers if ws.status == Status.running} else: workers = self.running if n is None: n = len(workers) else: n = min(n, len(workers)) if n == 0: raise ValueError("Can not use replicate to delete data") tasks = {self.tasks[k] for k in keys} missing_data = [ts.key for ts in tasks if not ts.who_has] if missing_data: return {"status": "partial-fail", "keys": missing_data} # Delete extraneous data if delete: del_worker_tasks = defaultdict(set) for ts in tasks: del_candidates = tuple(ts.who_has & workers) if len(del_candidates) > n: for ws in random.sample( del_candidates, len(del_candidates) - n ): del_worker_tasks[ws].add(ts) # Note: this never raises exceptions await asyncio.gather( *[ self.delete_worker_data( ws.address, [t.key for t in tasks], stimulus_id ) for ws, tasks